Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 230: work together

The figure from the bottom of the sea, the nature is just the ancestor of the Yu family

It is.

However, in the memory of Hao Xue, just a hundred and eight in the confrontation with the Yu family ancestors were blown up by the hard-earned arms. Such a serious injury. It was hit by the ancestors of the Yu family and hit the chest into the sea. It must be dead and can no longer die.

So seriously injured. Not to mention the five-powered sage, even if it is a humane Hengfeng strong, it is difficult to live.

Perhaps, only the gods in the past legends. There is also a possibility of escape from birth.

But at the moment, this hundred and eight from the bottom of the sea, there is no scar on his body.

Not to mention the place where the front chest hit. Even with the arms that had already burst, the mysteriousness has completely recovered, especially the pair of metal shiny arms. Even more, there is no trace of the slightest burst.

At this moment, Hao blood is even suspect. It’s just that I’ve just looked at it, or that this person is not a hundred and eight, but a twin brother of one hundred and eight.

The loud noise came again, and there was no fancy colliding between the hundred and eight and Yu’s ancestors.

The sailors who have just recovered somewhat have painfully caught their ears. The hard touch between these strong players is so great that they can't do it at all.

He Yiming thought about it, he immediately deceived himself, and the five elements of the light curtain suddenly dispersed, tumbling in the air, condensing into a huge fist. He also called to the Yujia ancestors who were covered in real hair armor.

Five times the increase in power, in this Hai was also his limit to the limit.

The five lines of light curtains on the ancestors of Yujia and the **** coagulation turned out to be at the same time. In the face of He Yiming and the hundred and eight masters under the attack. He was so fearless.

It is like a fist that is so powerful as a hill. With one punch and one punch, he swayed toward He Yiming and Bai, and he actually suppressed them completely by strength and degree.

The small eyes of Bao pig turned, and the nine dragons were scattered. They swayed the huge body and flew toward the ancestors of the Yu family.

However, under the subtle control of Bao pig. These fire dragons have bypassed He Yiming and Bai 98. They are pillared by the emptiness of the body, and the raging fire is sprayed in the mouth, trying to limit the range of activities of the ancestors in the air.

Although Yu's ancestors reached the peak of humanity and wore a savage armor, but in the face of these huge fire dragons, they still have considerable taboos. Especially when the breaths of several fire dragons are brought together, he pays more attention.

He Yiming and Baihuai looked at each other, their degree jerked up, and they turned around the fire dragons in the sky, and even circled each other in this sky.

Fight for a moment. The blood in the eyes of Yu’s ancestors became more and more red, and his body suddenly made a large bright red color.

This color is very different from the power of fire in the five elements, which is a powerful power of coagulation.

Then, he reached for a little, a glimpse of the blood, and the blood of the meat could not be detected.

Although the main goal of Yu’s ancestors was He Yiming, at the moment he attacked the target. Because this mysterious is on He Yiming's body. It is also a set of infuriating armor with a colorful light.

With the power of the five elements of the world, the ancestors of the Yu family would even puncture the blood coagulation, and would like to penetrate the armor.

If the blood is as fast as lightning, it will not enter the body of one hundred and eight. This bloodshot seems to have a very strong suction, so that the body of the hundred and eight is hard to absorb for a moment.

The ancestors of Yujia suddenly accelerated, and his brilliance on the double fists turned out to be dazzling and shining, which made it impossible to open.

There was a loud bang, and his two punches were unrelentingly hit between the waists of the hundred and eight.

The powerful destructive power exploded at this moment, and this is the best response that Yu’s ancestors’ battle instinct made in an instant.

After the violent noise, two large round holes appeared between the waist and the waist, and even its body was turned over.

Hao blood eyes brightened, he clearly saw, under the attack of Yu's ancestors, the upper and lower body of the hundred and eight is only a little bit of flesh and blood.

The power of these two punches is almost equal to two hundred and eight on the spot.

Such a serious injury, even if it is a hundred and eight is unbearable, his body is like an unbalanced bird, crashing into the sea.

Hao Xue’s face showed a gratifying smile. Finally solved one.

However, his smile immediately solidified. Duan Yin, he seems to have something wrong with these places.

One hundred and eight is indeed falling into the sea, but why is his heart still so uneasy? He was hesitant in his heart, his eyes were round and round, because he had already thought of the key.

Although Hundred and Eight has been made so miserable, there is no trace of blood on his body.

It seems that the blood in his body has already dried up, and in the two big holes, it seems

...There are some human organs in the pan, but the same glimmering metal Mize's deep chill is filled with the heart of Hao Xue. After seeing such a strange scene, he has completely subverted his cognition. For a time, he looked at the eyes of He Yiming and others in the sky, and the more he was full of fear.

With a splash, one hundred and eight times again exposed the surface of the water, and they did not look at the people on the sea boat, rushing straight into the sky.

Under the gaze of Hao Xue’s astounding eyes. This is not dead, life force is like a sly character. Once again, I began to fight hard with my ancestors.

There is no trace of blood on Hao’s face.

If He Yiming is surprised when he sees the ancestors of Yujia, he will be very surprised. Someone can rescue him from the situation of eternal death. At this time, when Hao Xue once again saw the hundred and eight, the impact was far greater than He Yiming.

He was desperately turning a thought in his heart.

What is this?

What is this,,

After the lack of a hundred and eight, the situation of He Yiming suddenly became difficult.

Although there are nine fire dragons in the sky. Let the Yujia ancestors be quite jealous, but unless the ancestors of the Yu family stand still, the fire dragons want to give the humanity a number of peaks to hurt, that is, delusion.

Fortunately, He Yiming’s own strength is also extremely powerful. Although the increase in strength of five times is still not the ancestor of Yu’s ancestors, it is not without any fuss. Between his body shape and continuous flashing, he is already moving like a fish-like fish on the body of these dragons, trying not to be as hard as the powerful enemy in front of him.

After a half turn. The Yu family ancestors suddenly stopped.

His body began to turn, just like a humanoid, spinning with extreme speed.

Bao pig's eyes lit up, and it immediately steered the nine fire dragons toward the old guy. No matter what means he is using, as long as it is burned for a quarter of an hour by Kowloon, it is a nine-day heaven of humanity. I also want to easily hold on.

However, the next change is greatly out of the public's expectations.

Seeing that the nine fire dragons are trapping the rotating ancestors, his body is violently illuminated.

This is a multicolored light, but in the multicolored, there is also a powerful force with the power of blood. After becoming a shackle, the ancestors of Yujia actually combined these two forces perfectly.

Then, with him as the center, the power of the five elements suddenly exploded, and the entire region was filled with the power of the five elements of reincarnation.

Although there is no five-ring ring in the hands of Yu's ancestors, this does not seem to affect his ability to wave the five elements.

After the huge roar, the armor of the Yu family's ancestors has disappeared. He just burst into the five elements of his own infuriating armor, which shows that he is doing his best and is doing his best.

Although the ancestors of Yujia did not release any weapon of the gods, they only rely on their own strength, degree, combat instinct and the light of a soldier who can support his flight. However, the strength of others’ peaks still shows The strength that makes He Yiming and others stunned.

Under this explosion, the nine fire dragons that had been trapped in the past were all blown into a piece of broken fire. They floated in the void, and they seemed to be extinguished at any time.

Bao pig screamed, and the toothless nails in the air swayed like a wind. The power of fire that lingers in the air is under its call. Flock as much as possible. When the last point was able to summon the power of fire into the toothless nails. Bao pig suddenly turned the toothless nail into white light and swallowed it.

The figure of Yu’s ancestors trembled, and the colorful light emerged from his body again. This group of rays shook a few times and suddenly became the second infuriating armor.

The shadow of the bottom of the sea flashed, and the hundred and eight re-haired came up and stood side by side with He Yiming.

After all, Yu’s ancestors are a beggar. His goal is to congratulate him. As for how the family that has been beaten by him can be transferred, it is not something he can consider.

The colorful light burst from the body of the Yu family, so the essence of the five elements of the did not even weaken because of the explosion.

This shows how terrible the strong man of humanity is.

He Yiming took a deep breath and his face was very dignified. With the strength of the three of them, I was afraid that it was not the opponent of this guy.

There was a strange thought in his heart. Did you go to the Ghost Ridge to seek the protection of the Dragon Snake?

Just as he was hesitant, the waves on the sea suddenly turned up and accompanied. It is a flash of purple and silvery white.

The boiling water slowly separated, and a tall horse rose from the bottom of the sea. Its eyes were calm but full of hostility.

Looking coldly at the Yu family ancestors in the sky.

Where: Who can win?

Tomorrow's five more, ask for a monthly ticket,"

Thank you! (To be continued)

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