Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 234: Nanhai Liuli Island

The sea was calm and calm. When He Yiming returned to the original place, he saw floating in the sky and the sea. The one and one beast, which was blind to each other, could not help but reveal a hint of laughter.

These two guys are still not as eye-catching as before.

Came to the surface of the sea, He Yiming gently touched the white horse thunder and lightning that had recovered a little energy, and sighed, "Thunder, this time thanks to you."

There is no exaggeration in his sentence. If it is not a white horse thunder, then even if they are three, they are not the enemy of Yu’s ancestors.

The strongest person in the human race, even if it is a ancestor who cannot use the weapon of the gods, is not the one that He Yiming and others can compete with. In the case of the loss of the white horse lightning as a mount, even He Yiming was not sure that he could escape from the hands of Yu’s ancestors.

After all, the degree of humanity shoes and peaks is far better than the five-powered people.

The white horse thundered and snorted. On its body, although there was a faint electric awning from time to time, the danger was not as terrible as it was originally.

Of course, this is not because the White Horse Thunder has been able to control its own power, but because the power it has just released is too strong, so now it has some stops.

Bao pig screamed on He Yiming's body. It seemed to be a tribute to the pursuit of killing Hao blood. It extended the white forefoot and looked proud.

He Yiming shook his head with a funny smile, but it was strange to say that the front hoof of the pig's blood with blood had no blood at the moment. Although the little guy has washed it with sea water, it is too clean.

The white horse thunder and lightning took a small step, and he turned around in He Yiming's body. It slowly snorted and seemed to be asking.

He Yiming's friendship with it is extraordinary, and after this fusion of lightning power, the white horse lightning is more powerful, and it seems that even the idea has already been produced.

As at this moment, He Yiming clearly sensed that the white horse was asking in the boat, what to do next.

The brows were slightly wrinkled. For the white horse lightning at the moment, He Yiming was really badly placed.

After seeing it and Yu’s ancestors’ efforts, He Yiming already knew that the possibility of bringing Baima Lightning to the side is already infinitely close to zero.

The power of such a strong play, let alone all of it, even if only one percent of it is released, will cause huge irreparable losses.

In that huge lightning, even He Yiming and others are desperately fleeing, and they simply don't dare to be involved, so let alone others.

Before White Horse Thunder can fully control its own baby novel network, it can't make it appear in front of others. Otherwise, it will be the biggest disaster.

Gently rubbing the white horse's neck, feeling the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big princes, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the strongest Abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts and martial arts will kill the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big, the week, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, a trace The faint, light-hearted electric mans, He Yiming considered the half-sound, finally said: "Thunder, I will find you a small island, you live there for a while."

Although He Yiming’s heart was filled with deep reluctance when he made this decision, he never had any other way.

White horse lightning side of his head, that is more beautiful than the previous big eyes smashed, and finally helplessly nodded.

Bao pig screamed a few times, a pair of small forefoot waving, like a speaker, sensationally motivated people who believe in him, in a funny feeling with an alternative saying no The meaning of it.

"What is it talking about?" He Yiming asked curiously.

The sound of the hundred and eight sounded quietly behind him: "Bao pig let the white horse quickly control the amount of lightning power, and when they go to the ghost to see the dragon snake."

He Yiming was awkward and couldn't help but laugh. The little guy of Bao pig wanted to show off in front of the dragon snake. It was also ingenuity.

However, as long as the treasure pigs are not opposed to the temporary separation from the white horse, they know that even this little guy is very jealous of the uncontrollable thunderbolt of White Horse.

He Yiming looked up and looked into the distance. He said: "We will go after the Yu family ancestors first. I don't know if I can catch up."

Hundred and eight slightly shaking his head, said: hope, hope. ”

He Yiming’s heart suddenly sank, and since he even said hopes, he is really unlikely.

With a sigh, He Yiming said: "Always try it."

He waved his hand and everyone went straight to the distance...


Along the direction of the ancestors of the Yu family, but after a day, even if He Yiming lost confidence in catching up.

Although this person is actually a monk, he does not have any ingenuity, but his degree is too fast, and it is almost time for He Yiming and others to be unable to pursue.

And on the way, God knows if there will be any changes, let Yujia ancestors stop or turn to other places.

Above this vast sea, it is a good place to sell, but the same

Like, it is extremely difficult to track.

If there is no thunder in the body of the white horse, then with its limit, there may be a possibility of catching up, but now it is indeed hope.

After He Yiming gave up the tracking, the people turned and, under the leadership of the hundred and eight, finally returned to the sea where they first encountered the silver carp group.

He Yiming naturally does not recognize the direction, but this piece of southern Xinjiang's charts are stored in the minds of one hundred and eight, as long as he leads the way, naturally can send people to their destinations.

After half a day, Bai Malei’s heart was unwilling to stay on a deserted island.

Although the area of ​​this desert island is not very large, it is not too small. The island has a dense forest, dark and dark and horrible.

However, in the waters of southern Xinjiang, I am afraid that it is very difficult to find a presence that can harm the white horse today. Therefore, He Yiming naturally cannot worry about the safety of the white horse.

Subsequently, He Yiming held the Bao pig. Under the guidance of Bai Ba Ba, he finally came to the Liuli Island, one of the largest areas in the southern Xinjiang waters and the most abundant in the world.

Seen from the sky, this is a huge island that is not inferior to Penglai Xiandao. Although I only saw a little coastline from a distance, I can naturally see a port outside the port with He Yiming’s eyesight. The ship and the busy crowd.

From the busyness of the harbour alone, it seems to be much more prosperous than Penglai Xiandao.

When He Yiming came here, he did not use the five-ring ring of light to fly, but the invisible light of the sword of Aurora, so there was no light on his body. The same, in He Yi

Under the request of Ming, there is no glory in the body of one hundred and eight.

However, since he has already arrived at Liuli Island, He Yiming will naturally not hide again.

In order not to misunderstand, he did not hide his whereabouts, but greeted him with a hundred and eight, and released the light of the five elements of the ring, flying away from the air with the smashing of the hundred and eight.

After seeing the rare colorful light and colorful light in the sky, the harbor suddenly became turmoil.

People living on the glazed island, even ordinary people who do not practice martial arts, at this moment

I also understand the identity of the person coming.

For a time, this riot spread quickly, and everyone had a strong surprise in the eyes. Of course, in the depths of these people's eyes, there is also deep awe.

This is the respect and fear of the right-handers from the heart, because they all know that in the face of the five-powered people who can use the light of the light, their lives are indeed as small as the ants.

Soon, He Yiming landed on Bao pig.

When they fell to the dock and looked around, thousands of people here looked respectfully.

The busy, busy docks suddenly became silent, and there was no other sound besides the sound of the waves hitting the rocks.

A sly big man rushed from a distance, he looked at He Yiming and others far away, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. His feet are flying, and he immediately rushed through the fastest.

Come, look at them deeply, and say: "The villain Liuli Island Zhuangwei, I have seen He Dazun.

Those who are the great ones. ”

He Yiming’s gaze turned around in his body and smiled: “The three sea boats of the Lingbi Hall are here?”

This person can recognize himself, certainly because of the reasons that the Golden Campaign and others have told him. If this is not the case, how can this person sing out his own origin?

Zhuang Weizhen respectfully said: "The three seafarers on the Golden Supreme and the Wei Zun of the Lingbi Hall

I have already arrived at the glazed island, and the sages have spread the portraits of both of you throughout the island, and told you to pass them on as soon as you have the news of both of you. ”

He Yiming nodded slightly, and after hearing the words of this person, he was completely relieved.

Although He Yiming dragged the group of silver scorpions and drove them under the roar of two holy beasts.

Scattered, but among the tens of thousands of silver scorpions, there must be a lot of silver scorpions.

The power of these beasts is far above the general beast, and it is in the vast sea.

In the middle, He Yiming is still worried about the safety of these people.

Of course, what he was worried about was not the Golden Campaign and Wei Zongjin, but the ordinary sailors on the three seagoing vessels Jinxiong where they are. He Yiming asks for ammonia

Zhuang Weijun quickly said: "The gold lords have already traveled to the island. If you are willing to move, you will

How about going with you from a small one? ”

He Yiming smiled slightly and nodded: "Miss Mr. Zhuang."

Zhuang Weiyi waved his hand and said: "Don't dare to act, don't dare to be..."

He didn't even dare in his mouth, but his heart was quite amazed. The number of masters he had seen in his life had been quite a lot. But let alone the five-powered sage like He Yiming, even if it is a general innate power, it is also regarded as nothing.

Vaguely, he seems to think that the five-powered sages are somewhat different from the martial arts strongmen they have encountered before, but what is different is not what he can know.

Under his leadership, everyone took a luxury car and headed for the distance, leaving only the countless people on the pier to talk in excitement.

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