Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 257: Parliamentary chief

This long whistle sounded in the ear, and there was a kind of prejudice like a soft knife, which made He Yiming's body have a goose bump.

However, just a whistling sound has already produced such a powerful effect, and this person who has not yet met has suddenly made He Yiming’s heart extremely jealous.

Franklin, who was on the eagle's eagle's eagle's eyes, looked like a flash of anxious color, but he was unable to get rid of He Yiming riding a white horse and attacking in a near-harassment manner. .

When, if he is alone, he can naturally withdraw and retreat, but after the cumbersomeness of his feet, everything becomes difficult. At this moment, after hearing this whistling sound, Franklin obviously wanted to go far, but it was always unsatisfactory.

After a while, two small black spots flew over from the horizon, and their degree was almost at the extreme, and there seemed to be no higher than the white horse thunder.

He Yiming had a glimpse of his heart, and he refused to entangle with Franklin. He gently clamped his legs and immediately controlled the white horse to stop the attack.

Franklin gloomy face, he looked at He Yiming coldly, and the fierce eyes were filled with killing.

At this time, the expression of the Temple Pope and the first meeting was very different. There was no more amiable image in his body, but it was a gloomy heart.

A dry and unpleasant voice came from afar: "Franklin, I didn't look at it, you were forced to go to the Yuan Road."

The two black spots in the distance are constantly expanding. It can be seen that these two masters are flying in the light of the gods. It’s not enough that one of them has already spoken, and his words are full of gloating and ridicule.

He Yiming’s heart is fretting, and there are few people who are qualified to speak with the Pope in such a tone. There is only one in the world, and the only thing that may appear here is...

There was a bitter smile on his face, and this person was the biggest rival in Franklin’s life. However, due to the millennium of Iceland, they unexpectedly united.

The result of the rain is undoubtedly not what He Yiming wants to see.

The two figures stopped at a distance from them.

One of them was a thin old man who seemed to be able to blow down a gust of wind. On his face, he could even see some obvious age spots.

However, the powerful pressure released from the old man can prove the extraordinary of this person.

The other person was rather strange. The person’s head was wearing a strange mask, covering his face and the small half of his upper body.

Although he did not see through the true face of this person, He Yiming did not dare to have a small heart for him.

"Tearfield, you missed the appointment." Franklin said slowly.

When this person did not really appear, Franklin tried his best to stay away from it because he didn't want the old rival to see what he could do. However, when his embarrassment was seen by the other party, Franklin quickly recovered the calm, as if this thing had never been born, and he went to the person with the most natural attitude.

He Yiming is deeply sucking, Jiadede...

This name is very common in the West. In a city, there will be at least two or more Garfield. However, there is only one person in Garfield who can be called out by the Pope.

Like the temple heritage, the contemporary president of the Dark Alliance Council, with tens of thousands of years of history.

Garfield’s old face showed a slight embarrassed smile.

When I saw this smile, He Yiming’s heart jumped. This person’s performance is not at all like the humanity with Franklin. The peak is strong, but this person gives him the feeling, but it is better than Franklin. More dangerous.

"Franklin, I was delayed by something this time." Garfield gave a slight sigh, saying: "Please allow me to apologize to you.

Franklin gave a slight hand. They had been dealing with each other for hundreds of years. They were familiar with each other and could not be familiar with each other. With the mood of the Pope, he was not interested in acting with him.

"This young Eastern strongman, how to call you." Garfield asked with a smile, but his eyes stared at the white horse under He Yiming. Obviously, it is natural to see from his eyesight that what really makes Franklin eat is not the immediate knight, but the magical top sacred beast.

He Yiming bent down slightly and said: "The younger generation He Yiming, I have seen the predecessors."

"He Yiming?" Garfield's face immediately became dignified. After a while, he

Shen said: "We are the messengers sent by the West, are you killed?"

With a bitter smile, in fact, on the stars of the island, when Franklin asked the three Western powers in the capital, He Yiming knew that there would be troubles coming in, but he did not expect to come so fast.

The back is slightly straighter, and He Yiming sighs: "Yes, it is the younger generation."

He did not explain to the other party why they were to be put to death, because he knew very well that no excuse would work until he showed the mighty power to compete with the human peak.

"I thought this was just a rumor." Coldly snorted, Garfield said: "Unless it is humane. The top of the peak shot, otherwise someone can leave them three at the same time. But... His eyes were collected from the white horse thunder and a long sigh, saying: "After seeing your holy beast, I finally believe that you have the strength to leave them."

He Yiming's mouth twitched a bit. In fact, at the time of the Battle of Zhongjing City, the white horse thunder and lightning did not advance to the present realm. Among the three Western powerhouses, the white horse thunder and lightning actually only solved one, and this one was killed by a lightning raid when the emperor fled.

But all this does not need to be explained, He Yiming still wants them to misunderstand it.

Gently nodded, He Yiming smiled and said: "Thank you for your praise, the younger generation can leave them three, but also for a moment.

Garfield slowly nodded and said: "You are a disciple of Tianchi, I can let you go, leave your beast and let go."

He Yiming was slightly stunned, and his face became strange. The old man has already felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the god, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family will kill the gods. India's throne seeks magic and pride the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 夜 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty to the strong breath from the white horse lightning, and in the distance to see their battle with Franklin, but what he said is still so arrogant, is he more confident than How frankly Franklin is going to be.

The eyes of His Majesty the Pope also flashed a strange color, but he immediately stepped out of the way, so he stepped directly into the void, and then gently waved his robes, the Temple eagle slaps double The wings flew away in the distance.

He Yiming hesitated and finally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to chase the eagle. However, in his heart, it is a pity that once he lost the restraint of the Shantou Warhawks, the Pope’s Majesty became more difficult to cope with.

His eyes turned and fell to the man around Garfield. Although this person's costume is weird, and his head is covered by a huge mask, He Yiming has a familiar feeling, as if he has seen this person. And he faintly felt that the reason why Garfield is so arrogant may be related to this person.

"Respected Speaker, I would like to ask the distinguished Lord is..." He Yiming for Garfield

The request of Deer was not buried, but it was a smile.

Garfield smiled proudly and said: "Hey is a new slave to this seat, you don't need to know.

He Yiming and Franklin naturally understand that this person is definitely not as simple as a slave, but since Garfield does not say, they are helpless.

Garfield’s face sank suddenly and said: “I’ve given you a chance to see the Emperor’s release, and now I’m still there.”

He Yiming laughed and said: "Thank you for your kindness, but this opportunity, don't give up."

His words just fell, the white horse's head on the head is suddenly purple, and did not hesitate to hit the past.

The power of thunder and lightning was released without any mercy at this moment, like a dragon, rushing toward the human peak that was arrogant and arrogant.

However, Garfield did not dodge, and his face showed a cold smile, saying: "Block."

The masked man around him turned around and was already in front of him like a fly, with his hands extended.

Franklin and He Yiming also had a slight change in their eyes, and there was a hint of incomprehensibility in their eyes.

Whatever Garfield himself reacted to under the attack of lightning Even if he waved the lightning directly, he would not be surprised.

However, the president of the president actually let his new slaves take out, which made them unexpected.

This is the lightning attack of the white horse, which is equivalent to the human peak. It is far from the average five-powered person to compare. It is impossible to see this with Garfield's eyesight, but he still does.

For a time, in the mind of He Yiming, they suddenly flashed a horrible thought. Could it be that this newly-accepted servant turned out to be a humane. The peak? This thought just flashed, and the person’s hands suddenly burst into a multicolored light.

This is the light of the Five Elements. Although there is no such fancy and bizarre change in He Yiming's use of the Five Elements, there is no magical power of the rune.

But this is really the power of the Five Elements, and it is still the five-shaped, self-contained power of the world.

He Yiming’s face suddenly became quite ugly, and he immediately understood why Garfield would trust this person so much because this person is indeed a top-notch human-powered peak.

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