Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 273: Clearance

On the eve of the scene of the hot horror scene "He Yiming's heart is also a shocking heart attached to the huge waves of wine days, no matter how huge waves, once calmed down, it will return to calm.

However, on the coastline of Liuli Island, there is an injury that can never be remedied. The pier originally built here has completely disappeared, revealing the steep rock on the stone wall of the island.

The entire horizon has fallen into the interior, as if there was a soldier who could take the whole.

It’s shocking to take a bite out of the island’s giant beast.

Only after seeing this scene can you imagine how powerful the dragons that have been introduced into the seabed are.

In addition, whether it is on the sea or a lack of a sharp shore, there are a large number of dead bodies of deep-sea creatures, whether they are killed by a living or stunned, at this moment are still Lying flat on his belly.

Nothing to move.

Slowly, the huge waves that once set off a height of ten feet were completely calmed down. He Yiming’s eyes were slightly condensed, and his thoughts were released.

Quietly sensing the life of this place.

What makes him feel very shocked is that within the area that Longwei can affect, there is no longer a sea monster to leisurely exist.

These are powerful creatures from the open sea.

In this death of death, escape, and no longer have the ability to enter the life of He Yiming's thoughts.

However, when He Yiming continued to spread the mind, he had a more surprising thing.

Although the dragon's dragonfly is powerful, its power is only condensed in a certain area. Although it has caused tremendous damage, it does not affect farther places.

However, I do not know why, the distant sea creatures in the distance, like the news of the tragic end of the companions, they actually swam in the distance in groups.

For no reason, they were rushing to escape this dangerous island without any creatures.

He Yiming’s double eyebrows picked up slightly, he knew.

Among these sea monsters, there must be some way that he does not know is in contact and communication.

But unless he becomes one of them, it is absolutely impossible to master the mystery.

It’s just a moment of effort. Within the scope of He Yiming’s concern, these fish groups have already been evacuated.

The mind was slightly moved, and the power of the fire in the body swarmed again, and thus entered the world of the Five Elements, and turned into a thin, completely independent but constantly intersecting thin line.

When these illusory thin lines expanded infinitely in this way, He Yiming’s thoughts were also constantly expanding.

This is a peculiar exercise that He Yiming created after experiencing the sentiment of God.

Once the spiritual power of the spirit is revealed to the five elements of the world, the scope of his ideas can be multiplied.

Although the effect could not be compared with that at the time of the volcano, He Yiming was quite satisfied.

Within the scope of his mind sensing.

All the outer sea creatures are trying their best to escape in the distance, and their degree has reached the limit that their races can reach.

From their bodies, He Yiming feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the prince, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful Little Zhou Emperor Wushu Qiankun will kill the gods of the gods and seal the throne to seek the magic of the world. The nine heavens are the strongest to abandon the big Zhou Dynasty. The royal family will make the night to kill the gods and the gods to seek the magic. The world is the strongest to abandon the big Zhou Dynasty to the extreme warehouse. The fear of sorrow, this feeling is like a plague spread in these offshore creatures.

Let them never dare to get close to the glazed island.

The wrist flicked, the big horn was already out of the hand, and a silvery light flashed through the air, turning into a hundred and eight.

"Hundred brothers, is this your credit?" He Yiming asked quietly.

In his feelings, although the dragon's dragon is powerful, but it is impossible to achieve such an earth-shattering realm.

Hundred and eight shake his head, his movements are quite large, just like a dizzy person with this action to make himself awake.

This is the first time he has made this weird movement.

He Yiming’s heart is dark, and this guy is also shocked by the voice of the pig.

"This is not my hard work to restore calm.

Slowly said: "I just expanded the voice of the pig by ten times."

He Yiming took a sigh of relief, and the power of the treasure of the Dragon Pig, if it was expanded ten times, "under the eyes, he finally understood why it caused such a landslide."

A shout heard from afar.

After the film was cut, the sky at the center of the glazed island glowed brightly, and the light quickly flew in the direction of He Yiming.

He Yiming certainly knows that it is within the current Liuli Island.

Only Zhuang Munan has a **** and the ability to fly.

Sure enough, when the light approached, the face of Zhuang Munan was revealed.

He nodded slightly toward He Yiming.

But when his gaze looked down at the burning novel network, his face was inextricably ugly to the extreme.

Of course, in this ugly expression, more is the incredible shock.

Although he has a good book to ask for a book (anti-o tendon)...

Yi, Heming's White Horse Thunderbolt is the top sacred priest of the singer, so that the confrontation between the two sacred beasts will actually collapse the entire coastline. This is too horrible.

In contrast, the various sea monsters that turned white belly turned out to be pediatric.

However, he never thought that in the confrontation of the game, the white horse thunder and lightning did not actually shoot, but the treasure pig released the ten-fold increase ability of the dragon anger and the powerful non-human realm.

Slowly turned his head, Zhuang Munan looked at He Yiming's eyes full of strange feelings, he smiled a little.

Road: "He brother, thank you for your assistance."

He Yiming waved his hand slightly and said: "Zhuang Xiong is polite. Now the sea sacred king has escaped. These creatures have lost their restraint. They should have left Zhuang Mu'nan's eyes bright. Although the glazed island is huge, the people on the island can Be self-sufficient.

But as long as it is a normal person, then you certainly don't like being surrounded by an alien monster on an island.

Even the size of the island is not inferior to that of a state in the mainland.

Looking at the distance, Zhuang Munan’s thoughts are good, but how can he be compared with He Yiming at the moment, so he can’t sense the distant situation at all, only he’s secretly stunned He Yiming eye.

With a slight smile, He Yiming can understand that he has some feelings of suffering and loss at this time. He said very generously: "Zhuang brother, the younger brother wants to browse the whole picture of Liuli Island in the air. How can I accompany me?" Zhuang Munan’s eyes flashed A grateful color, said: "Happy to accompany."

The two men smiled and flew along the coastline to burn the novel network, while the hundred and eight and white horse lightning were hanging far behind, and there was no meaning of blending.

After a while, Zhuang Munan’s heart became more and more excited.

After leaving the sea where the coastline collapsed, his thoughts sensed the strange changes that occurred below.

In the sea around the island of glazed, the horrible outer sea creatures really fled in the distance, watching them look like they have something horrible behind them, they are persecuting. All the marine life are desperately far away.

However, the only thing that surprised him was that some natively grown South Sea fish were moving along with the current.

This made him feel puzzled.

Why are these South Sea creatures who have survived here for generations to stay away from here?

His heart was slightly indulged, and he suddenly understood that it was definitely related to the whistling sound and vibration of the talented person.

After returning to the Liuli Cave, Zhuang Munan immediately ordered everyone to evacuate to the island and dispatched all the masters to go to various places.

In addition to those who are here to be guest.

It can be said that the entire glazed hole has begun to mobilize.

And even his own heart has already decided.

If the situation is really unrecoverable, then he will not hesitate to start the volcanic energy and destroy all the external forces.

Of course, the cost of doing so is equally great.

If there is no way to go, he will not use this method of almost losing.

However, just as he started to arrange everything.

There was an earth-shattering sound from afar, and the earth beneath it began to sway.

Far from the battlefield, they simply don't understand what happened, but one thing is certain, and it can create such a dynamic power.

I am afraid that it is no longer a humanity.

So Zhuang Munan immediately put everything down.

Coming here, but everything he saw, but this five-powered people are full of emotions.

It seems that all this is the work of He Yiming.

It turns out that he and his companions already have such powerful strengths, and no wonder they can get out of the top two in the West.

After a long Zhuang Munan stopped.

A deep glance at He Yiming, said: "He brother, this time to lift the crisis on the island, Zhuangmou really did not think that the newspaper, but also please I am a greeting, a wave of hands, strong instinct as a general general condensation When I got up, I immediately held him.

"Zhuang brother does not need to be polite, He Mou has been a lot in the door."

So a little trivial matter, no need to worry about Zhuang Munan's slight nod, he hesitated the film cut, and finally asked: "He brother, you go to the crater below this time, do you have any insight?"

He Yiming’s mouth swayed with a happy smile and said: “Zhuang Xiong is really a god.

He Mou really has some experience. This time, there is more than just one person, even Bao pig has benefited a lot.

Zhuang Mu'nan's body trembled a little unconsciously. He was deeply sucked, and the look in his eyes was not only envious, but also had a strong shock.

He sighed and said: "It turns out that the brother-in-law has really broken through the five-dimensional environment and achieved the nine-day heaven of humanity. It is really gratifying.

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