Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 303: Have light

The long, squeaking sound of the horse was spread throughout the city. After its thunder power destroyed the horrible combination of ideas, even the top sacred beast could not conceal the mad surprise. Of course, such a record can occur, because it has more than half of the thunderbolt. If this is not the case, it will definitely not cause changes in the world, and it will be impossible to bring together such powerful and incredible power.

At this time, the white horse stands proudly above the sky, under the dark clouds, although it is still lightning and thunder, it is still heavy rain, but all the light is condensed on the white horse at this moment.

The huge electric awning that blows up from the ground is like a white illuminating city that is covered by dark clouds. In this high-altitude flash of light, it is the unparalleled unicorn dragon horse.

He Yiming took a deep breath and let the air with a fresh taste flow into the chest and abdomen.

He has already appeared. At that moment when the thunder and lightning breakout blockade was on the ground, the thoughts over the city suddenly became much thinner. Although it was still very powerful, it had lost the original kind of sharpness.

When the minds of countless people are led by some kind of power, and they work hard in one direction, the power that has burst out can almost be countered by the power of heaven and earth.

Even the biggest lightning that the white horse has personally condensed, the same power of this idea is deadlocked.

The two sides are like two gladiators. No matter which side can win the final victory, it will be a hearty victory, because the loser can no longer accumulate a second such powerful force to continue with the winner. Confronted.

Fortunately, the power of the heavens and the earth condensed by the white horse's Lei Zhenzi is finally laughing, and the giant thunder that rolls down shows the powerful power of the artifact.

Shinto, it is not humanity to compete. Even if it is the power of a group of ordinary people, and the special method is used to wave the potential of these people, it is not the same.

At this time, the white horse thunder and lightning has achieved a perfect victory, it is as high as the gods, looking at the city under its feet with a bird's eye. The power of the heavens and the earth that it led to the city made a trembling sound at its feet. The countless, scattered, scattered electric lights once again appeared in the sky, and sprinted downwards without rules. And go.

As He Yiming expected, after the first defeat in the balance, even these separate powers of lightning can easily break through the interception in the sky and attack the entire city as desired.

With the constant landing of lightning, countless strange forces appear in the city with great speed.

The Shinto coke, who was not far from them, rose abruptly. He manipulated the body of the ancestors' ancestors and flew into the air like a white horse.

He Yiming's gaze looked at the past. He did not give any command to the Shinto coagulation person, but he made this action himself.

Using his thoughts in his mind, He Yiming made his own inquiry, but the answer he got was abnormal.

That is the desire, a desire for power passed through the mind of the sacred blood coagulation and passed to He Yiming's brain.

This craving has become an instinct for the Shinto coagulation, and it is an instinct to do at all costs.

He Yiming’s body trembled slightly and was shocked by this strong emotion. He used to think that the coagulation person is like a wooden person. If you want to pull it out, it will move. If you don't get the instruction, unless it threatens the life safety of the blood coagulation person, he will not be worried about anything.

But now it seems that he has made some mistakes, and coagulation is definitely not that simple.

As it is now, the Shinto coagulation man who flies in midair, his flat-handed out his hands, and in his hand, a bright red blood-colored red silk popped out.

He Yiming’s face changed slightly and whispered: “The blood coagulation?

Shaking his head, He Yiming immediately put the thought away. This is definitely not a blood coagulation, but a huge special force from the blood coagulation body. Compared with the **** blood of the gods who used to be tempered by the old blood, this blood-like force is much more fragile.

However, at this time, in the hands of the Shinto coagulation people, these bloodshots are waving incredible power.

They use the Shinto coagulation as a medium, c, to spread to the endless horizon, just a moment, these bloodshots have formed a huge network in the entire sky. Not only that, but these bloodshots are also carefully close to those powerful powers of thought.

Suddenly, countless bloodshot condensed in a moment, they became a **** giant smashing in the air, opened a huge mouth, revealing poisonous fangs, squatting towards those mindful power bites In the past, the burning novel network.

He Yiming took a sigh of relief, and the power of these ideas was strong, but he witnessed it. Even the white horses can converge on the power of the heavens and the earth. At this moment, the Shinto coagulation does not converge on the power of the heavens and the earth. It is only by virtue of its own blood force to attack. No matter how you look at it, it seems to be too reckless.

The strength of a person is always limited, even if it is a powerful and powerful master of the Shinto, how can it compete with the power of the idea of ​​such a large, hundreds of thousands of people without using the power of heaven and earth...

At this moment, He Yiming is even suspecting that the Shinto coagulation is only crazy.

However, the result has already come out in the next moment, and it is a surprise to He Yiming.

The blood-colored power that turned into a giant python was not defeated by the power of this powerful mind, but it was bitten out of this huge power of thought.

Looking at the thin mist in the mouth of the **** scorpion, He Yiming’s eyeballs almost protruded.

Then, the **** giant cocked his neck and swallowed this power of thought into his stomach.

Looking toward the cosinous person of the Shinto, his eyes are all red, the color of blood red is flashing like a glass, and when his **** giant devours the power of thought, a strong version is made from his body. Black mist.

At the moment, in the mind of He Yiming, there are countless strange images.

He seems to have seen countless people sitting in a wide hall, facing the center of the city, hanging down, kneeling, with strange patterns in his hands, and singing loudly in his mouth.

Outside the room, although it is thunder and lightning, dark clouds, heavy rain, like the end of the world, but in this hall, there is still no confusion. Everyone has a strong fanaticism to the extreme.

This breath seems to be totally contagious, and everyone is fully engaged in this atmosphere.

De Yin, He Yiming has understood that it must be because of this almost crazy atmosphere, so that these people will succeed in this particular environment and form a whole. However, He Yiming can only see this, but he still knows nothing about how they did it.

The picture in front of the picture flashed, and the image was completely broken. Later, from the thoughts of the blood coagulation, many similar pictures were continuously transmitted. Among those pictures, the number of devout singers was much less, but basically they were almost the same. Even if the outside world is turned upside down, it is like a self-contained world, without much interference. What makes He Yiming even more surprised is that this crazy atmosphere has become more intense with the ravages of thunder and lightning and the rush of blood red pythons.

It's like a big spring, it's under tremendous pressure, but when the pressure reaches a certain limit, then the spring will bounce back. The power of that kind will be a huge amount of pressure. More than double.

"Booming one by one, one by one, one by one"

The thunder and lightning in the sky kept hitting. Whenever the lightning flashed and thundered, all the houses collapsed, and the residents inside were not buried.

And the **** big net that is all over the sky is constantly waving in front of the collapsed house. It seems to be imprisoning and absorbing some magical power. With this power, the darkness of the body of the Shinto coagulation is more intense.

Although there is no exchange, but the white horse lightning and the Shinto coagulation person is a very tacit cooperation, lightning and blood color network is like a heart, there is no sudden collision.

He Yiming took a deep breath and raised a place name in his heart.

Ghost Clay Ridge 1111) A ghost crying ridge that has occupied an extremely important position in the East and West Plains in the East and West, appears in the sky above the Western Temple.

He has such a feeling that if this situation is not changed, but the white horse thunder and the Shinto coagulation people will completely extrude the city, then the Western temple will disappear forever and will be replaced. It is another Western ghost crying ridge without a dragon snake stationed.

Cast another ghost crying ridge with the lives of millions of humans and countless creatures in the city.

Something slightly in my I felt a thick chill in my body. He Yiming did not stop, but his heart was ups and downs.

He only wanted Franklin's life, but the Pope's Majesty tied his life to the whole city.

Everyone in the city is so fanatical that they seem to be slaves to Franklin's spirit and are slaves who have no opinion as a coagulation.

So, is it appropriate to let the entire city be buried with Franklin?

He Yiming lowered his head and he looked at his hands silently.

Although he did not do it himself, he seemed to see a faint red color on his hands.

It is the power of blood, and his heart seems to be infinitely inclined to the power of blood in this scene of Shura hell.

The squeaking sound, at this time, he heard, in the deepest part of the darkness, as if from the sound of the nine secluded: "God said, there must be light..."

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