Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 312: refuge

Within the chaotic dantian, the power of light and darkness began to blend in a little bit.

At the time of the light and dark combination, He Yiming's movements were quite careful, and all his spirits had been concentrated on this point, and there was no distraction.

Because he knows that this will be his most important test so far. If he can form a light and dark force within Dan Tian, ​​then it is equal to his true grasp of a kind of power, even if it is For the nine Fengtian strong, we must also be stronger than the top strength.

Although before he entered the Shinto, he might not be able to use this power to compete with the power of the gods, but he believes that he can certainly occupy a certain amount when he meets other human peaks. The upper hand.

Putting the crown of light on the top of the head again, the huge light power poured into his body again and again. However, after the last history, He Yiming has been quite adapted to this power. He took a deep breath, paying attention to the contrast of the power of light and the power of the gloom, and carefully combined them. Slowly, He Yiming has a funny and interesting thing.

When the power of light and darkness began to combine, even the basic five-line ring of all the forces below began to release the multicolored light.

The power of the Five Elements is the most powerful force in the East, while the power of light and dark is the most powerful force in the West.

Although they were inexplicably entangled by the power of Chaotian Dantian, "but among them, there is no real harmony. Just like walking into the water without breaking the river, there is a layer of invisibility between the two sides. The diaphragm.

Of course, these forces are still relatively honest in Chaotian Dantian, and there is no tit-for-tat situation. Even the more powerful forces of the center are tied together, so that He Yiming always maintains the realm of humanity.

However, at this moment, they seem to have made some wonderful changes. Especially when the forces of light and dark gradually began to merge, the layer of membranes in between them seemed to become nothing. The feeling that the original old and the dead did not interact with each other also became much more harmonious.

Although it is impossible to make it all at once, let these forces truly resemble chaos, but He Yiming believes that as long as he persists in his efforts, he will be able to complete this wish one day and will be the most powerful of the East and West. Power becomes a chaotic whole. Of course, in order to do this, he must first absorb the power of the gods of the gold and water systems. The mind trembled a little and immediately converges.

Within Dan Tian, ​​the light and dark power under his control did not produce any rebound and confrontation, but gradually formed a magical pattern like Tai Chi.

Under the bundle of light and dark forces, the power of all the gods and gods is more and more unbreakable. I don't know how long it took, He Yiming took a long breath and he slowly opened his eyes.

In his eyes, there was a strong euphoria, and his whole person seemed to have subtle changes.

From the appearance of the past, he seems to have become more mature, and there is a fascinating force on his face and body.

Although under the restraint of He Yiming, his own momentum and the atmosphere of the strong have not leaked, but in his body, there is an inexplicable force that seems to affect others silently at any time.

This is the power of light and darkness. When these two forces merge, the new power is born.

At this time, He Yiming, just like the white horse thunderbolt that had just swallowed the silver scorpion Wang Nei Dan, could not fully control this newly emerging power.

But the only thing that is fortunate is that the white horse's lightning power is too strong, and no one dares to approach it. What He Yiming is condensing is the power of light and darkness. These two forces can blend together, but they can offset each other. Unless He Yiming releases the power of the merger, ordinary people simply cannot feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the singularity, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the night god, the gods The throne seeks the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens Abandon the singular changes of the Zhou Dynasty to the week. It will only be affected by the overflowing light and dark field, and He Yiming’s body will have a fear of facing the strong. His eyes turned slightly, and He Yiming was very satisfied with his status at this time.

However, he did not dare to easily engage with people, because at this time his body is full of power after the light and dark, if it is at this time, then to ensure that a shot is earth-shattering, just fierce. This point, as long as you think about the power of the light and darkness of the two Western powers of the past, you will know.

Fortunately, it was the Shinto coagulant who shot and used a powerful power of heaven and earth. Otherwise, the power of He Yiming and others alone would not be able to break the power of light and darkness.

After all, the combination of light and darkness belongs to the strength of the two masters, and it is not the same as the power of Franklin to borrow the temple.

In dealing with the power of borrowing, He Yiming's Chaos Dantian can easily wait for all the power to resolve. But when the other party released the power of self-cultivation, He Yiming’s chaotic Dantian could no longer do anything about it.

He walked slowly for a few steps, and He Yiming performed very carefully. He quietly experienced the feeling of darkness and darkness.

The formation of light and darkness in Dantian is definitely a novelty, far from being able to compare the light and darkness of the Holy Spirit in vitro.

Reaching out and picking up the crown of light on the top of the head, although no one is pointing, He Yiming has some understanding, this thing is definitely a treasure that is close to the artifact.

If it is only in terms of power and magic, this crown is only not under the real artifact Lei Zhenzi, even if it is compared with the whole set of Haotian, or the Kowloon furnace, it can be compared The difference is that within this crown and Lei Zhenzi, there is no sign of life.

If there is a powerful and intelligent life like the nine dragons in the crown and the thunder, they can definitely be called real artifacts. Deeply watching the golden crown in the hands of 7 eyes, He Yiming’s heart flashed a strange thought.

He can be sure that Franklin never put this crown on his head before, otherwise he would not have the chaos of Dantian, but also the bright body, he could not resist the powerful temptation of the power of light.

But in this case, how can he use the legendary space power to escape in the face of the gods and gods? Tightly staring at the crown, He Yiming's eyes flashed with a trace of suspicious color.

After a long time, a quintessential power of light was sent into the crown. The next moment, He Yiming’s eyes suddenly condensed. He carefully experienced this strange feeling and finally understood the infinite use of this crown.

Within this crown, there are countless untapped abilities, but one of them is quite powerful, that is, space power.

All the space items are treasures that were inherited from the Shinto in the past. In the era when the Shinto disappeared, such things are becoming less and less.

In Franklin's body, not only has a space belt, but also has a space gap above the crown.

When the power of light passed through the palm and the crown, He Yiming immediately sensed it. Inside the treasure, there is a force he is very familiar with. This power is the power of space. Although He Yiming did not master this power at this time, he is no stranger to the power of space. When the mind came into contact with this force, an inexplicable message was conveyed to his brain.

Within the crown, there is a Shinto sanctuary that allows the user to enter the shelter in an instant as long as he can use the power of pure light to guide.

Although the entry time is not long, it is already quite a great life-saving stunt. His face changed slightly, and He Yiming’s brow furrowed.

He originally thought that the Crown of Light and Lei Zhenzi had no powerful intelligent life in front of it, but after receiving this information inexplicably in his mind, his opinion had a slight change. This crown is definitely not so yellow...

Perhaps, inside it, there is really a hidden intelligent life. However, unlike the fire dragons in the Kowloon stove, this intelligent life should be in a deep sleep, not knowing when to wake up.

Shaking his head, He Yiming left this quirky thought. His ears shook slightly, and immediately listened to the sounds of the outside world. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he stood up and shook it, and he left the place.

He Yiming's choice for this retreat was a dark cave. When he came out of the cave, he immediately felt a few worried and scorching eyes on his body. Looking up, he nodded to the white horse thunder, the pig, the hundred and eight and the huge dragon snake. Subsequently, a bright force quietly fell into the hands of the bright crown.

The space in front of us seems to be a strange wave of fluctuations, like a breeze blowing on the lake, swaying a wave of water.

When this wave of volatility disappeared, He Yiming, who had stood in the original place, had suddenly disappeared.

For a moment, all the beasts were round 7 eyes, and they looked at the place where He Yiming disappeared, and the eyes showed a puzzled color.

Especially the owner here, the huge dragon snake that stretched out the huge head, like the hurricane anger - the sound of the breathing suddenly rang, it felt quite awkward for the disappearance of He Yiming. Shocked.

The same fluctuations began again in the space, and then He Yiming flashed out of the place, but when he appeared, it was a slap in the face, almost fell to the ground.

Shaking his head, He Yiming put the crown of light up, and when he thought about his experience, he was chilling.

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