Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 319: Arrogant

After the words of Zi Yan said, four people took a long breath at the same time.

In addition to He Yiming's thoughts, Hao Hao, Xu Xinghe and the Golden Battle also made the same expression. In fact, the three of them have heard about this rule. After all, they are the most important characters in the Temple of the Ghost, and naturally know many things that ordinary people cannot imagine.

However, in front of the three human peaks, they are hard to avoid feeling the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the night sacred **** The throne seeks the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens It is a great psychological pressure to abandon the young Zhou Dynasty. It was not until the Sovereign explained this to them that they could not help but relax.

Zibo spoke sharply, and he slowly said: "In this rule, there is also a very important one. Nine Heavens is not allowed to kill the rumors of the martial art at random, unless they are provoked, He shot and killed." His eyes are quite meaningful, saying: "This should have been told by the emperor, but since it was met, it was told by the old man."

He Yiming stunned for a moment, and then he understood why the **** operator told him that he was able to cross the world after he announced that he was a disciple of Tianchi.

Because there is such a constraint between the strong and the strong.

But think about it too. If there is no such agreement, then no matter which sect has a talented person, it is difficult to truly grow up to reach the peak of their level.

However, fortunately, because of this weird rules, the old ancestors of Huangquan immediately gave up and left after the failure of the pursuit, no longer entangled. If he waits for ten days and a half to wait for the sneak attack on the outside of the ghost crying ridge, and he is martial arts at the time of He Yiming, it is really hard to say whether he can save his life.

Zi Yan once again nodded to the two of them, and then slowly retreated toward the rear. As for the people, they did not have the qualification to stand side by side with them, so immediately after entering this flat place, immediately It is standing at the entrance.

As for the white horse thunder and the pig, the same stay at the entrance.

Although the white horse thunder and lightning at this time have the intention to replace He Yiming and Zibo Rui, but in the insistence of He Yiming, it only retreats while watching quietly.

However, the white horse thunderbolt →, sexually proud, is not willing to stand with Hao Hao and others, but far away, seeing their eyes, although there is nothing malicious, but also has a rejection of thousands of miles The feeling outside.

Zi Yan’s gaze once again fell on the white horse thunder, and his eyes had an unadorned envy.

Such a top sacred beast, but a strong person who can be compared with the sacred beast of the unicorn lord, whoever wants to have it, wants to have one.

Hao Hao stepped forward a little. His gaze was first seen in the center of the two top powerhouses. This lowered the voice and said: "The Sovereign, we just got the news, Garfield and Frank in the West. Lin is already in the body."

The smile on Zi Yan’s face was suddenly a stale.

The names of these two people are stranger to him, and in his life, he has also played with these two umbrellas, and he is very clear about the level of power they have.

Such a character, let alone die two, even if one of them is dead, will be a sensation in the world, and change the most powerful things in the East and West.

Even with his strength, it is no longer possible to guarantee the peace of mind at this moment.

Deep, silently took a breath, and the child suddenly calmed down the heart of the two, which calmed down. He said: "Is this news reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable." Hao Hao said without hesitation.

This news is what He Yiming said personally. If a person who is said to be a strong person is still unreliable, then Hao Hao really can't think of anything else that can be considered reliable.

"How did they die?" asked the child slowly.

When asked this sentence, the heart of the nine-strong powerhouse also had a chill of bones. Not waiting for Hao Hao to answer, he was abruptly asked: "Do they kill each other and kill each other."

The two strong men in the West were originally the messengers of light and darkness that were not described by the fire. If all died, then there is only this explanation. However, what makes the child think of it is, why do these two people want to do this, is there something in the West that makes them unable to let go?

Hao Hao’s face is rather weird. He smiled bitterly: “The Sovereign, the two strong men are all killed by one person.”

Zhai’s heart once again made a vigorous leap, and he said with amazement: “Who?”

If this is not what Hao Hao, the most trusted person in his life, said, then he would never believe it.

Hao Hao did not speak, just moved his gaze to the field. He Yiming's hands were flat before the lower abdomen, the wrists were stirring each other, his feet were flat and separated, his eyes were clear and watery, and he was not touched by the strong. influences.

When Zi Zi’s gaze fell on He Yiming’s body, he even had a moment of sluggishness.

"It is him" is him! A powerful momentum and pressure emerged from the body of Zibo Rui.

Although from the breath of He Yiming's body, he has indeed reached the peak of humanity as rumored, but there is still a winning letter in the heart of Zibo Rui, and this old humanity. The peak leader also knows that this time the battle is only the only chance in his life to overcome this young man in front of him.

The degree of cultivation of this person is really terrible. This has come out of the category that human beings can achieve, but infinitely close to the monster.

If possible, he would like to grab this person and put it under his eyes for a few years to see if there is any secret in him. He can walk through these people for hundreds of years in the district for several years. the way.

However, he knows that this is just a delusion. Don't say that the emperor will not hesitate to save He Yiming's life. Even if there is no jealousy of the emperor's release, he has no control to hold it. .

Moreover, this person's cultivation progress is so terrible, if it is a few years, I am afraid that it will really be able to sway the humanity's peak body. Once that level is reached, the power that he can release will no longer be inferior to any of the nine heavenly powers, and at that time, he will forever lose the opportunity to repay his face.

This time, he met He Yiming in the Lingbi Hall. The reason why he deliberately mentioned this matter is that he wants to make a complete break. As long as he can get a slight advantage in the battle, the face of Dongtianfudi will be completely saved.

However, when two people stood opposite each other, Zibo Rui’s heart suddenly gave birth to a rather bad feeling.

Although He Yiming is only standing calmly, and there is no spillover momentum from his body, but in his heart, there is a rather strange feeling. He Yiming at this time, dangerous, very dangerous...

His brow was slightly wrinkled, his mind was turned, his wrist was gently waved, and a green long whip had appeared in his hand for a moment.

The long whip of the road is like a long green snake. It instantly makes a few turns around the body of Zibo Rui. It is like a big snake that has become a snake in his body. The whip is raised high. Out of the "嘶嘶" air pumping *, the sound of He Yiming was shocked.

"Long time, the five lines of the brothers are unparalleled in the world, please take it out and let the old man open his eyes." Zibo Rui said coldly.

Although he knows that the power of the five elements is boundless, in this environment, he is absolutely impossible to prohibit both sides from using the gods. It is not as concealed as it is.

He Yiming smiled slightly and said: "The brother-in-law has a good reputation, but today the younger brother is not willing to use the five-line ring, and he will use this pair of meat to teach your five elements."

Although his face is smiling, but his heart has already succumbed to the death of the light and the combined power of the light.

After successfully combining these two forces, they become a big one, even completely suppressing the flowers of their own five elements. Even if there is the existence of Chaotian Dantian, they will not use the power of other departments. .

At this time, the five-line ring is completely a chicken rib in his hand. It is not as good as the Tibetan Mastiff.

However, his thoughts on how others can know.

After hearing this sentence, Zibo Rui's face could not help but slightly green.

For the first time since he was promoted to the peak of humanity, it was the first time someone was so arrogant and wanted to face his soldiers with empty hands.

At this moment, even the brows of Zizi were wrinkled. Although his views on He Yiming have changed a lot, he will no longer be regarded as a chick that has just advanced into the nine heavens. But he is not convinced of his arrogance.

The human body of the nine heavens is almost the same ~ ~ and the soldiers are their biggest dependencies, and if they lose the support of the soldiers, their power will be greatly reduced.

After all, the difference between the natural physique of humans and sacred beasts is not so easy to make up for.

The power of the top sacred beasts may vary greatly, but this is absolutely not the case in the nine heavens of mankind.

Zibo Rui smiled, and he screamed: "Okay, a arrogant boy, since you want to fight yourself, it is no wonder that the old man is ruthless."

There was a loud sound of sound explosion on his head, and a green shadow flashed without it. He had already stabbed the past and burned the novel network.

The whip that was surrounded by green snakes on him didn't know when it had been solved, and came to He Yiming's side like a ghost.

He Yiming’s smile did not change, and he reached out, as if he was casually pointing out.

Above his finger, there was a shimmering glimmer of light, so it gently touched the long whip head like a snake head.

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