Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 324: Agreement

"Artifact?" He Yiming's face could not help but change slightly.

In this world, although the humane peaks such as Zibo and Zibo Rui know the existence of artifacts, they have also learned the terrible artifacts from various channels. However, even if these people add up, there is no He Yiming's understanding of the artifact, because within his five elements, there is an artifact of the Kowloon furnace.

This power system is the first artifact to have the power of He Yiming, but he knows that even the patron saint of the heavenly blessed land has suffered certain damage under the attack of this artifact.

If there is a real artifact ice mirror on the North Sea Iceland, then the power released is inferior to the Kowloon furnace, but it is absolutely impossible to be too far apart.

This level of power, let alone a great sage of the five-dimensional dynasty, even if it is a humane peak, it is simply impossible to resist.

Looking at He Yiming's face gradually gloomy, the two people naturally understand what he thinks.

Zibo sharply coughed and said: "He brother, ice mirror is an artifact to protect Iceland, and our purpose of going to Iceland is not to destroy this artifact, but just want to open a mirror within the scope of the ice mirror A channel that can enter and exit."

He Yiming snorted, and the Taoist work, "Oh, you know the power of the artifact, that is not something that humanity can imagine. I don't think that a five-powered person can have this ability." He paused. Road: "I will never agree with this matter."

The brows of Zibo Rui and Zizi wrinkled at the same time.

Before today's meeting, although they have heard of He Yiming's successful advancement in Liuli Island in southern Xinjiang, he is rumored to be a humane peak. But when a newly advanced Jiuzhongtian is facing six masters of the same rank, how much wind and waves can it set off?

So they are not very concerned about the feeling of He Yiming. However, after He Yiming showed the power of light and darkness, and they saw the white horse thunder and lightning, this idea suddenly changed a lot.

Since this person can kill the two great nine heavens in the West, then in the face of the rest of the nine heavens, if you choose to break through, then who can escape his poisonous hands?

Zixiao sighed and said, "He brother, the old man knows your relationship with Yuan girl, but you know that Yuan girl has already mirrored the first imitation artifact ice glare of Beihai Ice Palace. And she is in the light. Before this **** soldier, he had already promised to open the Icelandic passage.

He Yiming smiled and said: "This request is your exchange condition. Zizi and Zibo Rui are not f6, but they recognize it at the same time.

In fact, if you change someone, then these humane peaks simply cannot care about their ideas. For the strongest of the nine heavens, since I made you, you have to use it for me. If you don't want to open the channel, you will have to rely on a person with a deep cold constitution to use the imitation artifact ice mirror as a guide. They will not be able to help Yuan Lixun to enter the price.

However, the situation is now abrupt, and the sudden rise of He Yiming has caused all the plans to be disrupted.

They can ignore the idea of ​​Yuan Lixun and other five-powered people, and they can ignore a newly-advanced nine-day.

If He Yiming is really just an ordinary, just-advanced rookie, they will never mind to join him.

However, today's He Yiming has already gone unexpectedly strong. In the face of a humane peak that kills two masters of the same rank, it is said that there is no ghost in the heart.

He Yiming indulged in a moment, said: "On this matter, in the future, He will personally go to the Ice Palace to give an explanation to the adults. But let the adventures of the rituals never need to mention.

The face of the two nine-days suddenly became quite ugly, and Zibo Rui sighed and said: "He brother, you have to think twice."

He Yiming’s eyes are condensed and he is looking forward to Zibo. The old man who has just played against him has not escaped his preparations at the moment, but has a sincere look and confrontation with him. .

"He brother, in order to be able to enter the millennium of Iceland, we are all dying, but we have tried our best to push all the furniture. This time, in order to give Yuan girl a step, not only everyone is consuming, but also The use of Tiandi Dibao is even more unknown.” Zibo Rui slowly said that his voice is not high, but it has a deep taste of the “Shendao realm, is the last of all humanity peaks today. Pursuit, and Icelandic reproduction is the only chance in our life. If the brother wants to stop this, it is no match for the whole world. So..."敖博锐 stood up and turned to He Yiming deeply Nod, with the most sincere attitude: "Please brothers think twice."

He Yiming’s heart is a little cold, and he certainly understands the other side’s meaning.

These nine heavens have made such great efforts to cultivate Yuan Lixun into a five-powered sage, and the final deafness is to open the Icelandic passage. It’s hard to succeed now, but if someone blocks it, it’s the only way to break these people’s promotion to Shinto. No matter who they are, they won’t swallow this breath.

Half closed his eyes, He Yiming quietly thinking.

There are countless thoughts in his mind. The most important one is to go to the Northern Palace Ice Palace and grab Yuan Lixun. However, they join the sea and just look for an island for a few years and escape the limelight. Come back, then these human-powered peaks are even more annoyed.

However, this idea has just started, and he was vetoed by He Yiming.

If he just left with Yuan Lixun, there is naturally no problem. However, in the northwest of Taicang County, there is the existence of the entire Hejiazhuang.

If these people vent their anger on Hejiazhuang, then it would be just a matter of raising their hands to razed the small Hejiazhuang.

Although these people are also big and big, they will make this kind of thing equal to both losses, but He Yiming definitely does not have the courage to take risks.

Hidden, He Yiming's heart is inevitably a little impatient, and the body also released a faint sigh of breath.

Zibo Rui looked at each other and they were still sitting calmly, but the mind was "very embarrassed, the body's infuriating flow slowly, and they were ready to go at any time."

Although He Yiming has a relationship with the two, as long as he is not mad, it is impossible to attack them at this moment. However, the two of them are still in the dark. "There is still a good preparation. And even the son-in-law is also the same. What he is thinking about is not how to use the Tongtian Pagoda in the martial art to block He Yiming, but to think about him once. After the shot, you should stay away immediately and not bring the disaster to the ordinary disciple.

After a long time, under the eyes of both of them, He Yiming finally opened his eyes. He said: "Two, if the ritual uses the imitation artifact to guide the real artifact, then what consequences will she have? ""

Zibo Rui both breathed a sigh of relief, since He Yiming did not turn his face on the spot, it shows that there is still room for negotiation.

As long as he can let him agree with Yuan Lixun to open the passage, then all the conditions, they will


"He brothers are relieved." Zi Yan quickly said: "Although the ice mirror is the first artifact of the ice system, but this artifact for the people with deep cold constitution, not only will not cause any harm, but can give Yuan girl Certain benefits."

He Yiming said slightly, "How do you know?"

"The ancient records show that during the Shinto years, there were three people with deep cold physique. Two of them were fortunate to be the contemporary masters of the ice mirror. The rest of the martial arts were not good, but they met. After the ice mirror, the upper part of the ice is easy to wash the marrow, and it has been like a reincarnation. In just a hundred years, it has already reached the realm of the five-powered sage from today’s general practitioners. There is a hint of envy in the face, saying: "Anyone who has a cold body and encounters an ice mirror is only a good thing." I have never seen any harm."

He Yiming relaxed a little in his heart. He knew that it was absolutely impossible for Zizi to deceive him in this matter.

Zibo Rui smiled slightly and said: "He brother, in fact, dangerous or not, it is really difficult to describe. If you are not at ease, let us go to Iceland with us to see how the Yuan girl's grand event."

He Yiming laughed and said: "Respect is not as good as Thank you, my brother."

The politeness he said in his mouth, but c has already decided, in any case, to go to see this mysterious Iceland.

If all this is really as they say, the ice mirror on Iceland can bring great benefits to Yuan Lixun, then he will never stop. But if it is the opposite, this artifact is harmful to Yuan Lixun, then he fights to offend all the humanity peaks in the world, and will never allow this.

However, as soon as he thought of standing in front of him, he was actually a six-person human peak and a top sacred service. He Yiming’s heart was faintly cold.

With the strength of myself, the white horse thunder and the sacred blood coagulation, can you really stop the joint efforts of these people?

A few days later, He Yiming bid farewell to the Golden Battle and other people and set off to return to the northwest.

However, he did not know that, just after he left, the result of the battle between him and the ancestors of Dong Tianfudi, Bo Rui, was already spread all over the world. At the same time, his reputation has reached an unattainable level.

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