Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 336: Tianchi Sovereign

In the winter, the midday sun, like a goose down jacket, is warm and light.

The slightly warm daylight shines above the earth, which seems to bring a touch of dynamism to this cold winter.

The banquets of Hejiazhuang are placed in several courtyards, and everyone who can do the main hall is a person with real identity in the northwest.

However, at this time, both the guests of the Tianluo State and the guests from the small countries "even the innate national guardians of those countries are shocked at this moment."

When the chasing Yokoyama disciple rushed in, everyone had already expected it. It must have been a big man, so that this person would be so rude.

Many of them are smart people who have guessed that the people who come here must be the best in the northwest of the real hegemony of Tianchi.

However, when they want to come, Tianchi is able to come to a saint who has already gone to great things. After all, this sect that dominates the entire northwest for thousands of years is high in the minds of all, looking northwest, they are the only supreme being, and being able to send people to come is already giving the biggest face of the family.

All of this is estimated to be the same in the identity of He Yiming’s body as a great elder of Tianchi. Otherwise, even if they are not sent alone, it is estimated that no one dares to say anything.

However, when the disciple of Yokoyama said that the master of the Tianchi and the adult of the gods were coming at the same time, the vast majority of people were screaming in their minds, and almost all of the following words could not be heard.

If it is a normal person, I am afraid that I don’t know the Tianchi process, and I don’t know what the two masters of Tianchi and the God act represent. However, the person who can be seated in this main hall, the identity of each individual is far from being comparable to ordinary people. Of course they understand the distinguished status of these two. In the northwest, as long as either of them is spoken, there is nothing that can't be done.

According to their words, it is enough to let a certain country in the northwest collapse and retreat, so that a certain country will rise soon.

It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that they have such great prestige and strength in the land of the northwest. Because they are the helm of Tianchi.

However, at the time of this great power ten, these two did not stay on the main peak of the Tianchi. "But it’s the eye-catching rush here. Participate in the New Year’s Ceremony of Hejiazhuang. These glory can be said to be unique for thousands of years. One of them was. The thunder slowly stood up, and even his words were a little embarrassing. "You are one by one, you say one by one, one by one: \\}" "is a vein of Tianchi The Emperor of the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of God. "The disciple finally gave in, he repeated it, it is already more fluent than the original." Good. Yu Jinglei quickly said: "He elders, we have to hurry up and meet." ”

The pharmacist's face was also full of surprises, and he never took the time to accuse the disciple of the disciple.

Even the one who is a strongman in the front line is like this, and after he got the news, he couldn’t even say it, and how can he blame the disciple’s panic. He Yiming smiled slightly and said: "What the teacher said is that it is time to go out and meet."

He stood up, and Chu Arthur and Deng Yichen, who were sitting next to him, also got up at the same time. Although they feel some accidents and expectations in their hearts, they are absolutely not as impulsive as others.

This is the reason for personal strength. If the thunder and the pharmacy have the strength of the sage, they will not become so.

However, the emperor's release in the northwest is indeed a deified character. His status is similar to that of Franklin in the Western Temple. It suddenly appears after a hundred years of retreat, and the impact is even more extraordinary.

After He Yiming and others greeted them, although some whispers were heard in the entire hall, all the people spoke with their best efforts to lower the voice, almost biting their ears and talking. On everyone's face, there is a faint red tide, and once they think about seeing the legendary figure, their hearts are more excited.

He Wude took the lead. In his body week, the two generations of Hejia and Hengshan, together with the Tianluo, were rushing out of the city gate. As for He Yiming, the three ended, but it fell to the end.

The three of them smiled, but in the northwest, the emperor did have the qualification to let them go out to meet.

Within the gates of the city, one old and one young are talking softly. Their eyes are clear, and they seem to be looking at the famous Hejiazhuang.

He Yiming’s eyes were as electric, and he immediately saw that the old man was a **** operator, but when his gaze fell on a young man next to him, he could not help but glance.

This seems to be only in his twenties, and his face is light and dark, as if there is nothing in the world that can make him worry.

It seems that the daylight of He Yiming was sensed. The man turned his head and smiled at He Yiming. He Yiming bowed his head like a gift, but his heart was a slight glimpse.

It’s just that the two men’s eyes are light, and they have already sensed the enormous power hidden in the other side. They all know that the strength of the other side's accumulated strength is only inferior to their own. In the northwest, there is no such thing as a martial art. There is no third person anymore. Of course, the Shinto coagulation in the backyard at this time is not counted. "This is the emperor's release of the day." He Yiming said softly. The body of Chu Artemisia and Deng Yichen trembled at the same time, and their eyes were filled with surprise and awe.

Emperor Shitian is the first strongman in the northwest and the nine-day heaven of humanity. It has been famous for hundreds of years. However, his appearance is so young, it is clearly cultivated a special practice, or take the Tiandi treasure like Yan Yan.

However, all this has nothing to do with them, but after hearing the name of this person, they subconsciously gave birth to a fear of the power of the aliens. "When you see the emperor's release, the **** is an adult." Yu Jinglei screamed and bowed.

Before Jing Lei, a hundred years ago, he went to Tianchi with his predecessors and had the honor to see the emperor. So other people can't determine the identity of the young man, but he has already recognized it at a glance. After all, the old monsters that keep such a young face in the world, fear is also unique.

After hearing the words of the thunder, He Wude and others no longer have doubts, and at the same time go down to worship, even the Tianluo owner is not exception.

Although Yu Ruipei is now the contemporary king of Tianluo, in the eyes of the Tianchi lord, there is no difference between the general A-dog and the cat.

As long as his old man is happy, he can let Tianluo become a country at any time, so he simply does not dare to put on the shelf of the king.

The **** operator laughed happily. He waved his sleeves, and a soft, forceful force immediately wrapped up the bodies of the people. Even if they wanted to go through three big prayers, they could not do it. "The lord and the old man came here, but they just wanted to ask for a bowl of water and wine.

The shackles of the gods are not heavy, but they have an awe-inspiring pressure. Wherever the people in the field dare to violate, one by one, Novo is not.

However, they all know that as long as they are martial arts strong, they all have their own strange hobbies. The lords and the gods are not willing to see other people, so it is nothing.

However, people can not care, but they dare not have the slightest rudeness. This is the position of everyone determined by strength and status, and it is also a bit ambiguous.

He Yiming stepped forward and gave a deep look at the two of them. "The two are coming, He Mo has never been out and welcome."

Yu Jinglei and others immediately held their breath. Of course, they understood that the emperor and the gods were sure to come to He Yiming, but He Yiming’s attitude towards them both surprised everyone.

Although He Yiming is already a great elder of Tianchi, but in the face of the legendary lord, he even spoke in a completely equal tone, which naturally made everyone's heart pinched. A sweat.

Especially in the thunder, the pharmacy and He Wude three people, even more willing to pull He Yiming down and bow down to apologize, but in this case, their courage is even bigger, but also dare not act rashly .

However, beyond everyone's surprise, the emperor released the sky, but not the sleeves left, but the smile is awkward: "He brothers are really talented in the sky, unparalleled in the world. At the same time, the thunder and so on, even They were stunned on the spot. What did they hear just now? The emperor Shi Tian and He Yiming were commensurate with their brothers... At this moment, they thought about each other, but they were too excited, so they had auditory hallucinations. Ming modest Bodao: "The emperor has won the prize. ”

The sound of a cold air suddenly rang, although it was so rude in front of the emperor, but they could no longer control their Several people looked at each other, they simultaneously I feel that this world is really crazy.

Not only did the emperor release the unexpectedly degraded and esteemed with the He Yiming brothers, even He Yiming did not have the slightest modesty, and it was actually a stick-like initiative to stick up.

Doesn't he know that in front of him is the humanity peak of the first strongman in the northwest?

He Wude no longer cares about this, he sighed: "Yimong, not rude, hurry to aggravate the adults." He Yiming suspiciously said: "Grandpa, why do children have to pay for their crimes?"

He Wude’s blown beard and eyes blinked, and he carefully watched the emperor’s release. Fortunately, the big face was normal, but not angry, but looked at it with interest. His heart was loose, and he quickly said: "Ying, what is the identity of the Sovereign, you will pay a visit to the ceremony."

He Yiming touched his nose, and he smiled in his heart. He did not take the initiative to say everything about going out, mainly because he didn't want his family to worry.

After all, the things he has experienced are too dangerous. If it is not his special constitution, he is afraid that he has died many times before. But what I can't think of is that now I have such a sly end.

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