Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 360: Herd

He Yiming’s face changed slightly, and he naturally could hear that the sound of the road was not shouted out from the mouth of a certain beast, but from the mouth of thousands of beasts. However, this voice turned out to be so uniform, like a beast. This, even if it is done by trained human beings, may not be able to do so well.

He Yiming’s heart suddenly emerged with a strange thought. Is the beast inside the mountain actually a group of organized and disciplined beasts? This seems to be too frivolous.

Looking from afar, this is a mountain covered with snow. Almost every big tree has dense snow, which is worrying that these branches will not withstand the pressure and break at any time.

When the snow fox approached the mountain, it was like a basin of cold water poured into a hot oil pan, and the whole forest became boiling.

A strange monster rushed out of the mountain. This is a group of creatures slightly larger than the snow fox, like a wild dog. Their bodies are covered with brown hair, and each creature's eyelids have a hint of blood red. They are like stimulants, and a cell that screams and rushes up.

He Yiming's face color badge is a sinking. He only needs one glance to see that these things are ordinary beasts, and even among them there is not even a beast. But in the face of the sacred beasts released by the white horse thunder, they did not show a little bit of fear.

They seem to be like the hundred and eight, never afraid of the oppression and attack of the momentum, which makes He Yiming puzzled.

The snow fox suddenly stopped. It turned and yelled at He Yiming. It seemed that he wanted to use the beasts that flowed in like the tide to threaten He Yiming.

He Yiming showed a sneer, just relying on these herds that even the ordinary spirits did not want to let themselves retreat? This snow fox will not be stupid. His wrists stretched out, and the five-ring ring was already appearing in his hand like a ghost.

Then, with a gentle wave, the multicolored light exploded from the ring, rushing past the burning novel network like a huge five-color fire dragon.

The action of the snow fox had a noticeable pause, and then it suddenly fell into the ground. At the moment, the unknown beasts behind him, who are almost crazy, rushed up without fear.

He Yiming snorted, he did not stop, the colorful light dragon rushed into the herd, and all the beasts swept by this light dragon lost their lives in an instant, a lot of killing at this moment Unrelentingly staged.

If the number of these monsters is not large, He Yiming may not kill. But in the face of crazy monsters like the downhill of the flood, He Yiming does not think they will leave any feelings for themselves.

In the face of such a violent beast, the only way is to kill the top beasts and let the subsequent monsters have fears, until they dare not rush again.

The power of the light dragon is really unstoppable, and all the weird beasts that are involved are stunned and can't be seen, and they have all been wiped out. Not only that, under the control of He Yiming, the colorful light dragon suddenly burst open, turning into a little bit of light, and involved everything around it.

In the middle of He Yiming and those monsters who rushed forward, there was a huge wall of fire suddenly. This is a masterpiece that He Yiming believes in, and uses the power of fire to burn.

In the face of the fire wall of a few feet, these innocent beasts are finally a little scared, they are no longer unscrupulous forward, but waiting slowly, consuming... He Yiming face The smile on the face has not yet fully converged, but the face is a change.

He has already felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the venerable world, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big prince, the prince, the sacred god, the sacred god, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful乾坤 will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the throne, the lord of the world, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big princes, the gods, the gods, the night gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the young, the royal family, the snow fox Instead of leaving, he chose to be under the ground. It is ready to wait for you to leave before you come out to escape. Gently a clip of the horse's belly, He Yiming's golden light suddenly burst out. The power of the soil system was released at this moment. However, just as He Yiming wanted to sneak into the ground, a huge breath was rolled up from the ground.

He Yiming’s face flashed a glimmer of color. From this breath, He Yiming feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night god, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou royal family. Will kill the gods of the gods of the throne, seek the devil, respect the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, abandon the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big, the royal family, the gods, the night god, the gods, the throne Seeking the devil, the world’s strongest abandonment, the great Zhou Dynasty has reached a powerful force. Just for a moment, he has already understood that this new guy has the power and is so powerful that he can already fight with himself. He had a glimpse of his heart, and his body was condensed, but the five lines of the ring flashed.

However, it made him feel even more incredible. The powerful force from the bottom of the earth did not come to him, but turned around halfway and headed for the snow fox. He Yiming first slammed a half, then immediately understood.

It turned out that this is not the nest of Snow Fox, but the place where another powerful monster lives. Snow Fox has brought himself here, but it is actually uneasy.

No wonder that at the moment when a lot of monsters rushed up, it would choose to sneak into the ground. It was not to evade its own attack, but to hide from the madness of the sea behind it. However, in that case, I am afraid that no one can detect the mystery, even if He Yiming thinks that these monsters are their disciples, but I don’t think there is a great difference between these different kinds of monsters. The hatred.

After feeling the closeness of another powerful force in the land, the snow fox immediately moved. Its degree is indeed a rare one. Even under the ground, it is as fast as lightning. In a flash, it is followed by the pursuit. Pulled a certain distance.

He Yiming gently patted the horseback, and the white horse thundered a long sigh, and between the ponytails, it was still leaving. However, the golden light on them was getting thicker and thicker, and He Yiming rode his white horse like this, and he broke straight into the ground. The action of the snow fox seems to be a little faster, and its breath seems to have some confusion.

Among all the pursuits, the most fearful of it is undoubtedly the white horse thunder. Because for many years, White Horse is the only one who has passed the number - its holy beast. Once it is restrained in this respect, Snow Fox's end can be imagined.

The escape under the ground is already its last attempt. If this is even a white horse, then it is really nowhere to go.

A huge and strong breath passed from the side, and He Yiming’s face was ugly and ugly.

The monster that sneaked from the mountain peak could not catch up with the snow fox, and even pointed the Japanese mark to himself. I really don't know how this guy is thinking about it. Is it because he wants to do something that hurts others?

Due to the geographical location, the white horse thunder and lightning just entered the underground, just caught by the powerful monster on the side of the body, a huge black paw was handed over from the land.

This is a knife-like claw with a sharp wave. A powerful force suddenly cuts the space in front of it. All the dirt begins to roll in an instant, and the sharp power flow is like the essence. It's generally creepy.

He Yiming snorted, and the five elements of the ring swayed gently, and the five-fold increase in power suddenly rushed out like a raging wave.

If the strength of this monster is as sharp as a nail, then the power that He Yiming replies back is a hammer, so he unscrupulously hit it up, leaving this a deep hole in the wall. The nails became scrap iron.

The counterattack, which contained five times the force, flew all the things in front of him. He Yiming did not even see the opposite of the holy beast. He had already broken it into a tight mound. Among them.

Although this kind of power can't take its life, but it has been hit so hard, it is estimated that this monster will not want to recover in a short time.

At this point, the dexterous snow fox has flew off the ground, and when He Yiming entangled with the unknown monster, it has fled in general.

However, He Yiming’s eyes did not have the slightest blame, and his mouth even showed a hint of sneer. Above the ground, between the Horan is the wind and clouds, the world is changing.

The power of the vast world has already rushed in one direction in an instant, and instantly formed a huge light group.

In midair, the Shinto coagulation is proud, standing on his raised arm, surrounded by the enormous power that has frightened countless people. He raised his hand and waved gently toward the front.

A devastating force descends from the sky, as if the end of the world had come, and everything was covered under the power of death.

The huge gully emerged from the ground. This gully spread directly to the distant peaks, and even the foot of the mountain was shattered by the impact of this force.

All the creatures were astonished by this earth-shattering blow. The group of beasts that had been screaming and screaming could no longer stand up. They were scared to the ground, squatting, and the air was filled with a full The smell of suffocating smell.

Such a vast world of power is enough to make any living being surrendered, even the snow fox is scared to the ground at this moment.

Although the Shinto coagulation person released the power of heaven and earth, more than half of its thoughts were condensed on the white fox. Under special care, the snow fox only felt that the limbs were weak and weak, just like There are countless invisible ropes that hold it firmly, and it’s a luxury to play with it.

The white figure flashed a bit, He Yiming rode a white horse to the ground He had a lingering look at the high-spirited sacred blood coagulation, although this is not the first time to feel the martial arts The Holy King made the sacred king will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the throne, and the lord of the world, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment of the big princes, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the demon, the arrogant world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big empire, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night **** The Emperor of India is arrogant and proud of the world. The most powerful and abandoning of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The royal family made the night to kill the gods and the gods. The throne is the most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty to the heavens and the earth, and even he has the same strength. But every time I feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the young, the prince, the prince, the sacred god, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful乾 乾 将 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The power of heaven and earth, He Yiming's heart will have a strong sense of uneasiness.

His eyes fell on the snow fox that fell to the ground. He sighed, the five elements ringed gently, the colorful light fell, everything calmed Recently invincible, so there is no time to manage the book review, want to recruit A vice moderator.

Requirements, must be familiar with the starting point, have management experience, long online time, to be fair, true identity to be accurate, internship for a week, I have to look at the traces of management.

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