Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 362: Ice Palace master

The closer he is to the side, the more joy He Yiming is.

Looking from a distant place, we can only see that this is a human settlement, but the scale is not known.

However, after approaching, it can be easily judged. The human settlement here is so large. Although it is far from being comparable to the big cities in the east, it is already the largest town he has seen since entering the ice field.

Here, there are still tall walls, although these walls have no effect in the face of the powerful beasts such as the true sacred beast, but it is just right to defend against the large number of ordinary beasts in the northern Xinjiang.

At the entrance to the city, there were people guarding them. Although the people who came and went were not inspected, those people were also in groups. The body was obviously wearing the weapons of the pickpockets.

He Yiming rode a white horse, holding a pig, and being alone, it seems to be extremely eye-catching among these people.

However, what makes He Yiming quite strange is that these people are not only rejecting and maliciously looking at his eyes, but are full of respectful looks.

He was puzzled and touched his nose. Although He Yiming was conceited, he had not changed his mind to the point where he thought that the tiger's body would be able to make some ordinary people admire.

However, the respect of these people's eyes is absolutely sincere, which makes his mind suspicious, and even such a dress can be recognized by others.

Followed by the crowd came to the gate of the city, a guard came forward, respectful said: "Adults, the Holy Land messenger issued an order in the city, all the adults who came to the city must go to the city to report.

He Yiming squinted his eyes twice. According to his conscience, he could understand every word spoken by the other party, but he did not understand what he meant.

The brow is slightly wrinkled, He Yiming said: "What is the branch, who is the Holy Land messenger?"

The guard’s head stunned and looked suspiciously at 7 eyes, He Yiming, his eyes gradually became a bit unhealthy.

However, he is not a rash person after all, saying: "I don't know if you have advanced?"

He Yiming slightly nodded his head, but his heart secretly added a sentence, He is a nine-day, not innate.

Don't say that the guard did not hear this sentence, even if he heard it, he would not understand the gap between innate and nine heavens. However, as long as He Yiming is an innate powerhouse, that is enough.

This person's face emerged with a more respectful look, saying: "Adult, now the northern Xinjiang ice sheet has been hit by a thousand-year-old beast. The Holy Land messenger is an adult sent from the Northern Ice Palace. At this time, he has the right to command. All the adults on the ice sheet came to resist the tide of the animals.” He paused and said: “In the past few days, the ambassadors entered the city and issued orders for all the congenital adults in the city to go to the branch. So after the villain saw the grown-up, he went on. The previous report was reported.

He Yiming nodded slightly, but after a while, his eyes were filled with suspicious colors, saying: "How do you know that I am advanced?"

Being able to see at a glance that he is a congenital strongman, then this person has at least a congenital state. However, He Yiming saw a half-sound, but he could not see at all that this person had something like a congenital strongman.

The man’s head hangs down and says: “You are a single person riding alone. At this time, you can walk the ice sheet. If you don’t have the innate realm, you will be killed by the beasts on the ice sheet.

This person speaks straight and straight, and there is no bend. However, such a personality also made He Yiming greatly appreciated.

At this point, he has already understood why those strangers will show their respectful color when they see themselves. o In the special place of the northern Xinjiang ice sheet, because the human and the beast are deadlocked for thousands of years, so the practitioner is here. The status is quite lofty. The innate power among the practitioners is even more admired by all.

Those who see themselves alone will naturally think that they are innate powers.

In this special environment, they are still very respectful of the innate power.

As for He Yiming's arms, there is still a treasure pig, but not many people put this little guy in the heart. He He Ming has been indulged. In his capacity, it is naturally impossible to care about this order.

However, when he heard the messenger of the Holy Land, he reminded him of Yuan Lixun of the Northern Palace Ice Palace.

Nodded slightly, He Yiming said: "I don't know the address of the branch, you make people lead me.

The guardian head suddenly rejoices in the heart, although the Holy Land messenger at this time has the power to rule all the innate powers nearby, but the problem is that only the natives of Northern Xinjiang will obey the command, as for those innate from the field. They are basically unruly people, and it is impossible to listen to the words of the Holy Land messengers.

Since He Yiming asked who the Holy Land messenger is, then of course he could not be a native of Northern Xinjiang, so this person is very worried that He Yiming will leave, or treat him as nothing.

But I didn't expect the innate adult to speak so well. Of course, he couldn't wait to personally bring He Yiming into the city and walk toward the branch.

The size of the city is not small, but He Yiming looked up, but faintly felt that the management here was quite confusing. However, in the city, almost everyone is a practitioner. Although half of them are only three or four layers of practitioners, the proportion of cultivation is quite terrible.

Although he has full doubts, he did not ask in front of this guardian.

Following him through a few streets, before he came to a certain courtyard in the city, he respectfully stepped forward.

But for a moment, the big iron gate slowly opened, and a middle-aged man showed a head and looked at the man with a stern look.

The middle-aged man’s internal strength has been a small achievement, reaching about six layers. A pair of eyelids is also quite powerful. In the blink of an eye, the guard’s head suddenly shrinks his neck. He quickly goes forward and whispers softly. Said a few words.

The face of the middle-aged man suddenly changed, his face was immediately full of smiles, and he opened the door personally, and he congratulated He Yiming.

As for the guardian head in the city gate, after getting some cash prizes, he left with satisfaction.

The middle-aged man fell into the hall with his low-browed eyebrows. He didn't dare to ask He Yiming's name along the way.

However, before entering the hall, there were people who wanted to take the white horse away, but he was repulsed by He Yiming.

It’s not that He Yiming is not worried about the safety of the white horse, but he is worried about the safety of those people. If they wait for the white horse to serve well, if it is not good, this thing will be big.

Also, if you take the decoration on the white horse's electric head, you can see the one-horn on its head as long as it is not a blind man.

Therefore, He Yiming refused the request of the other party very resolutely, saying that his love horse should take care of himself.

The middle-aged man naturally did not dare to have any complaints. Circle: He is very clear that these powerful innate adults have their own eccentric hobbies. Even if they are no longer reasonable, they have seen them. This is a little bit small. The requirements will naturally not be taken care of by them.

He left the white horse thunder and Bao pig outside the hall, and He Yiming entered it. He didn't want the white horse lightning to leave his sight.

A moment later, a big Han Longxing Tiger Step Sister walked in.

In this big man, there is a strong momentum, which is the speciality of cultivation to the strongest method. He Yiming only needs to know at a glance that this person's cultivation is definitely a gold-based practice, and he has been in the innate realm for a while, and it is almost necessary to practice a line of heaven.

Of course, it is easy to talk about martial arts cultivation. Whether he can successfully advance to the front line is still depends on personal creation.

The man entered the hall, his eyes turned and immediately fell on He Yiming. However, after seeing He Yiming’s young, excessive face, there was a suspicion in his eyes.

However, he immediately returned to normal, and laughed loudly: "The Yi people are easy to Zhongtian, Pengcheng holy land division head, you come to Pengcheng, Yimou has a long way to meet, forgive me."

He Yiming smiled slightly and said: "Yi brother is polite."

He stood in a calm smile in the same place, but he had an unspeakable majesty, which made Yi Zhongtian faintly gave birth to a hint of fear.

Yi Zhongtian's face changed slightly. He read countless people in his life, but such strange things have never been experienced. However, the induction of the innate master is quite strong. Since he is abnormal, the more he dares to act rashly.

Originally, I was going to test the depth of this person, but at this moment, even if he let him eat the bear heart and leopard, he would not dare.

"You are coming, I don't know how to call it." Yi Zhongtian smiled and said.

He Yiming said casually: "My name is He."

Yi Zhongtian is a glimpse, but he immediately relieved. Some innate powers are reluctant to show their names easily. It is quite a face to tell a surname when they first meet. Now Pengcheng has a lot of crisis. He doesn’t want to This little thing offends a congenital.

"It turned out to be Mr. He." Yi Zhongtian paused and said: "Mr. He should not be a native of northern Xinjiang."

He Yiming nodded slightly and said: "Yes, He Mou came to northern Xinjiang this time, and was invited by two friends and came together."

Yi Zhongtian’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he was able to be a brother and brother with the innate powers, and he was accompanied by him.

If there are three innate powers in the city sitting on the then this crisis may be safely resolved.

He immediately looked forward to asking: "Hee brother, where are your two friends? Can you enter the city with you?"

He Yiming waved his hand and smiled bitterly: "He and the two friends were lost, and now they don't know where they are."

The eyes of Yi Zhongtian’s eyes suddenly faded. He sighed: “There is a flood of beasts on the ice sheet, even if the innate powers will encounter the Millennium Spirit, everything must be careful.”

He Yiming was dumbfounded. He immediately understood that the other party actually thought that he and others had encountered the herd, so they would not be separated. However, he is too lazy to explain about this matter.

Yi Zhongtian’s gaze turned and immediately saw the white horse outside the hall.

He stunned and immediately understood that this pregnant white horse must be the mount of Mr. He.

His eyes turned a picture on the white horse thunder, his eyes suddenly condensed, eyes staring at the snow fox body on the white horse thunder, even his body was too excited Some trembled.

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