Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 376: Kirin Lord

As the white horse went faster toward the rear, He Yiming believed that the man must be invisible. However, after a while, He Yiming’s eyes flashed a strange color.

As he rode his white horse back on the same path, he was able to sense that the powerful suffocating in the distance also turned around.

At the beginning, He Yiming’s heart was still sneer, and he wanted to compare with the white horse thunder. It was simply a dead end. If this person flies into the sky, then there may be a chance to escape from the tracking of the white horse, but on the mainland...

The only feeling of He Yiming is that he met a madman.

However, it didn't take long for He Yiming's face to gloomy, because he can be sure that the other party is not a madman, but a veteran. This person’s quickness is not under the white horse thunder.

The rear suffocation is still strong, although this strong suffocating air is filled in the thick ice sky, but wants to feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred king, the sacred world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou Huangzu will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the gods, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods, the gods, the night gods The King of India seeks the devil to be proud of the world. The most powerful abandonment of the Great Zhou Dynasty to the existence of this power, but it must be quite repaired.

Below the realm of the Sayādaw, they will feel a little uncomfortable, and even a little depressed, but they are absolutely unable to know why. This is why Xu Jun didn't know anything about it.

However, in the pursuit of the white horse thunder, not only the degree of that person is also very fast, and even the suffocating air in the air began to weaken rapidly.

At this point, He Yiming certainly understands that this person is clearly deliberately attracting himself, otherwise it is impossible to make such complicated things.

He snorted, and the infuriating body began to mobilize, and gradually invaded the body of the white horse.

Although the two of them have not experienced the ritual of humanity and animal unity, the relationship between them is not inferior to the most intimate beasts of the totems.

The average person will enter the infuriating spirit into the beast, but it will not help, but will cause extremely bad consequences. However, He Yiming is different from the white horse lightning. When He Yiming’s infuriating gas entered the white horse, it was combined with a certain power of the holy beast.

The white air around the white horse began to make subtle changes, only a moment, a few rotating airflow suddenly appeared in its body circumference.

A cheerful long scorpion was released from the mouth of the white horse, just like eating a stimulant. The degree of white horse thunderbolt climbed to a peak again.

He Yiming's heart is secretly proud, no matter how powerful the person in front, but under the joint efforts of himself and the white horse, it should be able to catch up easily.

However, after a while, He Yiming’s face changed, and the smugness in his eyes faded. Impossible... This is the thought of He Yiming’s sudden emergence.

Because the degree of the person in front is also getting faster, although it is not possible to pass the white horse thunder, but it is not weak.

For a time, He Yiming’s heart was chilling. Although he did not let Baimalei lose electricity, his heart was full of vigilance.

Above the land of northern Xinjiang, the stranger is really a number of people, even let him meet a guy who can go hand in hand with the white horse thunder and even a little better.

You must know that the white horse lightning at this time is equivalent to the degree of human and animal unity, but still can not catch up with the stranger who has not met before.

Hesitating for a moment, He Yiming finally took out the tracker on his chest. He asked in a deep voice: "Hundred brother, are you in the sky?"

"Yes." The very direct sound sounded.

Recently, Hundred and Eighth seems to be fascinated by the flight in the sky, but also pulls the Shinto coagulant to ascend to heaven. He Yiming did not stop this, but issued an order to let the Shinto coagulation person try to cooperate.

The purpose of doing this was gradually revealed. When he and the Shinto coagulation people flew in the sky, they all became invisible.

Even if he looked up with He Yiming's eyes, he would not find the traces of these two guys.

If there is no change in the mind of the sacred blood coagulation in his mind, He Yiming is really not sure whether they are still by his side. "Use the clairvoyance, help me to take a look." He Yiming's old face was slightly red, and paused: "Who is the front?" After the interest rate, the sound of the flat sound sounded: "I see It’s over.” He Yiming was immediately absorbed, even the treasure pigs in his arms were erected with a pair of big ears. “That’s not human.”

He Yiming stunned, Yi: "Is it the top king of the beast in northern Xinjiang?"

Although this level of the sacred beastmaster will basically not easily leave the territory to wander, but today's big environment is different, under the stimulus of the millennium Iceland, there are three or two appearances. "It seems that it is not surprising. It is just that your luck is not Too good, I actually encountered one of them. However, Hundred and Eight continued: "Not a holy beast. ”

He Yiming was really suspicious this time. He snorted and said: "It is not a person, nor a holy beast. What is it? It is not a ghost." "Not ghosts, they are human beings." "One hundred and eight seriously said. "Human beast?" He Yiming's eyes are more and more uncertain. He has only heard of animals, but he has never heard of monsters such as human beings.

"It's a human being." One hundred and eight added a sentence: "Like you."

He Yiming’s face slowly became ugly, saying: “Do you mean one person and one beast?”


He Yiming took a deep breath and endured the feeling of impending explosion. He snorted and talked with hundred and eight, still quite difficult. Fortunately, I changed myself. If I changed to other people, I guess I can't understand the meaning of this guy. "Well, what is the animal in front of you?" He Yiming said helplessly. "Humans have only one back, can't see clearly, but his mount is a unicorn beast.

He Yiming's eyes suddenly lit up. In this s, 1, he immediately understood the identity of the person in front.

The Qilin saints of the Totem family also have this talent and may have a higher level with the white horse.

The unicorn beast, this is also a sacred beast with the blood of the beast, and it has been famous for hundreds of years, even the same level as the dragon snake in the ghostly ridge.

It is not so easy to catch up with this holy beast, even if it is a white horse. In the same way, although He Yiming used the method of human and animal unity to stimulate the white horse lightning. But the unicorn lord is a strong actor who has the ability to combine human beings and animals. When their power is in one, they will certainly not be under the combination of themselves and lightning.

In my heart, I quickly turned a few thoughts, but since I already know the origin of the other party, He Yiming is not interested in playing the game again.

His legs were lightly clipped, and the white horse thundered a long sigh. Although it was absolutely inexhaustible and violent for not being able to catch up with each other, it eventually obeyed He Yiming’s command and raised it high. The two hooves, heavily stepping on the ground.

The fierce power of this time, even the faintness in front of the ground cracked in all directions, it can be seen that the white horse lightning is not reconciled.

Gently patted the neck of the white horse, and He Yiming said: "The unicorn lord is far away, and He Mou is not sent."

His voice swayed far and wide, and it caused countless echoes in this desolate land of thousands of miles.

After a while, the sound of a little old feeling in front of the sound sounded: "How do you know the old man?" He Yiming laughed, and the heart secretly, how should he answer? I can’t tell the truth.

As soon as the eyeball turned, he put away a smile and sighed: "Under the whole world, it is possible to compete with the white horse thunder, and only the totem beast of the totem family. Is this still guessing?

This sentence can be a bit of a good taste, but consider it carefully, but it is so reasonable.

Although the distant suffocation has been dimmed a lot, He Yiming is still able to sense it. This suffocating position has not moved, indicating that after he called out the identity of the other party, the sacred canister also stopped. "You said it was good. The old man was exposed on this." The voice of the lord of the unicorn rang.

He Yiming smiled evenly, but his heart was secretly stunned. If it weren’t for a thousand-eyed eyes, how could he guess the true identity of the other party? "The Supreme Lord has brought him to this place, I don't know what to see." He Yiming said loudly: "If the Lord is not abandoning, pay a long time to come back." "Yes, the old man is about to meet." He Yiming, the world's first.

The voice of the lord of the unicorn fell, and a huge squeak rang from the front. "That is the scream of a certain kind of faint, there is a special king temperament.

If on that day the giant bear spirits listened to this snoring, it must be scared to the bottom of the stream, how far away to escape, but this time is not the same.

White horse lightning and double-legged olives do a glimpse, but also a long sound.

The screams of the two top holy beasts rumbling at this moment, and all the beasts within a hundred miles of the earthquake were smashed down and did not dare to move. The battle between the sacred kings is not something these guys can participate in. A golden shadow soon appeared on the horizon, and quickly approached He Yiming.

He Yiming said nothing, first collect the tracker, gently pacify the white horses in the eyes of extreme excitement, it is estimated that this guy thinks that he has to work with people. And this time the opponent is a guy who is similar to its strength. Once it is played, it is definitely quite enjoyable. Of course, as long as there is a chance, He Yiming will not allow the first thing to happen.

The figure flashed a few times and it has already come to He Yiming. Although he knows that this is also the power of human and animal unity, He Yiming admits that this unicorn beast has a fast degree. I am afraid that it is not under the white horse.

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