Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 392: 5 rows of feathers

Bing Futian shook his head slightly. He hadn't spoken yet, and the lord of the unicorn sneered. If you count on the old assassin, we don't want to enter the Millennium Iceland this time. ”

The three towns of Zizheng looked at each other and told the truth, in the face of the world’s first assassin, Ji Mofan, even if they had a sense of creeps.

Moreover, due to the different origins of the relationship, Jimo Fanshu and these people also have a feeling of incompatibility.

Before He Yiming was promoted to the peak of humanity, there were only nine people in the nine heavens under the universal sky. However, among the nine people, only one person from Ji Mofanshu started from scratch, stepping from a small person to the realm of humanity. .

Behind the Western Code, there are strong martial art support, and these martial arts are the most powerful forces in the world.

Liuli Island in southern Xinjiang, colorful ice palace in northern Xinjiang, Tianchi in the northwest, totem family, Oriental Lingbi Hall, Dongtianfudi, Western Temple and Dark Alliance.

Each of these eight places is a powerful force that has been inherited for thousands of years, and there are many strong sects that have been inherited for tens of thousands of years.

Even the shortest in history, it is already famous in the Shinto era.

In contrast, Jimo Fanshu, he just got a book of the book of the Shinto under the accident, but with this coagulation, he created the famous Huangquanmen.

Although there is no existence of the power of God in the land of nine secluded, but in the minds of everyone in Dashen, this place is also a terrible place, and it is no less inferior to those who have passed down for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. .

It is because of the difference in origin that they have made their thoughts and behaviors very different. Although they are both humane peaks, there are very few who can make friends with Jimo Fan.

Liu Chang raised his brow and wrinkled, saying: "Ji Mofan, they lost their hands?"

Bing Futian slightly nodded his head and said: "The Jimomen Lord did not succeed in attacking the snow fox. But he has already traveled to the depths of the northern Xinjiang with the emperor, and there is a snow fox sacred beast there. If all goes well, it is estimated that the day after tomorrow should be able to come back."

"Ice brother, you have not said that the snow fox Ling Dan has already arrived, is this snow fox not the master of the Gimmon door?" Zi Luo asked.

Bing Fu Tianlang laughed and said: "The son is really powerful. The bottle of snow fox that the old man and other people got is indeed the owner of the Gimmon."

Everyone's face is vaguely revealing a hint of surprise. They have a deep understanding of the snow fox's degree, because in these hundreds of years, they have penetrated the northern Xinjiang ice sheet and tried to hunt snow fox, but only The successful example is the one of Gimhaf.

In addition, everyone can no longer think of it, and who else has the ability to capture the snow foxes that make them feel helpless.

Zibo sharp eyes swept around, he suddenly passed his ears, seemingly listening to what, after a moment, his eyes flashed a number - a trace of suspicious color, seems to be hesitating.

Everyone here is an old guy who is old and fine. When he sees his appearance, he immediately understands that he is still present. For a time, it was quiet immediately, and everyone’s ears were swaying.

They are the top players in humanity. Although they are gathered together for the same goal, they still have to compete in the dark.

Their minds spread out in an instant, vaguely, they seem to feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big princes, the sacred gods, the gods, the gods, the throne The enchanting world is the most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou dynasty martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The young Zhou Dynasty has reached a huge atmosphere.

These two breaths are not human, but have the unique glory of the holy beast. With their experience, they immediately understand that this is a holy beast that can be compared with them.

However, the eyes of the three sons and sisters glimpsed on the lord of the unicorn, and they could not help but scream at the same time.

Among the ice palaces, the holy beasts that can be like them are afraid of only the unicorn beasts, but where is the other top holy beast coming from?

Suddenly, Zi Yan and Zi Bo Rui’s eyes were bright at the same time. They looked at each other and said the same thing: "It is him..."

Bing Futian laughed and said: "Yes, it is him."

Liu Changju angered everyone and looked at them. It seems that they have already known the merits of this person, but it is natural that they are in the drums.

Zi Yan sighed and said: "Liu brother, you are not justifiable, because both of us have met with this person and handed over, but you know nothing about him, for a while. It’s normal to think of it."

Liu Changju’s face was slightly changed, and he finally remembered one person. He sighed: “Impossible, he has just been promoted to the peak of humanity. Even if the ability is big, it is impossible to kill the snow fox.” He paused, he added a tone. , said: "Even if we can't do it, how can he do it."

Give the Lord a sigh and say: "Liu brother, if it is only by experience, he certainly is not as good as you and me, but his martial arts repair is indeed true, not inferior to me, etc. And, by his side There is also a white horse holy beast, this white horse is not the same, even my unicorn beast can not beat it."

Bingfu nodded slightly and said: "The white horse doesn't have much arrogance. Even the power of the top sacred beast can seem to be suppressed, so it is possible to get close to the snow fox without being present."

Liu Changju’s face was inconspicuous. He finally understood why the two sons could sing in the middle of the song. It was because they had seen the white horse thunder and lightning, knowing that there is still a top san in this world that is in harmony with human beings. The beast, just because it sensed the existence of the white horse thunder, it will only hit He Yiming.

Although he had already heard the name of He Yiming, he never had a photo before, and this impression naturally cannot be compared with them.

With a sigh of relief, Liu Chang said: "I have already handed it over to you, and let Yuan girl take it to be light."

Ice Futian's heavy nod, he certainly understands the preciousness of the feathers in his hand. If it is not the Millennium of Iceland, then it is impossible to gather the strength of the people to refine this feather.

"Ritual, you come to see." Ice laughs seem to be casual, but his voice has crossed a distant distance, so he suddenly screamed in front of Yuan Lixun.

A moment later, Yuan Lixun, who was dressed in a white dress, had already arrived here. After seeing the people here, she could not help but jump.

She is no stranger to these people. When she hits the realm of the saints in the colorful palace, the commonality of these people is obvious to all. No matter what kind of day these old people hold, her heart is in her heart. It is a feeling of pouring.

"The Sovereign, the adults." Yuan Lixun saw the ceremony to everyone.

Bing Futian's big sleeves waved, said: "Ritual, this is the five-line feathers that we have joined together to refine, and the good fortune, finally succeeded before this time in Iceland, you immediately retreat after taking it, no matter how It must be successful before the emergence of Iceland.

Yuan Lixuan Hui Yu, her gaze fell on the feather coat in the hands of Ice Laughing, although she did not know much about the refining path, but with her pre-cultivation, she can naturally feel the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred The king will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the demon, arrogant, the world, the most powerful, abandon the big, the week, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne Proud of the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal gods will kill the gods of the gods of the throne to seek the magic of the world, the nine strongest days to abandon the big Zhou Dynasty to the feathers on the full of the power to the extreme.

This power is not even under the imitation artifact ice mirror.

Seeing the hesitant color on Yuan Lixuan’s face, Liu Changju grabbed the feather coat very simply and threw it into the hands of Yuan Lixun. “This is how many of our old guys emptied the treasures and hunted the top two in the South China Sea. The beast, the good thing to refine after paying the greatest price. Although it is not a fake artifact, it is definitely not inferior to any imitation artifact in terms of its protective power."

Zibo Rui’s gaze fell on Yuan Lixun’s body with the feathers. He sighed: “The protective power of this feather coat is definitely the first in the world. Although it can’t be compared with the legendary protective artifact, it’s the pain of Liu’s brother. It was done." He said that when he made a fortune, there was a taste of reluctance.

The lord of the unicorn laughed happily and said: "My brother, the old man, for this feather coat, but contributed to the Qilin animal skin of the Yiteng family, and you still have anything to repent."

Zibo sharply sighed and said: "We are only in the heavens and the land is seamless, but it is not under the unicorn skin." Liu Chang raised his hands and waved, the red-faced old man's face was proud of the color, said: "You However, it is to take out some materials. If no old man is forging seven days and seven nights under the volcanic crater, this thing is also a success. Hehe..." Liu Changju’s face muscles twitched slightly, in order to refine this thing, he It was also a ruin, and it was borrowed from the imitation of the Kowloon furnace in the hands of Li Yajing, and it was a lucky success to burst three of them.

At the thought of this price, he was a little bit stunned.

Yuan Lixun looked at these old people with a stunned look. She didn't think of it. As an old man, she would care about her identity here.

This is because she does not know the rarity of these materials, if let her know the true value of this plumage, I'm afraid she will become the case.

Bing Futian shook his head and said: "Ren Xun, how is the exercise of the brother?"

Yuan Lixun quickly squatted: "The Sovereign Master, Yiming has entered the colorful palace for three We follow your instructions and there is no surveillance, so he should still be aware of the power of water."

Many of the nine heavens have a tacit understanding of this matter. This time the trip to Iceland, the stronger the better, He Heming has five elements of rest, of course, let him gather the power of the Five Elements.

Bing Futian's satisfied nod, said: "You go down first, calm down to lighten this feather..." His voice suddenly turned, and the sun looked in the direction of the colorful palace.

Almost at the same time, in addition to Yuan Lixun, everyone's eyes also looked at one place at the same time.

Their hearts are quite shocking, because they all know that anyone who enters the colorful palace, no matter how they cultivate, can't spread their momentum out of the colorful palace.

However, at this time, a breath that made them feel extremely shocked suddenly came from that direction.

Inexplicable, they all know clearly what kind of breath is released.

After looking at each other, they jumped in the same direction and went to the direction one by one.

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