Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 394: Cloud heart

The powerful fire power was released from the hands of Liu Changju, and it was like a dragon.

In the place where the fire dragon passed, the mist that filled it was like a meteor, steaming in an instant. Not only that, when the fire dragon approached the colorful Xiaguang, it suddenly became a masterpiece, and the power increased greatly, and even the colorful Xiaguang was completely suppressed.

The rest of the people are all in the eye. The most worrying thing about them is that He Yiming can control the colorful Xiaguang. If it is true, then even if the five humanity peaks join hands, it will only be the land that flees and flies but now it seems that He Yiming is exactly like Bingxiaotian said that he is only absorbed the power of water here, but it is not in time! Control the power here.

Although Liu Changju’s strength is strong, there is no advanced Shinto. After all, he can’t compete with the colorful Xiaguang. The reason why he can suppress it is because the order of the colorful Xiaguang has been disturbed and the relationship is uncontrolled. If this colorful Xiaguang is as clear as the original, then Liu Changju does not have this opportunity at all.

The huge fire dragon is moving forward like a bamboo, and it is coming to He Yiming.

Liu Changju hesitated a little, and he did not expect to be able to succeed so easily.

Therefore, at this moment, he is also hesitant. If He Yiming is seriously injured, then he will not look good in the future. And as long as He Yiming is not dead and vengeful, he will not have many good days.

However, after he just delayed it, his face suddenly became quite ugly. In his feelings, it was like a tiger, and the fire dragon suddenly stopped on the road. It was not because of what Something blocked the way the fire dragon went, but it lost its way.

This feeling is quite weird, and it was the first time in his hundreds of years of life.

His eyes clearly can see He Yiming's figure, but the fire dragon and his thoughts released are hard to lock He Yiming's breath. It is as if a singer is a light smoke, and now it has been incorporated into this colorful glow. What's more, he is astonished by the fact that these glazes are filled with smog, and the sight of the people has been greatly affected.

Bingxiaotian and others quickly showed the embarrassment of Liu Changju, because their thoughts also lost the trace of He Yiming. He Yiming, who stood in front of them and closed his eyes, seemed to have become a mirage, and could not be seen.

"What is going on here?" said the unicorn lord, his face was quite ugly.

An inexplicable sense of crisis has surged from the hearts of the people, and there is no longer a little bit of heart in their hearts.

Zibo sharp eyes gradually sharpened, and he screamed: "Liu brother, do not wait for mercy."

Zi Yan and Xiao Xiaotian looked at each other and they all saw deep concern from the other's eyes. Without thinking, they also said: "Liu brother, be careful."

Liu Changju’s red light flashed violently, and the fire dragon that had hovered in midair was finally rushing toward He Yiming.

A loud bang, the fire dragon rushed through He Yiming's body without any hindrance, bombarded on the ground.

The ground in the valley is Gart, which has passed through the power of God. Although it has a history of a thousand years, it is still not destroyed by the power below Shinto.

After a very violent impact, the fire dragon finally disappeared.

However, the faces of everyone have become ugly at the same time, because in their sight, He Yiming is still standing in the closed position, as if nothing has ever been born.

But everyone just saw it with their own eyes, and He Yiming’s body was indeed shot by the fire dragon.

"He is not himself." Bingxiaotian eyes splattered, he looked around, searched in the colorful rays and fog, and sang: "This is a cloud practice, can create illusions, he must be hidden in Inside the colorful palace, everyone must be careful."

A few humanistic peaks are cursing in their hearts. This He Yiming is exactly what a freak. Not only has cultivation become a combination of light and darkness, but it is also the body of the Five Elements. Now even the legendary extremely rare cloud kungfu has been successfully entangled with such characters, which is really a headache.

Liu Changju screamed, his hands suddenly lifted up, a red light from the palm of his hand, like a ignited a huge firecracker, bursting in the air.

Then, countless Mars flew in all directions, and instantly enveloped most of the valley.

Everyone’s eyes are bright, and Liu Changju’s method is really good. Using this method of attacking and splitting, it’s sure to find He Yiming very quickly. If they can find it, they can find a way. Prevent He Yiming from continuing to absorb the power of water.

After all, they came here to try to rely on the power of He Yiming instead of wanting to kill each other.

However, when this countless Mars began to spread, it was abrupt, and it was wiped out in an instant. I don’t know when, the red fog in the valley seems to continue to grow bigger, and within the scope of these fogs, it seems There is some kind of magical power to push. Just as at this moment, all the Mars fell on the fog, and suddenly it was like putting them into the water, and disappeared instantly.

Liu Changju’s face was slightly stiff, his hands were lifted again, and the huge firepower gathered again. This time, the fire power he gathered was far more than the last time. When the red fire broke out, the power of the heavens and the earth in the entire valley seemed to be strongly influenced.

There are countless screams of screaming in the air, and the power that these flares show in an instant is so big.

The blazing fire rushed into the misty sea, seemingly trying to burn everything.

In an instant, the whole valley is lit up, and the seven different colors appear bright and radiant in the fire. However, even in such an environment, they still cannot sense the presence of He Yiming. It seems that this big living person really turned this fog.

Everyone looked at each other and there was a horror in their eyes.

Liu Changju’s last explosion is clearly the power of fire. They all have self-knowledge. If they get along with each other, they will not be afraid of this firepower, but if they want to hide their whereabouts, it is a delusion.

In the face of the power of fire, the only way is to use the same level of God's power to resist it. In addition, there is no more opportunistic method.

When Liu Chang’s hand-searching temple was not in He Yiming, their minds suddenly came up with a thought. Could this guy have left the valley?

Just watching the rich, colorful mist filled in the valley, everyone immediately dismissed the idea.

"The cloud gongs are well-deserved." Zi Yan sighed and said: "This ability to hide and trace is not inferior to that of the Jimomen."

Bingxiaotian slightly nodded and said: "Everyone will take the shot together."

He took the lead and waved a large black light. It was already filled in an instant, but he did not cover all directions like Liu Changju, but only driven his own water system in a certain direction. Divine power. The remaining few people look at each other, although in their capacity, it is really impossible to do more than this. But when I think of so many people, if there is no place where He Yiming can’t fight, it’s not that shameful.

Several powerful forces of God instantly waved in the valley. They were extremely measured and did not want to be deliberate, but everyone was responsible for a certain area.

There was no deliberation between them, and there was no communication, but it was a seamless match.

The top five masters used their magical powers together, and it was only after a while that they had gained a miraculous effect.

He Yiming's ability to conceal the clouds is twice as powerful, and it is difficult to avoid the enormous power that has shrouded the entire valley.

The unicorn lord laughed loudly and he shouted, "Give me out."

The battle with He Yiming on the ice sheet, although no one knows, but made him lose face, so now, after sensing the existence of He Yiming's body, I also want to find this face back.

The fog in a certain area of ​​the valley suddenly violently churned, and a glimpse of a figure could be seen in the fog.

However, when the unicorn lord slammed into the area with fierce power, the figure was suddenly scattered, like a cloud of four scattered, and the next moment Not far away, the place is re-agglomerated.

Everyone's face changed, and the look in their eyes became dignified.

What is this exercise? I am afraid that even the Shinto people cannot do this.

"The blind eye method..." Liu Chang raised the anger: "This is the old assassin's blind eye method and the use of cloud work. is not a hatred with the old assassin, how can he learn the obstacles?"

Bing Futian and others are secretly laughing, these two kinds of exercises are combined, and in the special environment of the colorful palace, they can really throw out unexpected power.

"Do it yourself." Ice laughed and sighed, and he stepped out in one step, and he entered the cloud like this, and then the fierce sound of the air broke like a firecracker.

After all, it is his ice palace. Since he has already detected the position of He Yiming, he naturally wants his first shot.

Everyone listened attentively, and under the blind eye, they could not believe their eyes. However, just after a moment, their faces were full of shock.

In the confrontation between the ice and the other side, it was immediately at a disadvantage.

The hearts of Zibo Rui, Zikai and Qilin Lord are all shocked. He Yiming, this guy, has not seen for a while, seems to have made great progress.

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