Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 3: Huge space

Their degree is quite fast, and they have left the water in a flash.

When He Yiming's last one rushed up with the body of the giant python, the people had long enough room for him to throw the body of the giant python on the ice.

Yuan Lixuan moved a little, but there are too many people here, and her skin is not thick enough to ignore the existence of everyone. So I had to squint at He Yiming and expressed my worries.

Throwing the giant python on the ice, a heavy sound is like a sledgehammer. But even the huge body of the giant python did not break the ice here. It can be seen that the three behemoths that have made such a huge gap with the small lakes in the nearby ice have great strength.

Gently took a few steps and came to Yuan Lixun's side. He Yiming habitually reached out and held her.

This time the shot was quite successful, and the three heads of the Beastmaster were killed without any accident. Although they are all successful in sneak attack, there is no victory in the world, but among the people, there is no such old guy who can’t eat.

"Ritual, the next time you shoot, you will wear the five-line feathers." He Yiming screamed.

Yuan Lixuan had a sweet heart. She docilely nodded her head. Although the protective power of the five-line feather coat was not as exaggerated as the mysterious turtle shell, there were no problems in trying to resist several attacks by the Holy Beastmaster.

On the ice, the white bear and the giant python have died and can no longer die, and the big blue snake has been smashed into five scorpions, but the snake has a long life, but it is still shaking. If it is not the snake head that has been unaware of which humanity peak has given a smash, then it is still necessary to jump and hurt.

Bing Futian and Emperor Shih-hsien nodded each other. They each shot, and opened the snake head and the bear head, and took out the sacred king Nei Dan. Just a moment, they have already harvested the three sacred beasts.

This kind of thing is also an extremely rare treasure in the entire human world. Even if it is a human peak who is like the ice laughter, it is generally not going to provoke the Northern Beastmaster.

Let's not say that you can beat the sacred beastmaster by yourself. But if you want to successfully kill it, it is not a simple matter.

It is seemingly simple to be able to kill three of them today, but it is already the result of all the top players on the mainland today.

Except for the millennium of Iceland, it is no longer possible for someone to have such a big face. It is a good result for all the humanities.

After taking out Neydan, Bingxiaotian and others piled up the bodies of these sacred beasts, whether it was still the snake body that was still moving, or the giant pythons that He Yiming brought up and the white bears piled up. Together.

"Liu brother, let's put a fire." Ice laughed and said quietly.

Liu Changju sighed and looked sad.

These three heads are all sacred beasts. For him, it is a once-in-a-lifetime forging material. If it is destroyed, it is a pity.

However, Liu Changyi just shook his head and went forward. He slowly raised his hand and his hand flashed red. He Yiming’s heart frett, and quickly cried; “and slow.”

Liu Changju suddenly took back his hand and let him face more enemies without fear. But if you want to kill all the sacred beasts like the treasures on weekdays, then you are not willing. "Ice brother, why is this?" He Yiming asked. It’s amazing to drag the bodies of these sacred beasts to burn them.

There was a smile on the face of Bing Futian. "He brothers don't know. Although the Northern Beastmasters fight each other, they also have a way of connecting among them. And they have the ability to search among these sacred kings. There is a lot of truth. If we leave these bodies, we will definitely be seen by them, and we will eventually doubt our human beings."

He Yiming was so stunned that his eyes turned and he saw that everyone’s face was quite calm. He immediately understood that this truth was all known to everyone.

In the heart of the movement, He Yiming said: "Everyone, if it is a general sacred beast, but these three heads are the king of the beast, if it is destroyed, it is a pity."

This sentence is absolutely to say the disappointment of the hearts of the people, facing the three heads of the Holy Beast, if it is not the situation, then who will be willing to take it away.

The emperor sighed and said, "Our purpose is to millennium, and everything else can be abandoned."

He Yiming’s heart is secret, if you really look so open, why should you take out their inner Dan?

He coughed aloud, He Yiming said, "Since all of you don't want it, why not send it to He?"

Everyone looked at his eyes and could not help but bring a trace of suspicious color. After a long time, the emperor released the genius: "He brothers, these guys are huge, how do you transport them?"

He Yiming chuckled and said, "Could you be confused, your body does not also have space objects - it '

Indra wry smile and shook his head, and said:. "Our big space objects even then, it is impossible to store such a huge thing," He Yiming Wei Zheng, he recalls the days in human Shinto

The space items around me and the space belt on Franklin’s body. Although the volume of these two space items is already very small, it is not enough compared to these giants.

Jimo Fanshu smiled and said, "He brother, if you can put these things in, then the old man will never oppose it."

Everyone's face is a touch of faint smile, unless it is a real Shinto, who can do this.

He Yiming snorted and said, "Since it is the kindness of the Jimo fighter, He Mou dare not die." He reached out and waved, and the five elements appeared in his hands. The face of Zibo Rui suddenly changed, he exclaimed; "Five elements of the world?"

For the first time, the five elements of the five elements of the five elements of the door for him, of course, will not be unfamiliar. But when he thought about it, it was impossible to display the five elements of the world until the five elements of the ring did not become artifacts.

However, he did not know that when He Yiming exhibited the five elements of the ring, he was actually spotted by the artifact of the Kowloon furnace. This powerful first-class artifact of the fire system suddenly broke into the five-line ring, and used its own fire space power to support the five elements of the world.

Subsequently, He Yiming collected the power of the Five Elements, and with the increasing power of God, the five elements of the world will become more and more solid.

It is because of the blessing of the Jiulong furnace and the power of the gods, so today's five elements of the ring have not become a real artifact, they already have a five-line world, and the scope of this world is absolutely not small, otherwise it will not be able to install The next expansion was to the huge Kowloon furnace. He Yiming smiled slightly and said; "Hey brother is good eyesight."

With his novice wave, the colorful light suddenly swept out and turned into a huge palm in midair, thus taking the body of the giant. "Receiving one by one and one and one one"

With the sigh of He Yiming, this palm seems to be alive. In this way, a spin is played in the air, like a goshawk homing, and a slamming sound enters the world of the Five Elements.

Looking at the cockroaches that were more than five feet long, they disappeared under this big hand, and everyone’s eyes were slightly convex. At this time, even those who are re-giving can't help but feel embarrassed. Can you have such a large space item, how is He Yiming doing this guy?

This has gone far beyond the limits that humanity can achieve. It is feared that only the legendary Shinto strong can achieve such a horrific level.

He Yiming once again took a five-ring ring. This imitation artifact suddenly sounded a long sound. This voice spread far and wide, and it even shook the whole ice and it seemed to burst at any time. of.

Zibo Rui’s face changed greatly. He had already heard that the sound of the Yundao was not deliberately made by He Yiming, but the sound released by the five elements of his own vibration.

At this moment, his eyes are red, and the spirituality of the five elements of the ring has reached such a level. If it is possible, even if it is impossible to enter the meta artifact.

Artifact, that is a powerful soldier with his own life, and each artifact has the power of almost destroying the earth. Five elements of the ring, no doubt have such potential.

The colorful light was sprayed again, and the white bears were all taken in. It was only a moment that the three giants on the ice had disappeared.

Bing Futian nodded slightly and praised: "He brothers are good at fighting. As a result, even the traces of arson are saved. The traces of these three sacred beasts are no longer certain."

His voice is filled with joy, although the power of He Yiming is also shocking. However, in the case of this sacred king, the stronger the force of He Yiming, the greater the chance of success. He Yiming will also collect the last snake, face It is a sudden strange color.

After he gathered all the five elements of the Five Elements, and formed a five-line reincarnation in Dantian like the light and dark, his sense of the five elements was much stronger.

As this moment, he has already sensed that within the five elements of the ring, there is a magical force that is slowly easing, and this power brings He Yiming's feeling quite strange. It is the power of the wood system, but it makes He Yiming have a feeling of seeing the living things.

This strange feeling is like that when he personally condensed nine small fire dragons in the Kowloon Furnace.

He was surprised to see the five elements of the ring, and suddenly there was a thought in his heart. The source of this feeling should be the top of the wood system that has been embedded in the five-line ring. This wood-based inner Nei Dan should come out of a top sacred beast with the blood of the beast. This sacred beast has reached the limit of the sacred beast before his death, waiting for the incarnation. But at the last minute, it was killed by the Shinto strongman and pulled out Nedan. Now, under the immersion of the power of the five elements of reincarnation, its life seems to be slowly recovering.

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