Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 6: see through

The sixth chapter looks at the back of He Yiming's departure. The faces of Bingxiaotian and others are not easy, although they all know that He Yiming's martial arts repair is extremely powerful. And even the most powerful martial arts in the East and West and the legendary cloud avatar are mastered. However, no one has ever seen the success of these martial arts from beginning to end.

Even if it was once played with He Yiming, Ji Mofan and Zhai Bo Rui did not have a real meaning with He Yiming, but when they saw He Yiming riding a white horse, their The heart is still quite worried.

Of course, many people are worried about the safety of He Yiming, but he is worried that he can't keep the King of the Beast. If it is an oversight, let this sacred king escape, it is a disaster. And their careful arrangement has turned into a bamboo basket to fetch water.

Several people looked at each other, but the emperor was still quite calm, because he knew that there was a Shinto coagulation in the hand of He Yiming, and the power of this Shinto coagulation is really terrible... ...only, in this environment, the emperor has some doubts about how he wants to let the gods use the power. If the whole world is all out. That is not worth the loss. "Let u+, he can succeed." An old voice rang loudly.

Everyone is a second-in-law, because it is the horrible unicorn beast that said this sentence.

This unicorn beast was far more famous than they were, but before it was promoted to the top sacred beast, it did not choose to be associated with the totems of the previous generation of totems. It was only when it was promoted to the top sacred beast for many years, and when it met the current Qilin Lord Qiu Chennu, it was unexpectedly chosen to be associated with him.

For this old guy who has a life span of thousands of years and already has the ability to communicate with humans, everyone is afraid to have the slightest scorn. "You can be sure?" Qiu Chennu, the lord of Qilin, asked in amazement. "Yes, he is very strong." After the unicorn beast finished, lazy on the ice, no longer willing to move.

Everyone looks at each other, and the words of the Qilin beast make them ‘. y was surprised at the big, I can't think of this old guy's evaluation of the kid is so high.

Just at this moment, the huge squeaky abrupt change, if the scream of the holy beast at the beginning is like a love animal when it is "even", full of indescribable masculinity, then this In a moment, it became a soft screaming scream. The sharp voice of the o is involuntarily thought of a pseudo-male creature in the palace that lacks the third leg. Everyone’s eyes are exposed. A trace of surprise and even a fear of color.

Even if He Yiming makes the scream of this holy beast become a scream, it will not surprise them, but this kind of transgender cry makes people feel uncomfortable.

But fortunately, this screaming, and not lasting for a long time, just a few breaths, there was a huge crackle, and then this heart-warming sound was suddenly stopped by the knife. A breath of death seems to have spread from afar. Inexplicable, everyone has such a feeling that He Yiming has already slaughtered the sacred king of the beast.

However, this idea has just begun to rise, so that their hearts are faintly cold, even if it is a good relationship with He Yiming, such as the Emperor Shitian, Bingxiaotian and Zizi.

Although the strength of the Northern Beastmaster is also different, it is absolutely impossible to make a big difference. They have the strength of the four humanity peaks, and it takes at least a quarter of an hour to kill a sacred king in a nearly sneak attack. But He Yiming...

Start with the transgender voice of the monster. To a complete stop, I am afraid that there is only one time to shoot.

Could it be said that He Yiming is only - shot once to kill this sacred beastmaster? Although everyone feels faintly, what they think, they are already in the air, but their eyes are still a little flashing, because even they can't believe their judgment.

After a while, the white light illuminates from afar. Everyone has a flower in front of him. The white horse has already returned to Heyuan, Yuan Lixun and Bao pig.

The white horse proudly raised his neck and glanced at the unicorn beast. "It's just that its big eyes are so beautiful. It seems that nothing can express its fierceness."

He Yiming jumped down. He knew that Yuan Lixun’s face was thin, and he was embarrassed to always share his white horse with him in front of so many people.

However, in the heart of such a crisis in the North Sea, He Yiming can only be assured that the white horse can not be separated from Yuan Lixun.

Although He Yiming also knows that there has never been a case in Iceland, when Yuan Lixun did not lead the light of the artifact ice mirror, all human peaks will guarantee the life safety of Yuan Lixun as well as protecting his life. But he still doesn't trust, it's best to keep it in his own hands.

The eyes of Ice Laughing glanced at the direction that He Yiming came. In the face of this piece of ice and snow, he certainly could not see any mystery. Retracted his eyes and asked with a low head, He brother, the monster solved?

He is also an old man who has been practicing for many years. When faced with ordinary people, he is naturally high. However, in the face of today's He Yiming, the heart is inexplicably with a slight fluctuation. This situation has never appeared after he was promoted and the peak of humanity. He Yiming nodded generously and smiled. "It is a giant crab sacred king. The pair of tongs is quite good. You can forge a good weapon of the gods."

The smile on the face of Bingxiaotian solidified in a moment. Everyone was standing upright and listening to their conversation. After He Yiming- confessed that he had killed the king of the beast, their heart was shocked. Can be imagined.

Although no one said anything about it, in the next few days, everyone’s enthusiasm for He Yiming was again subtly changed.

Even Jimo Fanzhu and so on - the formidable old assassin is dying, seems to have completely forgotten the unhappiness between He Yiming.

In the next few days of the struggle, the power of the heavens and the earth here is rich and confusing, almost one day.

He Yiming and others are all surprised, they know that this time the calculation of the **** operator is completely correct. There are no errors. However, the fluctuations in the power of heaven and earth here are too strong. Even far beyond the strength of the first hole in the heaven and earth. Moreover, with the change of the power of heaven and earth, the king of the beasts from far away is obviously more.

In the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king of the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big, the princes, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou dynasty Will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the gods, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou royals, after the powerful fierce atmosphere of the Qilin beast, These sacred beasts gradually became more treacherous and treacherous, and there were three sacred beasts who joined forces to ambush the unicorn beast.

However, it is a pity that they did not have the presence of Yiming and others. Instead, they were predicated by the old assassin who used the blind method. So the people joined forces to attack and once again won the victory.

In this attack, He Yiming did not use the power of light and darkness and the reincarnation of the five elements. It was only five times the ordinary five elements of the five-line ring with the power of the white horse and the ice mirror of Yuan Lixun. Although they are also a breeze to solve a sacred beast king, but this performance fell into the eyes of the rest of the people, but he felt that He Yiming was unpredictable.

In just a few days, the North Sea holy king who died in the hands of several of them has reached nearly fifteen

It is.

This is a rather horrible number. Although the area of ​​the North Sea is vast, there are definitely more than fifteen sacred kings, \\{! Yes - after killing so many in just a few days, the kings of the sacred beasts are finally alert. In the next three days, no matter how strong the strength of the heavens and the earth is, There is no king of the beast to come to die.

At this moment, Bingxiaotian and others are no longer forced. They have long been a woman, and the king of the beast is not a fool, able to control the top sacred beasts of a sea. There is a possibility of a fool.

If it weren’t for the Millennium Iceland, most of them would be affected. They are also impossible to successfully hunted fifteen sacred beasts. But from then on, it is to collide with absolute strength. ! $! !

Sitting quietly on the ice, He Yiming looked up at the sky, he felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the world, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the night kill God **** seals the throne, seeks the devil, respects the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the empire, the gods, the gods, the night gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world Jiuzhongtian is the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty's huge and almost unbelievable power of the heavens and the earth, and the heart is full of emotions.

Although it has been recorded in ancient books, the strength of the heavens and the earth in the past Shinto era is very strong, far better than the world. But until now, He Yiming realized that the gap between the two would be so three days were calm, but everyone knows that this is before the last battle. The last peace.

Once the sacred kings gather together at a certain place, and rush toward it, then they are no longer facing one or two such opponents. The tracker on the chest suddenly moved a little, and He Yiming’s eyebrows jumped slightly. He slowly stood up and walked toward the distance to burn the novel network. Yuan Lixuan looked at him with amazement and hesitated. He did not follow the past. Others, though aware of his movements, turned a blind eye. They are calming their minds and trying to improve their status to the best. Because they all know that in the subsequent battles, perhaps the battle of life and death.

Far away from everyone, He Yiming smashed the tracker out, and his body was full of anger. A small soundproof area was formed. In this area, even if he shouts loudly, as long as he does not use the infuriating air to break through the sound insulation. No one can hear it. "Hundred brother, what?" He Yiming asked quietly. At this time, I am still looking for him. It must have been a big event.

"I saw the North Sea sacred beastmaster." The flat and soundless sound of the hundred and eight sounds: "They gather in some place." He Yiming's spirit suddenly rose. This is the best news I have heard in the past three days.

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