Martial Gods

Chapter 517

And the corpse.

It is the third and fourth elders who are responsible for guarding the seal of the Muhai altar!

The moment Tang Xueyao saw that the two elders had been killed, her pretty face instantly paled, and she quickly stepped on the void to meet her, her body shaking uncontrollably.

Both scared and angry!

The sixth elder said with a bleak expression: "It's not good, it's not good!"

"You must get out of here quickly!"

"The third elder and the fourth elder died strangely. There were no serious injuries on their bodies, but there were signs of being scratched by themselves. They must have experienced painful struggles before dying!"

The seventh elder looked down at the red pool under his feet.

His face turned black and white.

"It's the beast under the seal!"

"Although the seal has not been released, he can already kill two elders of the Holy Sixth Stage. If he completely breaks through the seal, he can't imagine it!"

Tang Xueyao clenched her teeth hard.


"Two elders, you go out first!"

"Next, I will guard here!"

"I will use the purgatory space and consciousness energy I inherited to hold him back as much as possible!"

The sixth elder and the seventh elder paused for a while.

Ashamed for a while.

They are the elders of the Southern Wilderness Holy Land and the masters of the sixth-level Human Saint.


But he was frightened by the beasts sealed under the altar, his face changed greatly, and he needed a junior from the eighth level of the Spirit Sect to stand up and take on this burden. It's sad, it's so sad!

That Tang Xueyao.

Seeing that the two of them haven't left for a long time.

Liu Mei frowned slightly.

"Two elders, you don't have to blame yourself in your heart. Sealing the things below is not something that ordinary martial arts methods can resist. If you stay here, you will only lose your life in vain!"

"Although I'm not sure that conscious energy will deter that kind of thing to a certain extent, I have to try it anyway. Since the Lord of Yellow Springs has chosen me to inherit conscious energy and purgatory space, it means that he has his reasons. !"

"Thanks to the Holy Master and the elders for making Xueyao a part of the Holy Land."

"So no matter what the situation is, I will not give up the Holy Land and retreat."

"Let's go quickly."

"You have more important things to do. The Southern Wilderness Holy Land has gathered all kinds of geniuses. If you really let the things under the seal rush out, everything will be destroyed."

"The situation is very critical now, there is no need to hide it. I hope the two elders can evacuate them as soon as possible."

The sixth elder and the seventh elder pondered for a moment.


"Evacuate more spiritual practice to avoid causing more casualties. It is indeed what the two elders should do. Before the Holy Master and the first elder and the second elder retreat together, he temporarily entrusted the Holy Land to us, but..."

"Let you, a girl, stay in such a dangerous place alone, we really can't bear it!"

Tang Xueyao was still a little nervous just now.

After listening to what the elder said.

Instead, calm down.

He smiled slightly.

"Xue Yao has no father or mother since she was a child, she has seen the storms she should see, and she is not a spoiled person. Please also ask the two elders, you can rest assured. If the things under the seal completely riot and break through the spiritual formation, then It means that Xue Yao has done her best, and she has even fallen, please ask the elders and the Holy Land to cultivate spiritually, don't blame."

The hearts of the sixth and seventh elders.

Pulled hard.

Tears were also rolling in his eyes.


They know Tang Xueyao's background.

know more.

How difficult it was for her to get to where she is today.

If there is no Tang Yu to hold back, maybe there is a higher achievement!

And now.

She has to take on this heavy responsibility all by herself!

The sixth and seventh elders' views on Tang Xueyao are not only satisfied and praised, but even have a trace of respect!

But it is also as Tang Xueyao said.

They stay here, there is no point!

The more meaningful thing is to evacuate other spiritual practices in the Holy Land and bring them to a safer place. This is what the two elders of the Holy Land must do!

"Xueyao, yourself, be more careful!"

"The Holy Master and the Great Elder are working hard to cultivate a sealing method. You must support me. Even if you can't support it, you must protect yourself as much as possible!"


The sixth elder and the seventh elder bowed their hands to a junior.

"Huh, huh!"

The departure of the two also made Tang Xueyao have no scruples.

I saw her hands clasped together, and black-gold consciousness energy began to burn in her hands.

When the black gold energy dissipated, the turbulent Mu Hai calmed down in an instant, and even the red energy that dyed Mu Hai gradually faded away.

Tang Xueyao was stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, the consciousness energy of the Lord of Yellow Springs can be used so well.

"It seems that the riots have temporarily stopped."

After half a day.

Mu Hai moved again, and the black energy beams burst out of the sea, forming a wisp, which looked like a bloody python.

The blood python opened its bloody mouth.

Running towards Tang Xueyao, who was standing still above the void.

The red energy condensed into the blood python is filled with a terrifying sinister aura.

If it weren't for a special purification method, it would be difficult to shock it!

Tang Xueyao quickly released the energy of consciousness.

Black and gold light enveloped the whole body.

Just when the blood python almost swallowed her, it suddenly stopped.


Slowly back away some distance.

At this time, Tang Xueyao was undoubtedly afraid and nervous, because she was also worried that if her conscious energy couldn't scare the blood python, she would definitely die.

Although she successfully deterred the blood python, her hands were still shaking.


The blood python swallowed the energy letter.

Slowly fell into the sea.

Redistributed into red energy and returned to the altar.


Cold sweat slid down Tang Xueyao's cheeks.

Immediately into the sea.

"It seems that the thing sealed under the altar is indeed afraid of conscious energy, but conscious energy can only exert its power in purgatory space, maybe it is just because conscious energy arouses that thing's fear of the Lord of Yellow Springs... ."

Tang Xueyao, who thought of this, became even more nervous.

Because she knows that there are only three things.

Why didn't the blood python continue to attack? But slowly back down? Probably just testing, testing myself, is it the 'Lord of Yellow Springs' who is afraid of sealing the thing below!

But also because of that.

Let Tang Xueyao be sure.

"Those energies have no consciousness, just like the spiritual energy of spiritual practice, and because the seal has not been broken, the consciousness of the thing underneath cannot leak out like the red energy."

"If not..."

"He must have long known that I am not the Lord of Yellow Springs, instead of testing me in the form of energy!"

"But it's not good..."

"That thing probably guessed something."

"Next, my deterrence may not be useful anymore."

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