Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 123 Bandit Suppression

This scene happened at almost every six gates in the cities of the forty-nine prefectures of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. A dense crowd surrounded the six doors, watching the huge notice on the wall. There was a Huashan disciple standing on the table, frothing and explaining hard.

"Holding a school? What is this for?" A white-haired old man pointed to the notice and asked.

"This is a policy formulated by Dean Lin of Huashan Hangzhou Bieyuan. In the forty-nine prefectures of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, all counties under the jurisdiction set up schools to enroll students to study martial arts or literature. Students who study literature, after graduation, will Can take up various important positions in my six doors, and help me manage Huashan forty-nine prefectures of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Students who practice martial arts will learn basic martial arts in the county school. They can participate in the assessment every year, and those who perform well in the assessment can enter the state school to learn martial arts , you can learn bronze-level martial arts. There is also an assessment every year, and those who perform well in the assessment will be sent directly to Huashan and become my Huashan disciple!" The Huashan disciple on the table explained loudly.

Everyone was in an uproar, and there was an instant sensation.

Practice martial arts!

Enter Huashan!

These two key words made everyone very excited. In the world of great rivers and lakes, not everyone can learn martial arts. Without opportunity, without money, there is no way to learn martial arts. Now Huashan holds schools in various places in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, recruiting people to practice martial arts, and also has the opportunity to enter Huashan and become a disciple of such a big sect as Huashan, how can they not be tempted?

The ordinary people onlookers raised their hands and cheered one by one, extremely excited. Even those martial arts families were moved at this moment. Who wants to miss the opportunity to enter Mount Hua and become a disciple of Mount Hua?

All of a sudden, there was a sensation in the audience, and it was boiling.

"Then are there any conditions for entering this school?" A calm middle-aged man suddenly asked. The whole scene cooled down in an instant, and everyone calmed down as if a basin of cold water had been poured on them. Yes, to have the opportunity to enter Huashan, the conditions must be extremely harsh, right? How can ordinary people like them enter?

The Huashan disciple smiled faintly after hearing this: "There is only one condition, and that is to be over ten years old! Anyone who is ten years old or over can enter the school! It is free to enter, no need to pay any fees, no matter who you are , what background, as long as they are from the Forty-Nine States of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, they can enter!"


Anyone over ten years old can enter!

No matter who, what background!

Just a few keywords once again aroused everyone's excitement, and another exclamation sounded. This news is really explosive, there has never been such a good thing in the rivers and lakes!

"Then take a look, can I enter the school?" A white-haired old man asked with trembling hands, looking eager.

The Huashan disciple who was explaining took a deep breath, and replied with great certainty: "Yes! As long as you can practice martial arts, sir, we will accept you!"

"I can! I can! As long as I can practice martial arts, even if the old man loses his life, it will be worth it!" The old man shouted excitedly with tears streaming down his face. People who knew him were talking about the old man's life experience.

The old man lived a miserable life. His wife and son were beaten to death because they accidentally offended passers-by. The old man was in great grief, lived in hatred all the time, and always wanted revenge. Seeking to learn martial arts everywhere, but no school accepted him, so that the old man's persistence in martial arts has reached the point of extreme stubbornness.

Everyone was sighing, the old man finally fulfilled his wish. After hearing this story, the Huashan disciples from the Six Doors sighed unceasingly. They secretly sighed in their hearts that Brother Lin Yi had really done a great deed. How many people could fulfill their wishes and be able to practice martial arts? This is simply a fortune The great merit of all beings.

"Big brother, can I also practice martial arts?" A thin child raised his hand timidly and asked.

"How old are you? Have you turned ten?"

"Full, full, just turned ten years old!"

The child nodded vigorously.

"When you reach the age of ten, you can enter the school to practice martial arts! Come, fill in the information. If you can't read, tell your name, home address, and parents. After filling these, you can enter the school for free. Martial arts! If you can show the aptitude of martial arts, you are a good seedling, our school will let you enter the key training class, provide you with free board and lodging, and focus on training you!" Huashan disciple said with a smile.

Hearing the excited look on the child's face, he clenched his fists tightly like a little tiger, roared, jumped up and laughed loudly: "Haha, I can practice martial arts, I can practice martial arts too! I must Practice martial arts well and become a hero that everyone respects!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this, and sighed one by one: "This child has practiced martial arts at such a young age, and he will definitely have great achievements in the future!"

"Yes, yes, maybe you can enter Zhoucheng Academy, or even enter Huashan, and become a disciple of Huashan!"

"I want to sign up too!"

"I want to practice martial arts too!"

"Xi Wu!"

All of a sudden, the crowd was raging, and the crowd almost overwhelmed the recruited Huashan disciples.

At this moment, there were exclamations, air-conditioning, and the sound of horseshoes behind him.

Everyone turned their heads, covered their mouths, and gasped. I saw a Huashan elder riding a tall horse, with hundreds of riders behind him, and hundreds of people walking behind, all of them were Huashan disciples.

They escorted a lot of people, and tied them with long ropes, and they tied up thousands of people! These people are all downcast, with dead expressions on their faces.

"I know him. Isn't he Ma Lao Er from Feiyun Mountain nearby, that big bandit? He was actually captured by Huashan Mountain!" A man shouted in shock, pointing at the big man who was tied up and walking in front. .

"These people are bandits from the neighborhood. They have done so many crimes and killed so many people over the years! It's really God's eyes to catch all these utterly conscientious guys!"

Everyone exclaimed in surprise, the crowd was turbulent, and shouted loudly. Many people even wailed and cried bitterly. Many of their relatives died at the hands of these bandits, and they had great hatred with these bandits.

"Everyone, don't panic!" The Huashan disciple standing on the table shouted loudly: "This is the order of our Dean Lin. Dean Lin understands that you are suffering from banditry and has decided to wipe out all the bandits in the Forty-Nine Prefectures of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Give me back the bright and clear sky in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, so that everyone can live in a safe environment. Can work safely and practice martial arts! All the elders of my Huashan Hangzhou Bieyuan were dispatched to lead the team to wipe out all the bandits! The people you see , It’s just the first batch, and then more bandits will be escorted in a steady stream! Those who are not escorted either ran out of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, or were beheaded by my Huashan disciples!”

Listening to Huashan disciple's explanation, everyone shouted excitedly and clapped their hands vigorously.

"Okay, that's great! Haha, kill them all, these bandits who are devoid of conscience, and return me to the sky!"

"Huashan is so mighty, I love Huashan!"

"That's right, but the person we are most grateful to is Lin Shaoxia! Lin Shaoxia is unparalleled in his chivalry, and he cares deeply for ordinary people like us! Not only did he give me the opportunity to enter the school and practice martial arts for free, he also wiped out all the bandits in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Let me live in peace and stability! Lin Shaoxia is a very good person!"

"After I go back, I will erect a monument and a temple for Lin Shaoxia to worship Lin Shaoxia every day! He is our family's great benefactor!"

"Yes yes yes, let's go together, let's go together! Only with Lin Shaoxia and Huashan here can we have a good life!"

All of a sudden, the voices of praising Huashan and Lin Yi filled the ears, and the whole city was full of such voices. Supported by thousands of people, it is extremely majestic.

Seeing the Huashan disciples, each of them was emotionally excited, and they worshiped their senior brother Lin Yi even more. From the small to the big, how many people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang will support senior brother Lin Yi and Huashan?

More than a million, tens of millions?

Thinking of the dense crowd, all raising their hands and cheering, shouting Lin Yi's name enthusiastically, all Huashan disciples were almost boiling with enthusiasm. Doing things with Senior Brother Lin Yi is so exciting and makes people hold their heads high.

The elder who led the team felt extremely complicated when he saw this scene. If he had done things for the sake of superior martial arts, after seeing this scene, he fully realized Lin Yi's strength.

Forty-nine prefectures of Jiangsu and Zhejiang will become the territory that supports Lin Yi the most. It can be said that the entire forty-nine prefectures of Jiangsu and Zhejiang belong to Lin Yi!

His strength has surpassed all true disciples!

Not to mention, Lin Yina's reform plan to benefit all Huashan disciples with superior martial arts! If this reform idea is spread, it will gain the support of hundreds of thousands of Huashan disciples.

What a force it is!

Even people from the rivers and lakes are powerful and extraordinary. But when he thought about the support of so many people, the elder felt shuddering when he thought about it. Seeing Lin Yi's future, he strengthened his determination to completely support Lin Yi.

Don't dare to give birth to any double-mindedness.

This scene, along with many elders and the return of the bandits, took place in the Forty-Nine Prefectures of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the entire Forty-Nine Prefectures of Jiangsu and Zhejiang were surrounded by vigorous shouts.

All the cities are shouting Lin Yi's name, thanking him for his policies!

The momentum is huge and the hearts of the people are available!


At the foot of a poor mountain, a large number of people came. More than 500 knights, holding long swords, sat on the horses, quietly, without making any sound.

Like ghosts, they appeared at the foot of this mountain without being noticed by anyone.

Leading them were three teenagers in white clothes, Han Bai, Yu Hai, and Jiang Xiaoyu. And the five hundred knights behind them are the disciples of the five hundred law enforcement team.

Looking at the mountain in front of him, Han Bai said coldly: "The bandit lair marked on the map given by Senior Brother Lin Yi is here."

"Then what are you waiting for? Brother Lin Yi entrusted us with the mission for the first time, we must complete it beautifully, kill all these bandits, and don't let any one go!" Jiang Xiaoyu shouted excitedly.

Yu Hai also nodded in agreement, Han Bai glanced at the two of them, nodded, then waved his hands and said in a cold voice: "One team and two teams, you have surrounded the mountain, don't let one go, the others, Follow me up the mountain and kill these bandits!"

PS: I recommend a few more books.

"The Heroes of the Late Qing Dynasty", "The Knife Broken Galaxy", "The Master of Taoism After the 1980s" and "The Richest Man in the Country" are all good books, you can read them.

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