Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 372 The wedding night in the bridal chamber, talking about the future of the rivers and lake

"Congratulations to Leader Lin!"

"Happy newlyweds, dear son in the morning!"

"Come on, President Lin, I'll toast you three cups!"


After toasting all the way, it was completely dark. Lin Yi was full of alcohol, stumbled out of the hall, and came to a dark place, his drunken eyes slightly opened. With a shock of internal strength, drops of wine flowed out from between the fingers like a stream of water.

In the end, Lin Yi's eyes were bright, and he was no longer drunk. A figure came quietly behind him, approached, stood behind, and clasped his hands to Lin Yi and called, "Senior Brother Lin Yi."

This figure is clearly Linghu Feng. Before, he accompanied the heroes of the world, drunk and unconscious. But at this moment, his eyes are clear, his face is shrewd, without any drunkenness.

"What's the result of the test?" Lin Yi hummed and asked lightly.

"We have tested the tone of people from various sects and sects. The three major sects of Wudang, Emei and Qingcheng, and many famous sects are very tight. Although they no longer have awe of Shaolin, they still maintain a wait-and-see attitude towards my Five Mountains Sword Sect." Ling Fox Wind whispered.

Lin Yi nodded slightly and sighed, but he was not disappointed. This is expected. Although Shaolin's reputation has been tarnished temporarily, Shaolin's strength still exists and it is still the number one school in the world.

Before the Five Sacred Sword Sect completely overtakes Shaolin, most of these famous schools will maintain a neutral and wait-and-see attitude. It is extremely unrealistic to want to pull the world's famous sects into the Five Sacred Sword Sect's camp all at once.

"Brother Lin Yi, there are still quite a few famous sects who want to join my Five Sacred Sword Sect, and most of the small sects are very interested in my Five Sacred Sword Sect." Linghu Feng continued.

Lin Yi nodded slightly, and wanted to join the famous sect of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, which was nothing more than the sect where the descendants of the magic skills belonged. Such as Quanzhen Sect, Beggars' Gang, Tangmen, Murong's Family, Guiyun Village and other famous schools.

among them. They are all ambitious people, and they all want to have a top player in their family, and step into the ranks of the big faction. This time, the Five Sacred Sword Sect wants to challenge the position of the number one Shaolin sect. For them, this is an excellent opportunity.

Also, for those small sects, this is also an excellent opportunity. After so many years of war between good and evil, countless small sects have been wiped out, and they have already lost any industry. As the saying goes, bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. The people of the small school and the small sect have this kind of mentality at the moment. Fight for this opportunity, if you can succeed, you will be able to establish a legacy.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi nodded slightly, and ordered Linghu Feng: "Take care of them and tell them that we will gather on the top of Mount Hua tomorrow. I want to have a good talk with them about establishing new rules for the world!"

"Yes!" Linghu Feng nodded. I folded my hands and left.

Looking at Linghu Feng's leaving back, Lin Yi withdrew his gaze and pondered for a moment. Recognize the direction and walk towards your own hall.

Today is the night of his wedding, the wedding night in the bridal chamber, and the beautiful scenery of Liangcheng, he must not let the time live up to the time, let's talk about it tomorrow.

Thinking of this, he quickened his pace. Quickly walked into the main hall of the lord.

"Leader!" "Leader!" "Leader!"

Walking into the main hall, the maids called out one after another, Lin Yi hummed lightly, and waved them all away. Walking into the master bedroom, the maid from Mandala Village was talking with Wang Yuluo.

Seeing Lin Yi coming in, they all bowed and chirped: "Young Master!" Then. They all turned their heads and said to Wang Yuluo: "Miss, my uncle is here, you should have a good bridal chamber and give birth to a big fat boy as soon as possible. I will retire..."

Like cheerful birds, they all swarmed out. The sound of their laughter outside the room can still be heard inside the room.

"Brother Yi, they grew up with me, they are very naughty, don't blame them." Covered by the red cloth, Wang Yuluo's apologetic voice came.

Lin Yi stepped forward and pulled the red cloth away, revealing a delicate and blushing face with shyness.

Shy women are the most beautiful.

"Yuluo, you are so beautiful tonight!" Lin Yi couldn't help but praise, making Wang Yuluo bow her head even more shyly, with a hint of joy and shame in her eyes. Her delicate and beautiful face was so tender and glamorous that she seemed to be able to pinch water.

"Brother Yi..." The beautiful woman raised her head, stared at her eyes, her tenderness was like water, and her voice was lazy, sending out some kind of invitation.

Lin Yi swallowed, the beauty issued an invitation, he was lying, so is he still a man?

Like a hungry tiger, it pounced fiercely, throwing the beauty down on her body...


bridal chamber...


Nothing to say all night.

Also, only doing things, how can there be so many words?

The sun shone in, Lin Yi put on his clothes, walked out of the room, stretched his sore waist, his internal energy was running, and he felt refreshed.

"Senior brother Lin Yi, the heroes of the world are gathered, and they are waiting for you!" Linghu Feng walked over and whispered in Lin Yi's ear.

However, how could this kid have such weird eyes? Lin Yi also saw a trace of envy in those small resentful eyes.

Lin Yi smiled in his heart, and patted Linghu Feng's shoulder: "Don't worry, I have all of you, Senior Brother Linghu, and you are not far away, Junior Brother Linghu."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi turned and left. Linghu Feng was left with a puzzled expression on his face, and said to himself, "Why isn't it far away?"

He suddenly reacted, his face turned red, like a monkey's butt, and he looked around, but luckily no one saw it!

Linghu Feng coughed lightly, his internal energy was circulating, his expression remained normal, and he hurriedly followed.

The Huashan Square was full of people, and the crowd gathered, extremely crowded and lively. Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, the bustling square fell silent for an instant, and then suddenly shouts exploded like a wave: "Leader Lin!"

"Leader Lin!"

"Leader Lin!"


Lin Yi waved his hand to make everyone quiet. He opened the mouth and said, "Thank you all heroes for coming to Huashan to attend Lin's wedding banquet. Did you enjoy eating and drinking yesterday?"

"Happy!" Everyone responded in unison, the voices were like thunder.

"It's good to be happy, Lin is afraid that the hospitality will not be good!" Lin Yi nodded with a smile, and after saying hello, his face suddenly changed and became serious: "Since the war between righteousness and demons started. This is the first time I All the heroes from all walks of life in the world are present at the gathering event. It can be said that the heroes present represent my entire righteous world."

"Especially here, when the Devil's Cult is about to retire, and I'm about to win a big victory. This timing is excellent. Taking this opportunity, Lin would like to discuss a topic with everyone - about the establishment of new rules in the world!"

"The battle between righteousness and demons. My righteous way has suffered heavy losses. Countless sects have been wiped out by the demon sect, and countless sects have risen. The old order naturally cannot keep up with the current situation. Once it is not guided and controlled, I am afraid that after the battle between righteousness and demons, we In the righteous arena, there will be a big scuffle."

"After experiencing the great war between righteousness and demons, I have experienced countless lives and deaths. After witnessing countless tragedies in the world. Do you still want to see the turmoil in my righteous way? Do you still want to see one tragedy after another?"

"I don't want to!" "I don't want to!" "I don't want to!"

Everyone shook their heads and shouted without hesitation, clenched their fists, and the world was in turmoil. How many familiar faces, how many relatives and old friends have passed away one after another? How many sect families were brutally exterminated? No one wants to go back to that dark and miserable time.

Nobody wants to!

"Very good. It seems that everyone doesn't want to continue to cause chaos in the world. Then again, Lin will be the leader and throw out the lead. Let everyone discuss with each other, how should we go in the world in the future, and how to avoid turmoil? "Lin Yi took the lead and said.

Everyone was in high spirits, and many people spoke one after another, talking about the tragedies that happened in the Great War of Righteousness and Demons, listening to countless people with red eyes and clenched fists. It's sad again, it's sad again...

Lin Yi just sat quietly. He didn't speak, and continued to listen.

This discussion lasted for three days, and within three days, countless people spoke. From the establishment of new rules in the arena, it has become a battle against righteousness and evil. Memories of those dark, hopeless days.

There are speakers from all walks of life. Up to half a step to the top master, down to the low-level master.

From the big school to the famous family, the small school and the small school, the lonely man in the rivers and lakes, there are various identities. What everyone said has one thing in common, that is, the battle between righteousness and evil is too bitter, and that kind of turbulent day when everyone is in danger, I don't want it anymore.

Three days later, when no one spoke, Lin Yi stood up again and said: "Through these three days, hundreds of fellow martial artists have spoken and complained, and Lin has summed up your new expectations for the future world."

"One: The rivers and lakes are peaceful and there is no turmoil. Everyone hopes that the rivers and lakes will settle down again, there will be no turmoil, and you can practice martial arts with peace of mind."

"Two: fair, no oppression. I hope to get a chance to compete fairly, not to bully others."

"Three: Solidarity among decent sects, no intrigue, no chance for the Devil's Cult to invade."

"These three points are the common demands of all the heroes, and the common demands of the people of the world. I don't know if Lin sums it up right?"

Everyone nodded, agreeing with what Lin Yi said. After all, Lin Yi summed up the three points from everyone's demands, and he couldn't pick out any different opinions.

Lin Yi nodded slightly, and then said: "In this case, then Lin will lead by example, and my Five Sacred Sword Sect will lead by example, and establish a world where everyone is stable without turmoil, fair and oppressive, and united without intrigue. And for this goal, lead by example and work hard .”

"Here, Lin announces that the territory of our Five Sacred Sword Sect will be built with this goal in mind. Heroes and heroes, if you are interested, you can build it together with our Five Sacred Sword Sect. Of course, our Five Sacred Sword Sect is based on the principle of freedom. , I don’t force everyone. Those who want to join can join, and those who don’t want to join for the time being can freely wait and see, and compare it well, the difference between my Wuyue Sword Sect’s jurisdiction and the world’s rivers and lakes!”

As soon as Lin Yi said this, he didn't get many people's support. Lin Yi doesn't care at all, those who want to join will naturally join, and those who don't want to join, it's useless to say more now. The most important thing is to get all the territory of the Five Sacred Sword Sect together and make an effect.

Only when everyone sees it with their own eyes and compares it, will they know whether Wuyue Sword School is better or Shaolin.

Of course, propaganda warfare is essential, and the brainwashing of everyone in the world cannot stop for a day.

Immediately, on the top of Mount Hua, this grand event was published on the Jianghu Billboard, and was immediately reprinted by major newspapers in the Jianghu. (to be continued ~^~)

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