Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 387 Preparing for the decisive battle, a clothes thief appeared in Huashan? (first update)

The death-death sword fairy swept all the masters of the righteous way, ranked first in swordsmanship, and successfully sat on the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance. And the results of Huashan Discussion of Swords have also appeared, and one hundred factions have been honored on the list. As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar in Zhengdao Jianghu.

Before the Jianghu people could recall the news, it was immediately spread that the distribution of interests in the Jianghu would be determined by the sect rankings. According to the proportion, Zhengdao established a governing body, and taxation agencies were set up in every city and place to collect taxes uniformly. After the taxation of the entire Zhengdao Jianghu territory is collected, it will be distributed according to a certain proportion according to the sect ranking list.

In addition, the management forces in various regions can retain 30% of the tax revenue for the development of various regions. For example, the lord of a city can intercept 30% of the tax revenue and use it to develop the martial arts training school in the city, the welfare of the people in the city, etc. The remaining 70% was handed over, and finally distributed by Zhengdao.

The right to distribute is ultimately in the hands of the martial arts leader. As a result, the entire Righteous Path forces began to form a class-specific and tight organization. The moment this organization was in operation, the power of the entire Righteous Path exploded.

After the Huashan Discussion of Swords, the leader of the martial arts alliance Duoming Jianxian issued an order, assigned tasks to each sect, and planned a large-scale operation to wipe out the members of the Demon Sect in the Jianghu of the Central Plains.

Each eradication area became the sphere of influence of each faction. The Wuyue Sword Sect occupies almost two-thirds of the territory in the Central Plains, Wudang occupies three-tenths of the remaining third, and the Tangmen Quanzhen Beggar Clan Ancient Tomb Sect in Emei Qingcheng occupies the last seven-tenths.

From now on, the entire Central Plains rivers and lakes will be planned in this sphere of influence. Therefore, these eight factions are also called the Eight Great Sects of the Righteous Way by the Jianghu people.

All the famous sects below the big sects, and the forces of the small sects and small sects are all under the rule of the eight major sects. Among the eight major sects, the Wuyue Sword School is the most respected, and the core of the righteous way began to appear.

After a series of actions, the righteous way is within the rivers and lakes of the Central Plains. The disciples of the Demon Cult are like rats crossing the street, and they can no longer stay in the rivers and lakes of the Central Plains.

The power of the righteous way erupted, and only then did people in the world know how powerful the power of the right way is!

It took only one month, and within the sphere of influence of the righteous way, that is, the rivers and lakes of the Central Plains, there was no longer an army of the Demon Cult. Even the banditry was wiped out a lot by the way, and for a while, the entire Central Plains was much more peaceful.

Ordinary people no longer have to worry about sitting at home. suffer from banditry. Don't worry, you will be killed by a passing martial arts master.

The current righteous way has already set up six gates in each area, and the disciples sent by the Wuyue Sword Sect will supervise them. Anyone who dares to commit a murder will be wanted directly across the Central Plains. Unless they run to join the Demon Sect, or go overseas, otherwise, they will be arrested and brought to justice, murdered for their lives.

There is no difference in human rights between ordinary people and those who practice martial arts. no doubt. This move made ordinary people in the entire Central Plains support the new rules of Zhengdao.

Not just ordinary people. Those who are not at the top, third-rate, second-rate, first-rate and even top experts all praise this new rule very much.

In a stable martial arts environment, there is no fear of life, and one can practice martial arts wholeheartedly. This is what every martial artist wants, and this is the right way. Righteous people. No one likes to kill. Those who like to kill all ran to become members of the Demon Cult.

Although the Wuyue Sword Sect used all sorts of disgraceful means when it was unifying the orthodox arena, the final result was very supportive. A large number of righteous people spontaneously supported the new rules established by the Wuyue Sword Sect.

And after the demon sect members in the Zhengdao territory were wiped out in one fell swoop, the leader of the martial arts alliance killed the sword fairy and sat on the top of Huashan Mountain. He once again issued his second order after becoming the leader of the martial arts: all the forces in Zhengdao, immediately assemble an army of 300,000 third-rate and above, and three months later, officially launch a decisive battle against the Demon Cult!

The target is directed at the Sun Moon God Sect, one of the two giants of the Demon Sect!

As for why the first opponent was the Duo Sun Moon God Cult, Lin Yi gave an explanation to everyone on the right path. The Sun Moon God Sect passed through Mount Heng. After Huashan was defeated in two battles, the power was weakened and Shengduo was weakened. As the saying goes, pick soft persimmons. The battle against the Demon Cult was the first battle after the establishment of the new orthodox Jianghu rules.

The first battle must be won!

It was the Sun Moon God Sect who fought!

This is a real big action, and countless people in the Zhengdao territory are rushing to tell each other. Soon the Eight Great Sects of the Righteous Path jointly announced the rewards for those who gained merit in slaying demons and demons in the battle against the Demon Sect.

The rewards are extremely generous, all kinds of meritorious deeds of being the lord of one land, one courtyard, and one city.

In the rivers and lakes, those forces that did not compete for power have mobilized the younger generation of the family to compete for military merit. Even many family forces brought the third-rate and above masters of the entire family to participate in the First World War.

These people have worked so hard, and those power forces who have won the lord of the city dare not neglect. Their position as the lord of the city cannot be held for a lifetime. Every four years, there will be a Huashan Sword Discussion. After the sword discussion, there will be a change of office.

At that time, the position of city lord will still be theirs, and I don't know yet. Don't work hard at this time, waiting to be driven down?

Immediately also mobilize the elite to participate in the battle between righteousness and evil.

The entire Zhengdao territory was completely boiling, and people everywhere signed up to participate in the Zhengdao battle. From the gathering of one city after another, the 300,000 soldiers will soon be full. All sects and sects are frantically building equipment and preparing to change their outfits to let the 300,000 troops go on the field.

Of course, the 300,000 troops, the necessary military formation, must be done. Without a unified swordsmanship or swordsmanship, they can only learn how to form an army, march and fight, and obey orders.

It doesn't take many days to train a batch.

All preparations for the decisive battle are being prepared. On the right path, everyone is holding back their breath. This time, the Demon Cult must be destroyed!


After finishing the righteous work, Lin Yi went to retreat for a short period of time. The one billion combat experience gained from defeating Wudang Zhangjiao was used to open up ten acupuncture points. At this moment, there are as many as 158 acupuncture points on his body.

The experience was used up, the acupoints were wide open, and Lin Yi, who had nothing to do, left the customs. However, he devoted himself to studying martial arts and practicing swords all day long.

However, all the supernatural skills in his body have been practiced to the top of the top level, and no matter how hard he faces, he can't increase his experience. At most, it is to review martial arts and slowly realize the subtleties of martial arts.

The days were no longer as busy as before, but became more leisurely. All he could remember was the general attack on the Sun Moon God Sect three months later.


Day after day passed like this. On this day, Lin Yi was practicing his sword in the back mountain of Huashan Mountain, full of strange and steep rocks. Duan Feifei suddenly walked over with a blushing face, and shyly called out: "Brother Lin Yi..."

"What's the matter?" Lin Yi looked at her curiously.

"..." Duan Feifei stopped talking, her face was flushed, she was speechless for a long time, she turned and left. Seeing that Lin Yi was inexplicable, even more puzzled.

I ignored it and continued to practice swords.

After an hour, Linghu Feng came to the place where Lin Yi practiced his sword, and shouted angrily, "Senior Brother Lin Yi!"

"What happened, how can you be so grand?" Lin Yi looked at Linghu Feng in surprise. At this moment Linghufeng made him a little envious, not only married his junior sister Liang Lulu as his wife, but also married Duan Feifei as his wife. One husband and two wives are the envy of all men.

What surprised Lin Yi was that the little witch Duan Feifei could bear to share Linghu Feng with Liang Lulu. How attractive is this Linghu Junior Brother? !

"This fact is really shameful. Feifei just came to ask you, senior brother, but she was ashamed to open her mouth, so she asked me to talk to you, senior brother." Linghufeng explained.

"What happened?" This made Lin Yi a little curious, and couldn't help asking.

"Recently, for some reason, Feifei's personal body has been lost and stolen. Feifei came to me and asked me to keep an eye on her, to see which bastard from my Wuyue Sword Sect did such a vile thing? !” Linghu Feng said.

"And then? With Junior Brother Linghu, if you take action, can't you catch the clothes thief?" Lin Yi showed a strange expression, and he was angry and laughed in his heart. His Five Sacred Sword Sect unexpectedly turned out to be a clothes thief! This clothes thief also specializes in stealing women's pussies...

This is really an insult to the prestige of the No. 1 sect of the Wuyue Sword School!

"Senior brother is wise, it's true. Junior brother, I spent the night in Feifei's room. In the middle of the night, the clothes thief broke in clumsily. I thought that junior brother would be able to catch him easily. Who would have thought that the clothes thief He looks clumsy, but his light kung fu is so frightening. He ran away in a flash, and I can only eat ashes behind him, junior brother..." Speaking of this, Linghu Feng said angrily: "The one who stole the clothes The thief seems to like this game very much, and even haunted me. Every night, he shows up on time to steal clothes, and after stealing the underwear, he shows up deliberately, asking me to chase him, but he runs away easily every time!"

"Up to now, Feifei is almost gone without even her underwear. She really can't take it anymore, so she came to ask your senior brother for help!" Linghufeng said with an aggrieved face. With a sword, there is nothing he can do with a thief who steals clothes, and he has been teased many times. If he talks about it, he will definitely be laughed out of his teeth by the people of the rivers and lakes.

"Have you seen the face of the clothes thief?" Lin Yi asked with a slight frown.

"I haven't seen him from the front, but I will recognize the clothes thief as soon as he appears. He is a big fat man with an obscene figure! My Five Mountains Sword Sect, there is absolutely no such person!" Linghu Feng hated to the bone. Said.

"Big Fatty..." Lin Yi murmured, a chubby image with a silly face suddenly appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help calling out: "It can't be him, right? The number one in the world in the previous life A flower picker turned into a clothes thief?"

Although it's hard to believe, according to Linghufeng's complaint, whether it's his lightness, posture, or even his stubborn character, this clothes thief clearly points to this person, that is—the world's number one flower picker Liu Changcan. (to be continued ~^~)

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