Martial Hero Rebirth

End of this testimonial!

The moment I finished writing the whole book, my hands were shaking. The rebirth of martial arts is over, and it ends in 1.7 million words. It's not too many words, but it's just right. A book is a lifetime, Lin Yi has already finished his life, but life must continue, life must continue, we must continue!

Since the opening of the book, Martial Arts Rebirth has been supported by many people, and readers are like straw. Batch after batch come, almost ten days and a half months, you can see new faces.

But I also want to say thank you to you, thank you for your support, thank you for letting Wuxia Rebirth go the way it should.

Along the way, the rebirth of martial arts has experienced ups and downs, there have been glories and troughs. Just like life, there are ups and downs, all we can do is to persevere and persevere, firmly believe, persevere, we will see the dawn, we will see the hope, and we will succeed!

At this moment, my mood is very agitated. I have too much to say, but I don’t know where to start. I can only say thank you again, thank you to the book friends who have supported the rebirth of martial arts!

The martial arts rebirth is over, but life must go on!

Finally, I can only say one thing, see you in the new book "The Rise of Martial Arts"! (to be continued ~^~)

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