Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 82 Megatron Demon Sect

"Senior brother Lin Yi, actually killed him?!"

The four little nuns stammered, their faces were full of shock, but more of them were fear and worry.

Monk Jueyuan is a Shaolin disciple.

Kill him and cause disaster!

The four of them were really frightened by Lin Yi's hand.

He looked at the monk Jueyuan's body with a dull gaze.

Lin Yi did not answer the four people's questions, but instead asked: "Then what do you think should be done? Let Jueyuan go?"

The little nun nodded as a matter of course: "Of course we let him go, he is a Shaolin disciple, we can't kill him!"

"What happens after you let him go?" Lin Yi asked.

"After that..." The little nun was at a loss for words, and Lu Buping, Mo Yu, and Yuntaizi were also speechless.

What they were thinking about was how not to cause a catastrophe, but they didn't even think about what would happen if Jue Yuan was released.

The four of them didn't think about it, Lin Yi helped them say it: "Let Jue Yuan go, Jue Yuan must be resentful towards us and try his best to oppose us. He is narrow-minded, just because I made him lose face, Now he will tell me to wait for the killer to see."

"In terms of his strength, Monk Jueyuan is naturally not worth mentioning to me. But what about you? If he wants to kill you, can you resist it?"

"What's more, what if he sneak attack from behind?"

"Even if he doesn't come to assassinate, if he just pours dirty water on us, how can you beat him? Shaolin bald donkey, slick kung fu, the best in the world, no one can beat him! The four of you can't beat him alone!"

"At that time, you will be ruined by him!"

"After his reputation is ruined, he will definitely not be satisfied. He will do everything possible to frame you, trip you up, and play tricks."

Lin Yi pressed on step by step, telling the consequences one by one. The four people who spoke were dripping with cold sweat and trembling all over.

Based on their understanding of Monk Jueyuan, according to senior brother Lin Yi, Monk Jueyuan will definitely do it, and he will do it even better.

"So, if you let Jueyuan go, you will leave behind a great disaster! You know, he is someone who even the Quanzhen disciples dare to use as cannon fodder for him. If he is let go, how many righteous ways will he entrap in the future? disciple?"

"Killing Jueyuan is not killing a righteous disciple, but killing a real demon!"

Lin Yi gave a summary of why the four of them had to kill Jueyuan.

It even defines Jue Yuan as a true member of the Demon Cult.

Let the four feel better.

After all, they are people who have been brainwashed by the Righteous Way since childhood.

For killing the righteous people, my heart is full of guilt.

If you kill a member of the Demon Cult, you don't feel any guilt, but a sense of accomplishment.

"Yes, Monk Jueyuan is a real member of the Demon Cult, he should be killed!" Yun Taizi said coldly, completely convinced by Lin Yi.

The road was uneven, Mo Yu and Mo Yu also nodded, accepting Lin Yi's statement.

Only the little nun couldn't accept it.

She is the most innocent, but the most difficult to convince.

He stared blankly at Lin Yi.

She couldn't figure it out. In Lanzhou City, that kind brother Lin Yi helped even ordinary people.

How could he suddenly become so ruthless?

She found that she couldn't see through Senior Brother Lin Yi at all.

Perhaps, she has never seen through Senior Brother Lin Yi.

The little nun was in a daze, but the other three were not.

Instead, he looked at the corpse of monk Jueyuan and worried.

This monk Jueyuan should be killed.

But, killing him is really a big trouble!

One is not handled well.

They will be wanted by the whole world of Shaolin.

Even the Five Sacred Sword Sect couldn't keep them.

"Senior brother Lin Yi, then... what to do with the body of the monk Jueyuan?" The three asked in difficulty.

Lin Yi glanced at the corpse of Monk Jueyuan, and said coldly, "Feed it to the wolves!"

"Feed the wolf?" The three of them widened their eyes.

"What? You can't even feed wolves?" Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, and said in a very flat tone: "You are all scared by the name Shaolin! Hmph, there are only five of us here, whoever saw Monk Jueyuan is Did we kill it?"

"Monk Jueyuan was obviously chased and killed by Old Demon Xu. Wouldn't it be fine to say that he was killed by Old Demon Xu?"

"When you go back, if someone asks, just say, Monk Jueyuan was killed by Old Demon Xu, and I will collide with Old Demon Xu and kill Old Demon Xu. For Monk Jueyuan, there are hundreds of famous sects This disciple has revenge!"

Listening to Lin Yi's words, the three swallowed.


Brother Lin Yi is amazing.

Between clouds and hands.

From the murderer who killed Monk Jueyuan, he became the hero who killed Old Demon Xu and avenged Monk Jueyuan and others!

However, this explanation.

They like!

"Okay, let's say that when we go back!" The three nodded repeatedly.

He looked at the little nun.

The little nun looked a little dazed, preoccupied, and didn't like to talk.

"This matter, you decide!"

The little nun said softly and closed her mouth.

She's out of her mind.

A lot is happening today.

So much that she couldn't get her head around.

Moreover, everything that happened refreshed her three views.

It was a shock to her worldview.

The worldview established since childhood has been shattered time and time again.

Lin Yi looked at the little nun, shook his head and smiled.

Did not say anything.

At a time like this, the little nun needs time.

Take time to slowly accept these truths.

The brutal truth.

There cannot be only black and white in the rivers and lakes.

Bad guys don't have to be bad guys.

A good person is not necessarily a good person.

All these need her to accept slowly with time.

Thinking about it, Lin Yi suddenly felt tightness in his chest, and spit out a mouthful of black blood.

Eyes darkened, standing unsteadily.

Secretly frowned.

The sword that cut off the monk Jueyuan used the power of unique knowledge.

His body, which had already suffered backlash, became even more injured.

See the status of the four.

They were all scarred and battered.

Maybe at this time, a few more members of the Demon Cult will come.

Ordinary third-rate masters can also kill them.

This state is very unsuitable for practicing and beheading members of the Demon Cult.

Instruct Lu Buping and the other three to dispose of the body of Monk Jueyuan.

He took four people and rushed to Lanzhou City.

The five disciples of the Wuyue Sword Sect staggered towards Lanzhou City with injuries.

Lin Yi also couldn't enjoy the treatment of the little nun's support, so he had to ask Lu Buping to help him walk.

The speed is very slow, but the purpose is very clear, going straight to Lanzhou City.


Ao couldn't look at the Zhengdao team led by disciples from Wudang, Emei, and Qingcheng sects.

He frowned.

He successfully defeated the Zhengdao team led by Shaolin and won a big victory.

But the righteous disciples who ran out quickly found the team led by Wudang.

Learned that Shaolin was defeated.

Wudang disciples quickly contacted the two sects of Emei and Qingcheng.

The three factions gathered together, as many as ten thousand people.

Huge momentum.

Moreover, each of them is very guarded.

Let the demon cultists never find a chance at all.

Feeling helpless, he ordered several times to attack.

But the results were extremely weak.

The three groups of men and horses, leading the righteous people, fought and retreated.

It's like a hedgehog, preventing the demon cultists from opening their mouths.

They could only drop a large number of corpses in front of their line of defense in vain.

Unable to do so, he also sent heavy cavalry to attack several times.

But the disciples of the righteous way who had prepared themselves set up many traps one after another.

A lot of ditches were dug in front of the defense line.

Heavy armored cavalry can't charge at all.

On the contrary, there were many casualties.

Feeling distressed, Ao Fu quickly removed it.

These thousand heavy cavalry.

But because he is the young master of Mingjiao, the younger brother of Ao Tianjiao.

Borrowed from Ming Cult.

Temporarily called by him.

If the casualties are heavy.

Don't say that the teachers can't spare him, even his own brother Ao Tianjiao can't spare him.

Thinking of this, Ao Fu could not help but feel a little headache.

Too many things are out of my control.

Even after defeating a group of righteous disciples led by Shaolin disciples, they won a big victory.

But in the group of disciples of the righteous way gathered together by the Wudang, Emei, and Qingcheng sects.

He didn't have any results.

Even with the prestige of a great victory, it has the upper hand.

But if you can't break through the defense line of righteous disciples, these are of no use.

"Where's Elder Xu? It's been almost two days since he chased and killed those disciples of the famous sect, why haven't he come back yet?!"

When he got a headache, he thought of Xu Laomo, a second-rate expert.

At this moment, the only one who can break the game is Xu Laomo, a second-rate expert.

However, this Old Devil Xu hadn't seen anyone yet.

It took so long to hunt down and kill the disciples of the famous sect, which made Ao Furong very dissatisfied.

"My lord, there is no news from Elder Xu yet." Seeing that Ao couldn't get angry, the people around him replied hastily.

"There is no news yet, what on earth does Elder Xu do?" Ao couldn't help but frowned, very dissatisfied.

at this time.

There was an uproar in the distance.

The people around him rushed to question him.

Soon came back with a flustered face, and shouted: "Young Master, Young Master, Elder Xu has news!"

"Why don't you let him come here soon?" Ao Fu couldn't wrinkle every day, and shouted angrily.

"Elder Xu..." The subordinates beside him didn't know what to say, so they waved quickly.

I saw a few people carrying things over.

Seeing this familiar scene, Ao Fu could not feel his heart skipping a beat.

look up.

I saw a dead body, which was amputated at the waist.

And the face on the corpse was familiar to him.

It was Old Demon Xu!

"How come? Elder Xu is a second-rate master, how could he be killed?!"

Ao Fu could not believe it.

"In the Difficulty Righteous Path, there are also second-rate highs from the big faction coming?"

"Is it Shaolin, or Wudang, or the Five Sacred Sword School?"

Ao couldn't hastily asked.

The subordinates around him shook their heads.

"My lord, look at Elder Xu's wound, which was killed by someone with a sword. It's the same as the wound on the blood-clothed son!"

"Is it the death-death sword, Huashan's death-death sword Lin Yi?" Ao couldn't help but jumped up.

His face was full of disbelief.

"Isn't this life-killing fairy sword a third-rate expert? How could he kill a second-rate expert like Elder Xu?"

"The subordinates don't know, but the wounds on Elder Xu's body are indeed left by the Immortal Sword of Death, and there is no one else besides that!"


Ao Fu couldn't take a breath.

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