"Our mission is indeed to monitor and record."

Zhang Yunhao nodded and didn't say much. He said, "Okay, I understand the general situation. During this time, you should keep an eye on it. As long as it is the intelligence of the magic door, you must report to me."

After a pause, Zhang Yunhao added: "As long as you are loyal to me, I will not treat you badly."

"Thank you, sir."

Both Mrs. Bai and Sisi are happy, as Zhang Yunhao's identity can give them a lot of benefits-this is one of the reasons they want to hook up with Zhang Yunhao in the first place.

Then, Zhang Yunhao and Sisi returned to the dormitory. Sisi was honest this time and didn't dare to make any more jokes. He quickly quit, but in his heart he made up his mind to please Zhang Yunhao.

"Regardless of whether there is a fairy or not, I definitely want to go to the secret realm, and I must be fast, otherwise the Slayer League and the magic door will start."

Zhang Yunhao meditated in the room. This time, private work is more important.

Then, Zhang Yunhao took out the information map of the Hundred Wars City and the Secret Realm and read them in detail, keeping them in mind.


The news of Hundred Wars City spread quickly. It was only one day. The things that happened outside the city were basically known from the streets. Many people talked about it with gusto. The overall attitude was ridicule!

It was shameful to taunt the Eighth Large Group, and wanted to give people offense, but I became ashamed!

At the same time, they also mocked Zhang Yunhao, the little overlord of the country for being overpowered, and many people were waiting for those gods to give this little overlord a good look and let him know that Hundred Wars City was not a place where he could go wild!

In any case, Zhang Yunhao's reputation was completely spread, and this also let some people hiding in the dark know that he is coming!

"Zhang Yunhao, Zhang Yunhao...I want to kill you! I must kill you!"

The owner of this voice is Hu Wei, the former master of the Beast Demon Sect. The reason why he said he used to be because he now only has the innate realm-Luoyun Zhou. Will be selected to join this mission.

Regarding Zhang Yunhao, the **** who destroyed the magic door and also caused him to fall into the realm, Huwei hated him. Hearing his news, even if he wanted to trouble him.

"Stop, stay here honestly, your Beast Demon Gate has already failed once, do you still want to hurt us to fail again?"

A cold voice shouted displeasedly, even if it was Huwei, it was a chill in his heart when he heard that, because the owner of this voice was the iron corpse master of the corpse demon sect!

The corpse demon sect is a veteran sacred land of the magic door, with several martial sage-level zombies, and its strength ranks in the forefront of the thirteen sacred land-reputation is also the most stinky.

"Master Iron Corpse."

Hu Wei turned around, respectfully but dissatisfied, said: "That fellow Zhang Yunhao has destroyed our magic door's plan. If he doesn't kill him, should he destroy it again?"

The Great Master Iron Corpse said disdainfully: "That's useless to you. What kind of threat can a warrior who just broke through the innate realm?"

"I don't agree with this."

At this time, a young man in white said: "The last time I fell in Yunzhou, I learned in detail that there was nothing wrong with the strategy of the Great Master Desperate. The reason it failed was entirely because of Zhang Yunhao."

"It is precisely because he miraculously defeated Zhang Qing and others that the plan fell short. There is no doubt that this person is not easy. If you do not get rid of him, I am afraid it will have a big impact on our magic door. ."

Hearing what the scholar in white clothes said, Hu Wei was overjoyed: "Young Master Hua, do you agree with me to kill Zhang Yunhao?"

"I agree to kill Zhang Yunhao, but I don't agree to do it now."

The **** from the Momen Xihua School shook his head. He said: "At present, we shouldn't be scared of the snakes. Otherwise, the Slayer League will definitely hunt us."

Huwei said dissatisfied: "The Slayer League is already searching for us. They know that our goal is the secret realm!"

"They are just speculation, and the current strength is not strong. Once they confirm our existence, the situation can be completely different."

The **** shook his head and said, "So, we can't move Zhang Yunhao for the time being. In fact, if I guess right, there should be a master lurking around him, or he is a trap to lead us out!"

Huwei said unwillingly: "Could it not be possible to let him go like this?"

"Of course not, I will send my junior sister to approach him. A young hero is naturally favored by beautiful women."

The **** smiled and said: "When the time comes, he will not only die, but also die miserably. Of course, if he is willing to abandon the dark and cast the light, that's another matter. I'll talk about it then."

What else Huwei wanted to say, Grand Master Iron Corpse waved his hand and said, "Okay, you will leave this to Huajian. By the way, how is the secret investigation?"

"With the help of those people, the secret realm investigation is almost done."

The **** nodded first, and then said embarrassedly: "But we have too few people to open the seal and get the fairy."

Grand Master Iron Corpse said very decisively: "Then make more adjustments, and use all the chess pieces. This time, we must not fail again, otherwise, what big plans are we going to talk about?"


Dozens of magic gates in the house stood up at the same time and promised respectfully. They were all enthusiastic about big plans. Otherwise, how could the selfish magic gates unite like this?


Like other prosperous cities, Hundred Wars City also has an underground black market. At this time, in a hidden tavern in the black market, a man in a cloak was taking a stack of paper from the tavern owner.

"Little Overlord Zhang Yunhao, the disciple of the evil mad dragon, just broke through the innate and defeated Li Hai and the other three before."

The man in the cloak looked at the information and sneered: "These family children are really getting weaker and weaker. They can't even beat someone who has just broken through the innate realm."

"Lone wolf, don't talk nonsense."

The tavern owner said coldly: "Someone in Luoyun State bought Zhang Yunhao's life, would you like to take it?"

The man in the cloak continued to read the information, while saying: "Disciple of the evil mad dragon, this is not easy to kill, what price will the opponent pay?"

"Three million taels of silver."

The tavern owner said: "According to the old rules, you can get two million taels."

"Three million two kills a guy who just broke through his innate? How big an enemy is this?"

The lone wolf's eyes lit up immediately: "I took it, even if he is a disciple of the evil mad dragon? Who knows that I did it? The big deal is to blame the Eighth Group."

The tavern owner said coldly: "Would you like to blame you, you are the high-level killer of our life and death, you should be clear about the rules, don't I need to repeat it?"

"Relax, I know that between life and death, either the target will die or the killer will die."

The lone wolf smiled contemptuously: "A little kid who just broke through the innate, can't I kill him?"

"Just know, you can leave."

The tavern owner nodded, and then issued a eviction order. The lone wolf didn't say much, and took the information and left.

Between life and death, assassin's holy land!


"A small country bully who dares to hurt our Zhou family and provoke all geniuses under 25 years old. Who gives him the courage?"

Zhou Jing, the first genius of the Zhou family, was roaring in the room. He had a bad temper and was about to go out to trouble Zhang Yunhao immediately.

Zhou Hao, the leader of the Zhou Family Battle Group, said lightly: "Stop, don't go."

Zhou Jing said angrily: "Father? Someone has bullied us, so you still tell me not to go?"

"It is precisely because someone has bullied us that I told you not to go."

Zhou Hao sneered: "So I just wanted him to retreat. I didn't expect him to be so rampant. If so, I can't let him go easily."

Zhou Jing was taken aback, a little puzzled: "Then why don't you let me find him?"

"You can find him now. Of course, you can defeat him very easily, but under the fairness, at most, he will suffer a little injury. You can't do too much, which is meaningless."

Zhou Hao said coldly: "We slowed down, set a trap, and then justified him severely wounded, and even abolished his foundation, making it difficult for him to improve in the future, so the Demon League has nothing to say!"

"Abolished his foundation? Dad, is this a feud with the Evil Slayer Dragon?"

Zhou Jing was quite surprised. He didn't expect his father to put such a heavy hand. Originally, he just wanted to teach Zhang Yunhao a lesson. After all, they weren't someone without background.

Of course, it is not that the Zhou family is afraid of the Nangong family, but that there is no need, and there is no big hatred!

Zhou Hao said mysteriously: "Why don't we get a hatred? We are afraid that he will not succeed? In addition, some people want us to do this."

Zhou Jing understood a little bit. Someone behind him wanted to abolish Zhang Yunhao. He suddenly said cruelly: "If that's the case, let Zhang Yunhao look good and teach him how to behave."

"Of course, a small country bully who dares to hurt our Zhou family, who gives him the courage?"

Zhou Hao sneered: "Let him be arrogant for a few more days, then he will be good-looking, this is our site!"

Then Zhou Hao said again: "Well, the most important thing at the moment is the magic door. We will launch a big action in the secret soon, so be prepared!"

"Is going to attack the lair? Great, dad, I want to be a pioneer."

Zhou Jing's eyes lit up immediately. Zhang Yunhao was nothing compared to this major event, just a clown.

Different from the Zhou family's insidiousness, other forces are normal routines-sending masters to teach Zhang Yunhao, it's that simple, after all, it's just a small matter, Zhang Yunhao is not qualified to let them take it seriously!


At night, in addition to the Hundred Wars City Palace, a group of innate masters from the Demon League were secretly staring at the Palace. They were here to protect Zhang Yunhao, and at the same time, they hoped to find the people of the magic door and open the breakthrough.

Of course, they are also here to monitor Zhang Yunhao.

It's just that this group of conscientious talents didn't know that Zhang Yunhao had discovered them.

"Sure enough, someone is watching, no wonder the old fox rests assured that his granddaughter will follow me."

Zhang Yunhao sneered secretly. The reason why he could find these people was because he guessed it on the one hand, but because of his **** right hand on the other hand.

After Zhang Yunhao was promoted to Innate, his control over the right hand of Blood was further enhanced-he could now use the right hand of Blood to sense the blood around him, and the Qi and blood of the Innate Martial Artist was very powerful, and he found it to be normal.

"It's time to go to the secret, the sooner the better."

Zhang Yunhao squinted his eyes. The question now is, how to get rid of surveillance and go to the secret realm?

To other people, this may be an unsolvable problem, but to Zhang Yunhao it is nothing-he thought, a light flew out of him, and it fell to the side and turned into his appearance. The clone of the magic face!

When the innate realm is reached, this ability can be used!

"With my current strength, the clone of Thousand Face Demon Face can only last for a stick of incense, but it is not a big problem, because I still have blood ingots!"

Zhang Yunhao smiled slightly, a bleeding ingot appeared in the position of his heart, and then it was divided into two, half of which was submerged in the body of the clone.

In this case, as long as there is enough blood, the clone can always exist, and even possess the same strength as Zhang Yunhao.

One plus one is often greater than two, not to mention that both of Zhang Yunhao's possessions are immortals.

"If there is no accident, I will hang around in the secret realm in the future until I find the fairy, and leave it to you here. Hey, Grandmaster Murong must have never thought I would have such a trick!"

Zhang Yunhao smiled, and his clone also smiled, saying: "Of course he can't think of it, but the body, have you forgotten something?"

This clone is not a puppet, he is as conscious as Zhang Yunhao--otherwise how to disguise him?

Zhang Yunhao was surprised: "What did you forget?"

"Nonsense, of course it's money and hole cards, how can you mix it with no money?"

The avatar said in an angry voice: "In addition, the Hundred Wars City is very dangerous. I must leave one of the Heavenly Sword and the Salvation Sword for me. Anyway, you have the right hand of blood."

"It's okay for money or something. You just made a million taels today. You take them all. As for the Providence Sword and the Salvation Sword, it's not that I won't give it to you. The problem is that these two things are not visible. Big."

Zhang Yunhao thought for a while, frowning a little: "You have no storage space."

At this moment, the system suddenly said: "You two can share storage space. Don't ask about the principle. You can't understand it."


Zhang Yunhao and the avatar were surprised at the same time, there are such high-end and high-end functions?

Zhang Yunhao nodded happily: "It's convenient now. Doppelganger, do you have any other problems?"

The avatar raised his hand and said: "Also, can I go pick a girl? I am the same as you, sharing consciousness."

"Go away, be honest with me."

Zhang Yunhao rolled his eyes, wondering if it was the influence of the Thousand Faces Demon Face, the clone was obviously more evil than Zhang Yunhao-of course, Zhang Yunhao understood himself clearly and had little effect.

"Cut, boring, you'd better get out of here."

The clone waved his hand in disgust, Zhang Yunhao was speechless, too lazy to pay attention to the clone, opened the mechanism and left the secret road!

When Zhang Yunhao appeared on the street, he had already become an ordinary warrior.

Although it is night, there are still many people on the street. After all, this city is very prosperous, and warriors have always been energetic. How can they sleep so fast?

Zhang Yunhao didn’t waste time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ called a carriage to the gate of the secret realm, and he inspected a blood spar on the carriage-this is the specialty blood spar of the Hundred Wars City. By killing the secret realm The scarlet monster gets.

"Without the breath of fairy things, is there no fairy things in the secret realm?"

Zhang Yunhao squinted slightly, and it didn't take long before he reached his destination-the secret door.

The secret realm gate is actually a teleportation light gate. This technology is said to be developed by the alchemist ordered by the Emperor Wuxian. With it, you can easily enter the secret realm.

"The teleportation gate should belong to my prefect. These **** are stealing Lao Tzu's money. One day, Lao Tzu wants you to return it thousands of times."

Zhang Yunhao gritted his teeth and paid five hundred taels of silver. He is just an ordinary warrior now, so he hasn't suffered any troubles, easy secrets.

The secret realm of Hundred Wars City was very similar to the secret realm of Luoyun State at the beginning, and they were all bloody. Zhang Yunhao bought a horse in the secret realm city and went straight to the outside of the city.


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