Martial Inverse

Nine hundred and ninetieth eight chapters good fate

~.\u003c=""=""\u003e-~ Wu Ni Chapter 998 Good Fate

Chapter 998 Good Fate "The original lotus seeds were not lost. ''com"

Yan Aotian took over the topic of the old antique. Under his surprised eyes, he said slowly, "Yan Qing told a young man at the time, and that person was Feng Hao!"


His words were like throwing a bomb, and everyone in the shocking conference hall couldn't react, and all looked at him in astonishment.

Among them, it also includes the three elders and Yan Mo!

Although the third elder knew that Yan Qing and Feng Hao were in love, they did not know how they met.

There are not many in this world that can use the pharmacopoeia of the Red Lotus Medicine King. Moreover, at least they are all the peak pharmacopoeia, so no one believed that what Yan Qing said was the truth at that time.

How could there be a peak heavenly pharmacist in that little kingdom?

Therefore, they are all just an excuse for the little girl to accidentally lose the lotus seeds, and they don't take it to heart.

However, from what Yan Aotian said now, the effect is completely different, and the most important thing is that this young man who got lotus seeds is what they are concerned about now!

This is a great blessing!

"What's going on here? Since this Feng Hao is a descendant of Emperor Xingchen, how could he have appeared in that little kingdom?"

The old man sitting at the front was not overwhelmed by this joy, but clearly raised his doubts.

"Thousands of years ago, a member of the Feng family lost the Divine Sword of Emperor Bing..."

Yan Aotian combined the news he got in Yan Qing with some of the news he had inquired, and picked out some key points to say.

"It turns out to be like this. According to you, this Feng Hao is really extraordinary. In that small kingdom, he may have obtained the inheritance of the world..."

Everyone suddenly realized that the old antique also nodded, with a look of emotion in his eyes, and finally a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I didn't expect that little girl to have such a good relationship at the beginning, wonderful! Wonderful!"

At this time,

All the elders also showed smiles, and all of them were full of spring breeze.

Although the Scarlet Lotus Medicine King is valuable, they can't use it either. They have kept them all the time now. A few lotus seeds, which are now exchanged, will far exceed the value of a whole medicine king.

The more they thought about it, the more beautiful they were in their hearts, and they couldn't wait to laugh out loud.

God is really looking towards his own Yan family!

At this time, Yan Mo completely understood the reason for everything.

It's no wonder that when he first met, he showed kindness to himself. It turned out that there was such a layer in it.


Yan Aotian seemed a little hesitant to say anything, and his face was embarrassed.

"Just what?"

Seeing his appearance, the old antique immediately restrained the smile on his face and asked.

"At the beginning, Yan Qing was kind to him, and the two spent a lot of time together, so that kid actually fell in love with Yan Qing..."

Yan Aotian said with a wry smile, "Not long ago, that kid came to ask for a kiss, and I beat him up. The third elder was also there. If it wasn't for Yan Qing protecting him, I would have killed him at that time. so……"


His remarks made the elders stunned.

This contrast is really too big. From the good fate at the beginning, now, after being so troubled, it is not bad that people don't hate their Yan family, how can they be biased towards their own side?

There is an old saying, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the poor!

At this moment, all the elders deeply realized the essence of this old saying.


Seeing the eyes of the elders looking at him, the third elder also nodded with a wry smile.

From his point of view, apart from hiding a few things, Yan Aotian probably went through the process like this.

Moreover, to rob his dragon pet!

Thinking of this, he felt bitter in his heart.

If something like this happened to me, would I hate this robber-like family?

Of course, if the two of them have the same relationship and get married, this matter can be saved.

"how so?"

After the confirmation, everyone's enthusiasm was like pouring a bucket of cold water on it, and it died down.

Yan Aotian can't be blamed for this matter. If it wasn't for the current incident, if Feng Hao came to ask them for marriage, they would have resorted to violence without saying a word. If it was serious, they might have been killed on the spot.

However, now that good things have suddenly turned into bad things, how can they accept it?

"What is the patriarch going to do now?"

The one who asked the question was the old antique sitting at the front.

Here he is the most senior, even Yan Aotian has to respectfully call him his ancestor!

There is no other reason, because Yan Aotian is his immediate great-grandson!

"I talked to Yan Qing when Yan Mo reported what happened in the Yuanjie to me a few days ago. Now, she has gone to the Yuanjie."

Yan Aotian said it in a fake and true manner, and after Yan Mo nodded, he said again, "If you want to break this barrier, you can only agree to his request... So, I mainly want to ask the elders today. , how to solve this matter? Do you agree with them?"

He kicked the ball to the elders, causing the hall to become quiet.

This is a dilemma.

If you don't agree, continue to block, don't say what to fight for, it is very likely that because of this matter, the Yan family will lose the qualification to share the source line!

However, if they agreed, they would be unwilling to think of Yan Qing's specialness.

It was difficult to choose, they all dared not speak, and could only focus on the old antique who was sitting at the front.

"If Yan Qing's little girl also likes him, then let it be... However, Yan Qing must always represent our Yan family!"

Old Antique thought about it for a long time, and after weighing it, he still compromised.

If the Yan family can't get the supply of Originium, it will be a big deal!

Moreover, in Yan Aotian's previous remarks, he was vaguely clear that Yan Qing's feelings for Feng Hao had already fallen deeply. Otherwise, how could Yan Aotian have left him and let him go?

In fact, even if Yan Qing gets married, it doesn't make much difference as long as it represents the Yan family.

The footsteps of the strong will not stop in a certain place!

"What do you elders think?"

He measured his head and glanced at the elders.

"Just as my ancestors said."

The elders did not put forward different opinions and passed it directly.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Yan Aotian's mouth curved again without a trace, he turned his head and instructed Yan Mo, "You can return to the source world, remember to convey the elders' wishes to Yan Qing!"


,"~.\u003c =""=""\u003e-~

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