Martial Inverse

Chapter 1013 I have the final say

Chapter 1013 Wu Ni has the final say

Chapter 1013 I have the final say "Brother Haotian. └ At the gathering the day after tomorrow, you can invite the forces that have previously been divided into Origin Lines..."

In the living room, Feng Hao said to Haotian who was sitting next to him.

He still thinks in the long-term direction. At this time, the Feng family is still quite weak. If he wants to gain a foothold in the Hongmeng world, this is not an easy matter. to annex.

And in order to avoid these contradictions, we can only give them some sweetness. As the saying goes, eat others' mouths short, take others' hands softly, and take advantage. In many respects, the major forces will give the Feng family convenience.

This is also considered a good relationship.

"It's the best!"

Haotian nodded and agreed with his move.

From a big perspective, it is still necessary to give some benefits to all parties. After all, they are all human races. The rise of one or two families does not mean the rise of human races. , How can you support it?

"However, there is no need to invite the Temple of Light!"

A cold glow flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and he said lightly.


Haotian was stunned for a moment and looked at him in astonishment.

He still has a slight fondness for this Temple of Light. After all, it shows that the Temple of Light is indeed a good force.

"I understand!"

When he saw the cold light flashing in Feng Hao's eyes, he faintly knew something, that is, he summoned a disciple of Xuantian Palace.

Feng Hao's mentioning this made him understand that the attack on Feng Hao this time was probably done by the Temple of Light!

Although he did not understand why the Temple of Light did this, he was dissatisfied with this behavior of the Temple of Light!

Killing Feng Hao is of no benefit to the human race.

Because, only Feng Hao can control that weird creature, and only with that creature can the human race develop more source veins and get more resources!

And why did the Temple of Light move? Want to swallow the source vein alone?

He said that he didn't understand it, but his goodwill towards the Temple of Light disappeared immediately, and there was more disgust.

This is greed!

"By the way, when you bring this news, you have to bring one more sentence."

After Haotian finished explaining, Feng Haocai said again, "This source line belongs to me personally, not collectively. I have the final say on how I want to distribute it! If you think you can't accept it, you don't have to attend. I am also happy to save a share... and if it is a source vein developed collectively, of course, it is still according to the original agreement, and I will not interfere!"


But after a little thought, Haotian understood what Feng Hao meant, he explained to the disciple and arranged it.

It's easy to understand.

To obtain Origin Vein, you don't need your efforts to mine Origin Vein, and you don't need to be afraid that someone will grab it, escort Origin Stone, and you don't have to worry too much. The only thing to do is to mine Origin Stone!

This is simply sending Origin Stone, who can be dissatisfied?

And people also said that if you have the ability, you can find a source vein and mine it yourself. He has no opinion and does not interfere with the division.

This makes sense!

Soon, Feng Hao's words reached the ears of the major forces. Although many people felt a little uncomfortable, the actual situation is indeed like this. , this directly shows that your character is not good, they have to pray, then don't judge too low!

After all, something is better than nothing. If you are arrogant and feel dissatisfied, you can choose not to go, and they don't force it!

And, they also understand the stakes of the rally.

This is completely to re-formulate the source line's sharing agreement, and the initiative of this agreement is in Feng Hao's hands, he can change it however he wants!

At this time, the Temple of Light, who was not notified,

Then he sent his protest letter against Feng Hao to the major forces, saying that Feng Hao is also a human race, and this source line should be the collective of the human race, and he can't make specialization and a series of reasons.

They also don't care about being shameless. Without the division of the source veins, this is a huge blow to them. Although they know that the relationship with Feng Hao is irreparable, they still want to struggle to the death.

However, the major forces did not pay much attention to him. Offending Feng Hao at this time, they would not do such stupid things, and Feng Hao still said a word after learning about it.

"That's my source vein. If you have the ability, go to the source beast swamp to mine it yourself!"

This sentence, not only did the blocked Guangming Temple have nothing to say, but all the forces were also shocked.

The Origin Beast Swamp, this is one of the famous forbidden places in the Origin Realm, who doesn't know about it?

None of the people who went in was able to come out alive. He was arrogant in the Temple of Light and broke in by himself. Not to mention the rumored strange monster, the source beast inside was enough for him to drink a pot.

Let me ask, which force can have thousands of Martial Emperor peaks and have the ultimate power?

And Feng Hao's words also exposed the location of the source line that he had been talking about.

Although many people have already guessed in this regard, this source vein must be in a forbidden area, but after learning that it is the source beast swamp, they can't help but take a breath.

That is a restricted area where all the powerful people of a race are destroyed!

Especially the mysterious monster in the Origin Beast Swamp, whose name has been heard all the time, but no one has seen its shape. Anyone who sees it is dead. The only one alive is crazy. Halal and false.

Soon, some people suspected that the creature that Feng Hao relied on last time was like a swamp.

Immune to all attacks, able to devour everything, almost reaching the state of immortality, which is somewhat similar to the monster in the mouth of the madman...

"Indeed, just like the monster in the Origin Beast Swamp."

When Haotian asked, Feng Hao directly admitted.

At this time, there is no need to hide it any more. After all, this has to be mined for the source, so what's the point of hiding it? It is better to throw this news out, and it will have a better effect.

The name of the forbidden area, but it can calm many people.


Haotian couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and his heart was extremely shocked.

Regarding the mysterious monster in the Origin Beast Swamp, people of all races don't even know what it looks like, but now it has been subdued by this person who just came from the Origin Realm a few days ago?

He couldn't imagine, didn't understand how Feng Hao did it.

This is beyond his psychological range!


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