Martial Inverse

Chapter 1041: Explain everything

Chapter 1041 Explain everything

Looking at this scene, Feng Hao's mouth has a slight smile and he is very satisfied.

This is what he wants to do to get his family to stand up and talk without bowing in front of anyone

And now he has taken this step to bring the most basic dignity to the family.

He doesn't need to be above others, but he doesn't allow anyone to bully his family. It's that simple and he has been fighting for this goal.

"Qing'er is from the Temple of Thunder"

Looking at the agreement in his hand, Feng Zhentian asked in amazement as his eyes stayed on the Temple of Thunder.

Because Feng Hao didn't mention Yan Qing at all, he didn't know about it at all, and Feng Chen also met in Xi Lan's time.

I think if it wasn't for the existence of this woman at the time, my family would definitely not have been spared...

Once upon a time, a small mercenary group could easily destroy their own family, but now they have stood on the top of Tianwu Continent.

The world is unpredictable and no one knows what will happen in the future, so although the Feng family is already powerful and has no power in Tianwu, the control of their own children is very strict. Expulsion from the family

This is the most basic clan rule everyone must abide by

Because the rise of Feng Hao is the best example?

So now it's not only the Feng family, but also other major forces. This makes the habits of Tianwu Continent slowly improve... At the same time, more ordinary people are grateful to the Feng family.


Feng Hao nodded with a sweet smile on his face.

Yan Qing has always been his lucky star


Feng Zhentian originally wanted to ask the Thunder God Temple if he would marry Yan Qing into the Feng family, but after seeing the agreement in his hand, the smile on his face became stronger.

There are two extraordinary powers who marry into the Feng family and become close friends. This will undoubtedly make the future of the Feng family easier.

"Haoer Linger Xiner Qinger and the others are willing to follow you, that's your blessing, you have to treat them well in the future and can't be partial, otherwise I won't forgive you"

Feng Chen warned from the side

"Father, don't worry, Hao'er knows."

Feng Hao also answered very seriously.

If the girls don't get along, it will give him a headache, but now it's a blessing for him to see them getting along well

"Oh, it seems that we are all old, and our ability to bear is not as good as before..."

Feng Zhentian gave Feng Hao a meaningful look and sat down again. His words already had the meaning of abdication.

Because he felt that only Feng Hao could take hold of the place in the Hongmeng Realm and take the Feng family further...

"Patriarch, don't say that"

Feng Hao could naturally hear what he meant, even Feng Chen on the side understood it.

"Hehe, you little guy knows how to be lazy. I've been carrying this burden for so long, and I haven't let me take a break, right?"

Feng Zhentian laughed and scolded, in fact, he was not joking, but felt that Feng Hao's mind was really capable of taking the position of the head of the Feng family.


Wen Yan Fenghao had a wry smile on his face

Although he wants the Feng family to rise, he does not want to take the position of the Feng family head.

"Patriarch, I still have a lot of things to do. After this, I have to find Wu'er's mother and daughter to bring them back to a family reunion..."

He explained with a bitter face

"Yeah, the patriarch Hao'er is still young and too young to live in the world. This position of the patriarch still needs you to take care of it."

Feng Chen also knew that his son's temperament was to speak for him

"Okay, okay, I know you won't give up if you don't drain my old bones..."

Feng Zhentian waved his hand and turned to Feng Chen and said, "However, Feng Chen, can you be lazy? This time the family is stationed in Hongmeng Realm, you also need to contribute."

After spending some time with Feng Hao, he naturally understood that it was absolutely impossible to imprison this kid, but this time he entered the Hongmeng Realm alone, he really couldn't carry it alone, and he had to be assisted by someone close to Feng Hao. an invisible shock

Moreover, Feng Chen is not an ordinary person. He used to be the owner of the Feng family. He can still handle this aspect of dealing with foreign forces.


Feng Chen looked at him in surprise and didn't understand why he fell into it again.

"Can you postpone this time?"

Seeing that he was going to refuse Feng Zhentian, he pointed at the agreement in his hand and said, "This thing was brought by your son. There will always be one of the two of you who is going to appear, and we will see who it is."

Hearing him say this, Feng Chen understands that if Fenghao is not present, only his close relatives can speak for him.

"Since this is the case, in order to revitalize my Feng family, it seems that I still have to work hard for a while..."

He could only agree, but in fact he didn't need to do anything, just show his face.

"That's right"

Feng Zhentian was so satisfied that he turned sideways and said to Feng Hao, "How did you get these things, you should also explain?"

He was very surprised how could there be such a weak race in this source world that Feng Hao was robbed by himself

And where did he get it from?

He had seen the description of Origin Beasts in ancient books, even if two people with the body of Emperor Vein might not be able to kill one, and Origin Veins often had a group of Origin Beasts...

He can't solve these two mysteries.

"It's like this. In the source world, I conquered a monster. This monster is very special. It's not a problem to kill a race alone..."

Feng Hao briefly talked about his trip to the source world this time. Under Feng Zhentian's shocking eyes, he took out a lot of jade pendants and said, "As long as those who wear such jade pendants will not suffer from that monster. attack"

Then he took out the special jade pendants and explained carefully, "And as long as these jade pendants are held by people with the body of the emperor, they can direct the monster to do anything, even if the person who owns this kind of jade pendants is subject to Commands can kill."

This is a special jade pendant he made just in case. If it is taken away by someone, it will not play any role. As long as it is not the body of the Feng family emperor, not only can it not order the monster, but on the contrary, it will be directly slaughtered.

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