Martial Inverse

Chapter 1046: Endless Secrets

Chapter 1046 Endless Secrets

"Could it be..."

Thinking of this sudden Feng Hao, a thought flashed in his mind, and his body suddenly trembled.

Since this Beimang forbidden area is the burial place of the Supreme Poison Ancestor, isn't the Supreme Poison Ancestor in it?

Feeling the overwhelming pressure, he was almost suffocated at this time. If it wasn't for the firmness of mind and the will to fight, he would have collapsed at this time.

You must know that he may be facing the supreme poisonous ancestor. This is one of the gods. Even if the existence of the great emperor, the heavens and the great saints will surrender, it is not easy for him to stand.

"It's really not that simple."

It was quite surprising to see Feng Hao being able to keep standing even under his own pressure, but he was slowly relieved when he thought about his identity.

"Why trespassing in forbidden places"

The dull voice was like a demon roaring, and Feng Hao, who was carrying an unparalleled coercion, was pushed out a few hundred meters again.

It is also very puzzled that the last time he came in to pick up the head of Beimang aconite, that's okay, why did he come in again this time? Is it just to relax?

You must know that there are also Beimang aconite and colorful glazed fruit in it. He must not need the colorful glazed fruit. If he is really the master of virtual martial arts, would he still use it?

"This senior kid doesn't mean to offend, but the kid needs a colorful glazed fruit, so I disturbed the senior to sleep."

Feng Hao looked pale and said in a respectful tone.

He knew that if this person wanted to kill him was just a thought, he would not dare to act rashly at this time.

"Colorful Glass Fruit"

The mysterious existence was stunned for a moment and then scolded, "I think you want Liuliguo to be fake and you want to steal my poison. It's true."

Thinking of this, it is also very embarrassing

This guy dares to use his poisonous energy to temper the magic weapon. It's unbearable.

Moreover, it is not impossible to devour all the poison energy derived from the hard work with the ability of this magic weapon.

"Get out of here if you barge in next time and kill without mercy"

A mighty coercion came and pushed Feng Hao directly out of the middle circle before stopping. When he was in a hurry, he saw a glazed fruit with colorful lights flying towards him.


Feng Hao stretched out his hand and took the colorful glazed fruit in his hand. Looking at the core that slowly returned to calm, he was stunned and didn't understand what was going on.

It stands to reason that he should be killed on the spot. After all, he came in to pick the colorful glazed fruit, but since the people here knew about it, they didn't kill him and even gave him a colorful glazed fruit. This is just too weird.

"Could it be because of the mysterious man from last time?"

Feng Hao shook his head in distress, put the colorful glazed fruit into the ring, and bowed his hands to the core, and said respectfully, "Thank you for the gift of the fruit, the boy will not forget that there will be a reward in the future."

After all, he turned around and swept away towards the outside world.

"Hey, it's really strange, does he really just want to pick the colorful glazed fruit"

The mysterious existence that I saw in this scene also revealed surprise, but seeing that Feng Hao had gone out, he continued to be silent.

"Hey, that devour just now was enough for it to feel distressed for a while"

Huang Tianyun, who was outside, kept watching all this happen and let out a creepy laughter, and the little ball beside him was also shouting 'Yiyi Ya Ya' and seemed to be very happy.

"Remember what you owe me"

Seeing Feng Hao has come out, Huang Tianyun glanced at Xiao Qiuqiu and greeted him with a smile.


Xiao Qiuqiu raised his front paws towards him and turned into a white light, standing on Feng Hao's shoulders, looking at him triumphantly.

I still have this backer, and it's not anyone's fist to decide what will happen in the future.

"Master, I got the colorful glazed fruit"

Huang Tianyun asked the question knowingly


Turning his hands, Feng Hao put away the swallowing dragon seal and nodded slightly. The joy of getting the colorful glazed fruit is not very big in his heart, but there is a doubt in his heart.

Fang Zai has a mysterious presence in the core of the forbidden area of ​​Beimang, but he does feel the aura, and it seems that as long as someone approaches it, he can perceive it, so if you want to pick something in the forbidden area, you must get its permission. Row

If that's the case, why didn't that existence stop him in the forbidden area of ​​life last time?

His eyes were on the little ball on his shoulders

He is more and more suspicious of the origin of this little thing. Why does it refuse to enter the forbidden area of ​​Beimang?

And who left the forbidden place of life?

There are all kinds of strange things in the major forbidden areas. For example, in the forbidden area of ​​Beimang, there is a black head, the ancestor of the highly poisonous. So it is derived

In the forbidden area of ​​life, there are Qiguo that all the strong desire to get

This is the most precious divine fruit that can prolong people's lifespan. There are few wonders in the world that can compare with it.

Which sage left behind in the mythological period?

There was a vague idea in his mind, and this idea came to his mind after reasoning about this incident.

god of nothingness

There are too few detailed records of the world's gods of nothingness.

In the ancient books, the god of nothingness is omnipotent. He is the head of the gods and he created the way of martial arts, but his specific abilities are rarely mentioned.

And the master of virtual martial arts of each generation is the same.

However, their attributes are recorded in ancient books as if they have no attributes, but this attributeless energy is very tyrannical and far surpasses all kinds of divine energy.

But now Feng Hao has devoured the energy of punishment, but Wu Yuan vortex, which had no attributes at this time, is showing the thunder pole attribute, which undoubtedly adds a layer of protection to him. As long as he doesn't say it himself, almost no one can guess who he is. Lord of the Void

"Let's go to the barbarians"

Glancing at Xiao Qiuqiu and Huang Tianyun Fenghao breathed lightly and said

He knows very well that these two guys will never say anything, so it's no use asking, but as long as he becomes stronger, all this will be revealed one by one.

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