Martial Inverse

The first thousand and ninety-eighth chapter physical improvement

Chapter 1098 The improvement of physical fitness

This method is definitely a great thing for ordinary people, so in the hearts of ordinary people, the position of the Medicine Master Guild directly surpasses that of the Temple of Light.

However, for the rich, it is a nightmare. The richer you are, the more you pay. Ten percent is a lot of money.

Want to escape this rule.

This is absolutely impossible. No one's wealth can be hidden from the eyes of the ten major empires. If they want to survive, they can only give away their wealth obediently.

And under this kind of regulations, the Pharmacist Guild does not see losses, on the contrary, the wealth earned is incalculable. Therefore, the Pharmacist Guild is developing faster and faster, but in just over a year, it is in the top ten emperors. In the country, in cities with the Temple of Light, there is the Medicine Masters Guild. In the eyes of everyone, the weight of the Medicine Masters Guild has instantly overwhelmed the Temple of Light, and even the people near the Holy Light Mountain have gradually begun to shift.

For a time, the Temple of Light panicked, because the Holy Master of Light disappeared and never returned.

Originally, more than a year, this is nothing, the Holy Master of Light sometimes retreats for more than ten years at a time, but at this pass, no one can really make the decision about the things of the Temple of Light, and, in the ten major Under the strong coercion of the Empire, he didn't dare to do anything, he could only watch the Medicine Master Guild pull away people's hearts.

The Temple of Light has spent a lot of hard work to accumulate the popular support, and the last trump card has completely failed.

I believe that when Feng Hao returns, as long as he is willing to speak, the Ten Great Empires will be happy to help him achieve this wish, because, in their minds, the Temple of Light is just a fishbone stuck in the throat. They can't wait to unplug it. For them, it is the best of both worlds. It can not only get rid of the thorn in the eye, but also shorten the distance with Feng Hao. Why not do it.

Also because of this situation, the Medicine Master Guild has become famous in the Hongmeng world, and it is a force that no one can ignore.

And all this, Feng Hao does not know, he is still still in the place of ancestor worship...

It has been one year and two months since he came in. Compared with the previous one, his condition is much better.

At this time, Feng Hao was sitting cross-legged on the rock below the waterfall. Although his face twitched occasionally and his muscles trembled a little, he didn't cry out as desperately as a year ago.

His willpower has been honed to be able to endure the pain of this kind of soul quenching, more precisely, he has become accustomed to this kind of pain.

No one would believe this if it was said, but Feng Hao was indeed accustomed to this kind of unbearable pain that went deep into the soul in more than a year.

Moreover, within this year, he no longer remembers how many holy beasts he has refined, and his physique is no longer comparable to before.

Although, the more his physique reaches its peak, the more difficult it will be to improve. However, under this inhuman torture, his physique has been greatly improved. From this time, he can carry seventy-nine holy beasts in his body. It has already been manifested, his physical body has long been strong to a point that he can't imagine at all, it can be said that it is a real supreme physical body.

However, Xiao Qiuqiu's movements still did not stop. As long as Feng Hao refined the soul of a holy beast, the other end would surely crash into his body, so that the capacity of his body was always full, and he would not be able to for a moment. Relax.

"It's almost there, nine is supreme, nine, nine and eighty-one, as long as he can carry the soul essence of eighty-one holy beasts, he can be regarded as the real supreme body."

Huang Tianyun glanced at Feng Hao under the waterfall, and muttered some incomprehensible words in his mouth.


There was also inexplicable excitement in the small balls of gem-like eyes on the side, and when he was quick, he attracted two holy beasts and slammed into Feng Hao's body.


Suddenly, Feng Hao was suffering, his whole body swelled up quickly, his face flushed red, his face was hideous, very terrifying, his body seemed to be about to explode.

Even if he can carry the energy of seventy-nine holy beasts in his body at this time, in fact, he is just like that heavy camel, adding a straw can crush him to death, not to mention, this is still added The soul of a holy beast suddenly became extremely dangerous.

After a while, blood gushed out of his seven orifices, and it didn't take long for his muscles to be as hard as gold essence, and terrifying openings opened, and blood flowed out of the wounds.

"You bastard, are you trying to kill him?"

Huang Tianyun, who had been staring at this side, suddenly turned over and jumped up, yelling at Xiao Qiuqiu.

This guy, as long as he is proud, he will get carried away. Over the years, he has never changed it. No, he is in trouble again.

Xiao Qiuqiu was also a little dumbfounded. He knew he was wrong, but he didn't refute him. He turned into a white shadow and came to Feng Hao's side. Feng Hao's body was coated with a layer of gleaming light, humming loudly, his swollen body was slowly recovering, and the wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the waterfall rushed down from the top of his head, The blood on his body was washed away, and a thin layer of fluorescent light radiated from his body, as if nothing had happened.

At that extremely dangerous moment, Feng Hao's physique once again broke through the limit, capable of carrying the spirits of 80 holy beasts.

Xiao Qiuqiu was stunned for a while, then withdrew his claws, and swept back to the grass above the waterfall again, and proudly raised his claws towards Huang Tianyun, as if to say that he had foresight.


Huang Tianyun sighed softly, lay down again, the corners of his mouth curled into a shallow arc, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said lightly, "Believe it or not, after he wakes up, I will tell him what you just did. ,...I believe that as long as he knew that someone almost murdered him, he would be very happy, wouldn't he,...well, at that time, someone will stay in that hellish place forever and never get out, tsk tsk . . . it's so pathetic."

If he had intentional or unintentional words, Xiao Qiuqiu's body suddenly trembled, and he froze there, with a flash of unease in his eyes.


Seeing it react like this, Huang Tianyun let out a creepy laughter, seemingly very proud, and the playful gaze made the little ball even more uneasy.

I was really overwhelmed just now.

Helpless, it raised two claws before reaching an agreement with someone, and immediately sat down on the grass in frustration, a little listless.

However, Feng Hao has achieved a breakthrough. As long as he breaks through again, he will be able to have a truly supreme body, thus controlling the power of virtual martial arts.

[There is no shortage of 5th watch, woohoo, it's four in the morning, can I still get up in the afternoon, I don't want to write at night, I really don't want to... Crouch in the corner and cry, don't stop me,]

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