Martial Inverse

Chapter 1106 Survived

Chapter 1106 Survived

At this time, it was definitely Feng Hao's most miserable time. His body was about to be completely blown to pieces. Although it wasn't completely broken, the whole body was devastated, and there were terrifying blood holes everywhere. The golden blood was flowing.

However, he is not dead yet.

Because, when the Thunder Dragon crashed down, he blocked the position of his heart with the Heaven Swallowing Dragon Seal and protected his heart, so he took a breath, was punished by the sky, and survived.

This is also because the power of Thunder Dragon has been weakened too much, so his body was not completely blown up. This is inseparable from his previous efforts and the strategy behind him. Otherwise, if the Thunder Dragon has not weakened, it will He definitely has only one dead end, even his supreme body will be smashed to pieces.

However, he is now in a coma and unconscious.

The power of the holy rank is definitely not something that Emperor Wu can bear, which can be seen from Feng Hao's confrontation with the punishment.

In the end, the Thunder Dragon, like a world-destroying mad dragon, possessed more energy than Emperor Wu, so no matter how hard Feng Hao tried, he still couldn't escape this tragic end.


Xiao Qiuqiu opened his mouth, and a strange roar came out from his mouth, with an inexplicable rhythm, swaying in this ancestor worship place, and in the distance, the crystal clear holy beasts were all moving towards the soul. They rushed over here, and under Xiao Qiuqiu's signal, they all merged into Feng Hao's body.


Huang Tianyun also stretched out a finger, the medicinal fragrance overflowed, and a layer of medicinal properties like a liquid wrapped Feng Hao and repaired the wounds on his body.

With the help of the two of them and the medicinal treatment of the divine pesticide in the body, Feng Hao's tattered body was completely healed and returned to normal after a day, but he had not woken up yet.

At this time, it has been one year and four months since he entered the ancestor worship place. If they didn't know the oracle, they would all think that Feng Hao had fallen into the ancestor worship place.

Nearly a year and a half, this is simply unimaginable. You must know that the best genius of the barbarians from ancient times to now has a record of only ten days. There is no way to compare the two.

They can't guess the reason, so they all attribute the credit to something that they dare not mention.


When Thunder Dragon fell, Feng Hao only felt a shock in his mind. Suddenly, he lost consciousness and fell into an endless darkness. There was only one feeling, cold...

I don't know how long it took, but a warm feeling enveloped him, his icy body slowly warmed up, and slowly, with consciousness, a soft light appeared in front of his eyes, spreading over the past. Come and cover his whole body.


Feng Hao opened his eyes, and when he saw a strong light, he narrowed his eyes slightly.


"Master, you are finally awake."

He heard two familiar voices, and also felt that a mass of objects was pressed on his chest. After a little, his vision was restored, and he could see everything in front of him.

Huang Tianyun stood aside, with a thick smile on his face, while Xiao Qiuqiu was standing on his chest, with a humanized joy on his face.

"I'm not dead yet."

When he came back to his senses, the first sentence Feng Hao asked was that the corner of Huang Tianyun's mouth twitched slightly.

Does anyone else wish they were dead?

"Master, of course you are not dead, otherwise, wouldn't I be dead too."

He pursed his lips and said angrily.

And Xiao Qiuqiu even more, stretched out sharp claws and scratched on his chest, the ticklish touch made Feng Hao completely wake up.

"I'm really not dead,"

Feng Hao sat up, an indescribable joy surged in his heart, and he exclaimed in exclamation.

At the moment when Thunder Dragon fell, he really thought that he would definitely die, but now, he found that he was miraculously still alive, which was naturally an incomparable surprise.

He can't die, he still has a lot of things to do, and a lot of things he can't let go.

"Master, that thing saved you."

The corner of Huang Tianyun's mouth curved a smile without a trace, and pouted towards the swallowing dragon mark who fell to the side.

"Swallowing the Dragon Seal."

Feng Hao picked it up and fell to the side of the Swallowing Dragon Seal, but he was stunned to find that the Swallowing Dragon Seal at this time lost a bit of spirituality, and it seemed that... it had returned to the feeling that he had only obtained before. There is no aura, it is dull and dull, like a clay sculpture.

Thinking about it, it was because he resisted most of the Thunder Dragon's power, so he was beaten back to the prototype.

"It turned out that it saved me..."

There was a wry smile on the corner of Feng Hao's mouth, and he shook his head.

He thought that he had blocked Thunder Dragon with his supreme body, and was happy that his supreme body could be so tyrannical, but the truth was beyond his conjecture. smashed.

You must know that after the swallowing dragon seal was obtained from him, he did not know how much energy it had absorbed, and it had evolved into the existence of a psychic soldier, but at this time, it was completely beaten back to its prototype. It can be seen that the Thunder Dragon's The power of power is simply not something that human beings can contend with.

Losing himself that he thought he could rely on his physique to fight against him, this was no different from courting death.

Originally, Feng Hao's first thought when he discovered that he was not dead was to open the ninth orifice and attack a higher realm, but now it seems that if he opens the nine orifices, he will definitely become a cannon fodder sent by the sky.

The eight orifices are already like this, so the ninth orifice will definitely be even more terrifying, and it is possible that they will directly bear the double punishment.

The double punishment of heaven is terrifying when I think about it, so what will I do to fight it?

"Am I going to stop here for the rest of my life?"

Feng Hao couldn't help asking himself, his heart was full of bitterness.

The first layer of heavenly punishment, even though he did everything possible to weaken it, was still unable to resist, then, what would he use to fight against the two layers of heavenly punishment?

There is absolutely only one dead word.

However, if you don't open the Nine Apertures, doesn't that mean that you will not be able to break through the Holy Rank for the rest of your life?

he does not want.

There are ants under the holy order. In the eyes of the saints, they are just a weak ant. They don't even bother to take action. Although they seem to be very beautiful now, it is because people see their potential and think that they have made breakthroughs. After the Holy Rank, there will be a chance to climb to the peak, so I don't look at myself, but if it is known that I cannot break through the Holy Rank, then the status can be imagined.

For a lifetime, I can only be an ant.

"Do not,,."

Feng Hao's eyes were a little red, as if crazy.

If he can't break through the holy rank, he can't advance to a higher realm, then he has no choice but to live for a thousand years at most. Do you have the heart to go first?

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