Martial Inverse

Chapter 1111 The fish slipped through the net

Chapter 1111 The fish slipping through the net

The Temple of Light, a force that once made countless forces fear it, has developed in the Hongmeng Realm for hundreds of thousands of years, and has been able to compete with the top ten empires, even stronger than the top ten empires.

It can be seen that his rich heritage and mysterious origin must be the big family left over from the ancient times, the superpower, but it has just declined.

Originally, in the Hongmeng Realm, the Temple of Light was deeply entrenched. Even if the supernatural forces wanted to pull him out, it would cause unnecessary chaos. However, all of this happened in just two years. was rewritten.

The current Guangming Temple has become a lonely person, and no force dares to deal with him. Coupled with the disappearance of the Holy Master and the Holy Son, the Guangming Temple has fallen into the current desperate situation.

No one can make major decisions on behalf of the Holy Master of Light, so they can only watch the Medicine Master Guild develop and spread within the ten major empires, eroding their own territory.

As soon as the news of the Feng family came out, the people in the temples of the Guangming Temple in the major empires were all controlled, and the top ten empires dispatched many strong men to rush to the Guangming Holy Mountain in a mighty manner.

The big action of the ten major empires this time has alarmed the entire Hongmeng world, but the upper-level forces did not feel any surprise, because they have long known the unhappiness between the Guangming Temple and the Feng family. It came so quickly.


Holy Mountain of Light...

At this time, the upper floors of the Temple of Light were all gathered in a bright hall, but there was no one on the altar, so the scene was a little noisy, and everyone was whispering, but there was one thing in common, that is There was some anxiety in his eyes, and there was some irritability on his face.

Now the Temple of Light has long since become blind, and the outer eyeliner has been removed by the ten empires. Moreover, around the Holy Mountain of Light, there are secret whistleblowers of the ten empires. As long as they take action, the ten empires will be there. Know the first time.

This time, the Feng family spent a lot of money asking them to do it, and they couldn't refuse. Naturally, it was unwise to think of cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots, leaving behind troubles.

Therefore, when the army of the ten major empires drove around the Holy Mountain of Light, they learned the news. Immediately, all of them were like ants on a hot pot, anxious but without any clue.


The eyes of an old man in a pure white robe who stood at the front flickered for a long time, but he still stood up, turned his head, and shouted at the crowd, "Everyone, be quiet.


The sudden sound made everyone stunned, and all eyes immediately fell on him.

This old man is quite authoritative in the Temple of Light, so the noise on the scene was suddenly silent, and the hall returned to silence.

"The ten major empires sent troops to my Temple of Light. I believe you have seen it... Now, it is the time for my Temple of Light to survive. Although the Holy Master is not there, we must not mess up first, otherwise, there is only one way to die."

The old man's face was gloomy, his eyes were like a cold sword, and he swept across the faces of everyone, "Now, I will issue orders on behalf of the Holy Master, you may have opinions."


His last words suddenly made the scene even more turbulent, which made his face even more unsightly.

In the Temple of Light, only the Holy Master of Light is in charge, and the others are divine envoys. In fact, their existence is just an errand. a decision.

"When are you going to quarrel, do you have to let the ten major empires smash my Holy Mountain of Light to level before you are willing to wake up?"

The old man roared, his expression was a little violent, his eyes were red, like a desolate beast who chose people and devoured them, "If you don't want to die, then listen to the order, and now gather everyone to fight against the ten great empires..."


After Feng Hao arrived at the Holy Mountain of Light, the fighting here was almost over. There was a mess everywhere, with broken limbs and stump arms, scattered indiscriminately. , There are also many people fighting in it, and many people even sacrificed psychic treasures, and the beating is turned upside down, and the roar is constant. This area is like the end of the world. look.

The people of other forces are hiding thousands of miles away, watching this shocking battle from a distance.

This is also the strongest battle Feng Hao has ever seen, and it is also the most tragic battle. On this battlefield, he fully saw the power of the Holy Rank.

This time, the ten major empires were beyond the expectations of the Temple of Light. All the elites came out, and even the ancestors who had not been born for hundreds of years were invited. Under the pressure of almost ten times the force, the Temple of Light There is no reason to be defeated.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the highest force of the Temple of Light, the Holy Master of Light is not there. This is even more so that the old antiques of the ten major empires are killing and abusing on the battlefield. No one can stop them. The holy envoys of the temple are screaming in the sky, so the time for the fight has also shrunk greatly.

Seeing this scene, everyone knows that the Temple of Light is over.

Whether it is the Feng family or the ten major empires, he is not allowed to exist, which makes the Hongmeng world have no place for them at all.


Seeing Feng Hao and the three coming, the envoys of the ten major empires greeted them and explained the current situation to Feng Hao and the three.

"The Holy Master of Light did not appear."

This made Feng Hao frown, and Feng Zhentian's face was also very ugly.

"Patriarch Feng, we have been monitoring the Temple of Light since the Medicine Master Guild entered. During this period, the Holy Master of Light has indeed never entered or exited the Temple of Light... Perhaps, the Holy Master of Light left before that. "

A messenger explained somewhat embarrassingly.

"The messenger doesn't have to worry about it. I think that the Holy Master of Light should also go out occasionally."

Feng Zhentian, still with a faint smile, said to the messengers of the ten major empires, so that they could be relieved.

The actions of the ten major empires have completely offended the Temple of Light, leaving such a remnant, they are more anxious than the Feng family, so there is no saying that they deliberately let go of the Holy Master of Light.

"Messenger, I want to ask, have you ever seen a man who uses a special energy."

Glancing at the battlefield, Feng Hao frowned slightly and asked a messenger beside him.

"Special energy."

The messenger was startled and looked at him with some confusion.

"It's a black energy..."

Feng Hao explained the characteristics of that black energy to him, and finally added, "By the way, his blood is also black."

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