Martial Inverse

The first thousand one hundred and sixty-two chapters are forbidden in the beginning

Chapter 1162 Forbidden Land at the Beginning

Forbidden in the beginning.

This is an extremely ancient forbidden area, and it seems to be a passage. It seems that it existed at the beginning of the Hundred Clan Continent. It has always been a forbidden area for living beings. There is no possibility of life for those who enter. There are even rumors that the forbidden area is the emperor's. The resting place, because many great emperors entered the forbidden land in the beginning of the year and never came out again.

Moreover, in the forbidden area of ​​​​the beginning of time, some terrifying ancient beasts, tyrannical people, and even the Great Sage were born. Many great emperors just did not want to be disturbed, so they chose to rest in the forbidden area of ​​​​the beginning of time.

Of course, these are just speculations, and no one can know exactly how.

In short, as long as you go deep into the forbidden area of ​​​​the beginning of time, there is absolutely no way to survive, not to mention other things, the ancient beasts in the forbidden area of ​​​​the beginning of time are not something that ordinary people can contend with.

Therefore, when Xie Yandong and the others heard it, they actually asked them to be the little guys on the basis of cultivation, to face the ancient beasts in the forbidden land at the beginning, and all of them suddenly changed their faces.

And Feng Hao, although he has never heard of the forbidden land in the beginning, but since it is a forbidden land on the Hundred Clan Continent, it is absolutely terrifying.

You can tell by looking at Xie Yandong's inhuman face.

And Xue Mo's face was blue and a little purple, and his eyes were flickering, and he didn't have the dusty attitude before. At this moment, he looked no different from mortals.

He doesn't want to die, he also wants to enjoy the present feeling forever.

"Sir, can I have another one?"

Feng Hao sank some impetuous mind, and then asked the old man at the counter.

"There are so many good things in this world."

The old man rolled his eyes, wondering if he wanted to vent his anger from Liu Canyan on them, and shouted, "You have already accepted, according to the rules, you can only accept one mission a day, if you give up, Then we can only pick it up tomorrow.”


Feng Hao's face changed again, he did not expect this to happen.

If Liu Canyan didn't set a time, then they would have to wait, but now, if they gave up, it would be equivalent to a day's delay.

Most importantly,

Who knows if tomorrow will be the same task, or a more difficult task.

These are all uncertain, and looking at it, it seems very likely.

However, what he didn't understand was why a red-level mission was actually linked to the forbidden land at the beginning of time.

This is obviously not in line with reality. Logically speaking, even if it is a purple-level task, it should only be that much.

"Could it be..."

A gleam of light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and he immediately asked, "Old gentleman, how are these ancient beasts who ran out of the forbidden area in the beginning...

When he asked this question, everyone was stunned, and immediately their eyes were on the old man.

"I have already said that these ancient beasts are attacking 'Qingshui City'."

An invisible appreciation flashed in the eyes of the old man, and he still squinted his eyes and said impatiently.

"Oh, in other words, it hasn't been attacked yet."

At this moment, Feng Hao and others completely understood in their hearts.

These ancient beasts should be outside the forbidden area in the beginning, otherwise this Qingshui City would have been trodden down long ago, and they can still be rescued now, which means that the problem should not be too serious.

Thinking of this, their faces softened, and then they registered, holding the mission jade badge, and walked out of the Wujiyuan building.

Only confession.


Shortly after they left, with a soft sound, Liu Canyan in a pale green dress reappeared in the Wujiyuan building.

"They took it."

She glanced at the old man at the counter and asked lightly.

"Already picked up."

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched slightly, nodded, and he couldn't help but ask with some doubts, "The ancient beasts in the forbidden land in the beginning usually came from deep sleep, how could they suddenly wake up..."

Then, his pupils slightly dilated, looked at Liu Canyan, and said in surprise, "You didn't wake up intentionally, right?"

"Giggle... It's not good to know too much."

Liu Canyan's long and narrow eyes glanced at him lightly, smiled coquettishly, turned and disappeared.


The old man was speechless for a while, and finally sighed slightly, "Poor little dolls, how could you choose... her, to be a mentor."

He shook his head, also stood up, and walked upstairs.


In the forbidden area at the beginning of time, there was a foggy fog that spread over thousands of mountains, covering the entire area. Looking around, there was fog in front of you, blocking the line of sight and making people unable to see what was inside.

From time to time, some extravagant sounds come from the thick fog, just like the passage to hell, with some shrill beast roars, shocking people, making people want to stay away from here, let alone go in. .

However, in the area around this forbidden area in the beginning, because of this terrain and state, it is possible to derive a strange metal called 'Chixia Treasure Gold'. This kind of metal is not a problem to cast psychic soldiers, even , If you can get the divine artifact 'Chixia Marrow Gold', if the material is sufficient, you can even cast a holy soldier.

Therefore, around this forbidden area in the beginning, the human race set up a city, Qingshui City, specifically to collect the 'Chixia Treasure Gold'.

From this, it can be seen that the resources on this Hundred Clan Continent, even in the Hongmeng Realm, are simply incomparable. It is no wonder that the major races are all competing for territory on this continent.

At this moment, Qingshui City was attacked by ancient beasts.

Fortunately, these ancient beasts attacked during the day, and did not cause many casualties, and now, with the city's protective shield, they have barely persevered.

These ancient beasts are extremely terrifying in appearance. They are at least three or four meters long and have four long legs. Each of them is thicker than an adult man, and has a ferocious and terrifying head. The long fangs are really like a devil in hell, very terrifying.

Moreover, there are palm-sized pale red scales all over its body. Under the sunlight, it shimmers with a cold luster, just like it is made of steel, giving people a cold and hot visual impact. .

These ancient beasts are terrifyingly terrifying, and each of them has at least reached the peak of Martial Emperor. With one foot, even the earth will tremble a few times. There are at least hundreds of them around the city. In the thick fog in the distance, there are also pairs of transparent and terrifying eyes peeping at it. It seems that as long as the shield is broken, they will swarm up and kill all the creatures in the city.

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