Martial Inverse

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-six chapters ruthless reprimand

Chapter 1176 Ruthless reprimand

The attack of the three is not weak, basically they didn't keep their hands. Feng Hao even used the power of imaginary martial arts and the energy of divine punishment to condense the ten-fold force of tigers and rushes, and the space was shaken to shatter. The attack, carrying the great momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, mercilessly rammed towards Liu Canyan.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Liu Canyan's mouth had a slight curvature, and after a little, it returned to the coldness, turned his hand, and slapped it out with one palm.

"Bang tom."

Her seemingly very casual palm, but the whole world is pressed down like this, the space is rolled up like a substance, with a steel-like texture, if it is a wave during a tsunami, the rushing Feng Hao is the contact. , he vomited blood and flew upside down. Yan Qing's thunder pillar and Xie Yandong's immortal fire were all smashed in front of the wave. The three's attacks only slowed the wave a little, and they moved towards the pale yellow. The water curtain rolled over.


If a substantial wave slammed into the water curtain, all of a sudden, cracks opened in the water curtain that fell like a waterfall, and the huge force hit the past, and the whole group was swept away by the wave. , the fall is not miserable.

Everything seems to be like paper paste in front of this wave, unstoppable, and even the defense of "Qingming Genshan Tu" is vulnerable in this wave.

"Haha, ... you forgot there was me."

A frantic laughter resounded behind Liu Canyan, and a shadowy figure, if a god descended, he was imposing, with a thunderous sound, raised a fist like a mountain, and smashed it towards Liu Canyan's back. back.

It seems that he has already seen that he is about to succeed, and Long Yueguang's eyes are filled with monstrous joy.


The corner of Liu Canyan's mouth bent slightly, and he stretched out an arm at will, pulling it back, grabbed Longyueguan's fist like an iron claw, and with a slight shock, the monstrous power condensed by Longyueguan, Being pinched into nothingness, she threw Longyueguan back into the crowd's camp with a flick of her hand.

Everyone looked pale and looked at her in shock.

Too strong, the woman in front of her has become too strong to imagine.

In this fight, everyone could clearly feel that Liu Canyan did not use holy energy at all. Her cultivation was only at the peak of Martial Emperor. However, even in the same realm, everyone was like this in front of her. He was vulnerable to a single blow, and with a random wave of his hand, he smashed the unity of everyone, and severely injured everyone.

cold sweat,

Seeping from their foreheads, leaving behind, the pain on their bodies is simply incomparable to the shock in their hearts at this moment.

Like Fenghao.

He has been tempered into a real supreme body, and can initially control the power of virtual martial arts. In his heart, he is already an invincible existence of the same level.

Although he never said this, he thought so in his heart.

The power of virtual martial arts and the supreme physical body are almost an impeccable combination, and the recent battles he has experienced have confirmed this for him, but Liu Canyan destroyed them all.

Yan Qing, although she did not show her strength in front of Feng Hao, but she has a special physique, but she has never been convinced by anyone. If Feng Hao did not join this time, she would be the first in the new ranks. .

In the same way, even if it was Feng Hao, she didn't feel that she was weaker than him. At the same level, she was never afraid of anyone.

Xie Yandong is similar to her. He is a god of fire. Even if he can't unleash the full power of the immortal fire, he still believes that he is an existence standing at the pinnacle, and no one can suppress it.

Not to mention Xue Mo, he didn't do anything at all, but the strength just now made him feel the threat of death at close range.

Ge Hong's face was even more incredible. His own 'Qingming Gen Mountain Land' was an unearthly divine artifact, but his defense was so easily destroyed by others, which made his confidence plummet.

Their group, apart from Long Yueguan, Qiong Linger and Wan Xin, are all the favored sons of heaven, and they have hardly experienced many setbacks. Their pride and their self-sufficiency have been shattered in this moment.

"If it's on the guys have already died once."

Seeing the slightly dimmed expressions of everyone, Liu Canyan did not encourage or comfort her, but instead scolded her sharply.

At this moment, she peeled off her charming coat, looking particularly cold, and her words were cold, as if death were whispering.

Indeed, if on the battlefield, encountering this level of powerhouse, they will surely die.

"In the same realm, why are you not as good as me?"

Liu Canyan narrowed her long and narrow eyes slightly, glanced at everyone one by one, and the first one stayed on Qiong Ling'er, "You, as the body of the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit, are blessed by nature, but what are you doing, your impulses, only It will hurt your teammates, drag down the people around you, other than that, it is useless, in my opinion... you are a useless vase."


Feng Hao wanted to stand up to refute, but Liu Canyan swept his eyes, and under a powerful pressure, he was creaking and sweating profusely, and he couldn't even get up, and his words were cut off.


Qiong Linger's pretty face turned pale, and she could not find any words to refute.

"You won't forget the advantages of your Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Body. If that's the case... Then, the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Body is born on you, and it really grabs the heavens."

Liu Canyan continued to strike coldly, her words merciless.

Indeed, Qiong Linger's actions just now would be too unwise on the battlefield. This is simply an act of courting death and must be stopped.

"my advantage……"

There was a flash of enlightenment in Qiong Ling'er's eyes.

She still vaguely remembered what the old woman had said to her back then.

"The body of the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit can mobilize the power of the Primordial Spirit above the Nine Heavens. It is so powerful that it can reach the pinnacle, and it can annihilate the universe... The power of the Primordial Spirit is drawn down and poured into the body of the strong, and the opponent will The strength will increase greatly, if the strength of the Yuan Spirit is pressed, the strength of the other party will be suppressed..."

Of course she remembered, but when she saw Feng Hao being injured, she lost every inch. When Feng Hao was injured again just now to save her, she already knew that she had done something wrong.

Now, after Liu Canyan's ruthless point out, she understands even more how wrong she was. If it was really on the battlefield... maybe Feng Hao would be killed because of her actions just now.

If on the contrary, she draws the power of Jiutian Yuanling, maybe, can change the ending.

Qiong Linger glanced at Feng Hao, who was being suppressed very hard, and felt a pain in her heart.

"Teacher... I was wrong."

Her words did not appear weak, on the contrary, they carried a firmness in them,

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