Martial Inverse

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-four chapters cast life

Chapter 1194 Casting Life

Casting, for Haotian, has become a habit. He did not disturb Feng Hao, but came to the bottom of the waterfall, turned his hand, and took the piece of Chixia marrow gold, which was full of one pound and three taels. came out.

"Ding ding, ding ding..."

After a while, within this valley, there was a sonorous sound of tempering. If it was a thunderstorm rolling from the nine heavens, it was also an inexplicable symphony of life, very rhythmic, and had its own rhythm. , During the period, all kinds of brilliance appeared under his giant hammer, and various visions appeared, such as tiger leaping, dragon soaring, and the momentum was extremely vast.

"Master, you are going to forge a great tool again..."

Listening to the voices and the visions that skyrocketed to the sky from time to time, it didn't seem to cause much sensation in this Shengtian Academy. Some quiet hills, or people in the courtyard, just glanced slightly in this direction. It was just a glance, and at most, some people sighed with emotion.

Obviously, they are immune to this situation.

This also shows that it is not the first time that Haotian has forged weapons in this valley.

Although the movement this time was much more spectacular than before, none of the people who knew Haotian's temper dared to come over and disturb it. Moreover, the major courts had stipulated that if they didn't get permission, would they? Those who are allowed to enter the valley, otherwise, those with serious circumstances will even be expelled from Shengtian Academy.

This is not a joke. When casting, it cannot be disturbed. Otherwise, it is very likely that all previous achievements will be lost. If this master is angered and he leaves Shengtian Academy in a rage, it will be a huge loss for Shengtian Academy.

When Feng Hao heard this sound, he also woke up from his state, and then set his eyes on Haotian.

At this moment, Haotian is like a giant, standing under the waterfall, the huge waterfall, like thousands of troops rushing down, but it is intercepted between his hammer swings, as if it was evaporated.

He is like a giant who opened up the world. Every time he hits it, it is earth-shattering, capable of destroying everything and tearing apart the world.

However, in this destruction, there is a vitality in it, it seems to be full of vitality, if there is a spirit beating, life is derived...

This is the second time Feng Hao has seen Haotian casting, and he still has an indescribable emotion in his heart.

He had doubted more than once that the giant in front of him was really just a casting master.

such a miraculous ability,

Really admirable.

He is not casting utensils, but shaping life. He is like an omnipotent god, bringing a new kind of life to this world.


Unconsciously, in Feng Hao's mind, from the orifice that had been opened, there were a series of subtle humming sounds, and for a while, he was immersed in a special artistic conception.

Under the shroud of this special mood, Feng Hao can easily perceive that under Haotian's giant hammer, a new life is being born...

Although it seems to be very fragile, it seems that a gust of wind can blow out its fire of life, but Feng Hao can feel that this new life is very tenacious, and seems to be looking at the world curiously ...

Unconsciously, there was a peaceful smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was happy to see a new life born. This emotion is naturally formed, just like a father waiting for his new life. children.

Suddenly, Feng Hao was taken aback by his own thoughts. At the same time, he also got out of that special mood, and the buzzing in his mind stopped, as if nothing happened. the same.

It's just that the little ball in his arms felt a little bit, and found his abnormality at this time, but it didn't seem to be able to tell why, and it didn't remind him.

Maybe it's just a momentary illusion.


Feng Hao exhaled a long breath and suppressed his strange emotions. Then, he put his eyes on Haotian, and there was only the sound of 'ding ding' in his ears. At the same time, he His arms also slowly waved...

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, three days have passed...

In the past three days, the scene in front of him has hardly changed, Liu Canyan seems to have disappeared, and did not come to disturb, but, Haotian's giant hammer is swinging faster and faster, and the huge black hammer is given to him. It waved like an afterimage, and the sound of space tearing was constantly resounding in the space, and the 'ding ding' sound was also endless, almost forming a straight line.

Under his heavy hammer, a group of brilliance slowly floated up, like a small life, growing vigorously and gradually.

On the side of the deep pool, Feng Hao's eyes were confused, and his arms were naturally waving, but the jerky was no longer there. The movements were as smooth as clouds and water, and there was no muffled thunder in his body, and even the sound of running water was slowly silent. Going down, at this moment, he is almost like an ordinary person, waving his fists randomly, if he looks from a distance, he looks like a somewhat abnormal person.

However, from time to time, suddenly, in this silence, it is like a tsunami in the vast ocean, the turbulent waves are rolling and roaring in the sky, and the sound of the waves that make people tremble, resounding endlessly, people can't help but give birth It's like being in front of a dam that must be mentioned, trying to escape.

A static and a movement, the transformation between the quiet, the constant replacement, and the faint, there is even a charm in it.

Until noon on the fifth day...

Originally, the sun was shining in the sky, but, unexpectedly, it was the wind and the clouds. With this valley as the center, within a radius of hundreds of miles, all the vitality of the heavens and the earth became agitated, and all of them gathered towards this valley. The surroundings were dark and dark, attracting the attention of many eyes.

"This kind of fluctuation... Could it be that Master Hao is casting holy soldiers?"

On the tops of several towering mountains, a pair of twinkling eyes opened and looked towards the valley. It seemed that all the changes around them had no effect on them. Look in the eyes.

As for the people in the other major valleys, although they were curious, none of them had the courage to come and peep, but they were a little surprised on the spot, and they all started discussing with each other.

And what they are discussing is not what level of great weapon this master is forging, but the recent changes in the tomb of the master of virtual martial arts...

[The fifth update, a lot of big messages say that Xiami has no scruples about your feelings. Here, Xiami explains that although there are not many updates every day, Xiami has done its best. Xiami is every night from six o'clock to seven I got up at the same time, and then started coding at about 8 o'clock in the evening. I could only code a chapter every two hours or so, and it would not end until 6:00 to 7:00 the next morning. There are five chapters in total. Here, Xiami wants to apologize. , Because Xiami is not the kind of fast-handed party, the speed of coding is really not fast, and I hope you will understand and understand,]

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