Martial Inverse

The first thousand two hundred and eighth chapter the only stone gate

Chapter 1208 The only stone gate

Along the way, there were no surprises, because of Xue Mo's guidance, at most once, that is, they suffered from two fierce beasts in the realm of Martial Kings. However, Yan Qing and Xie Yandong were dragged down by Feng Hao. Fingerprints were killed. This chapter is composed of Xiang`s `蚁` and said `net www. provides Baidu search warm color novel network

This made everyone have to reassess Feng Hao's strength and were surprised by his secret skills.

With Feng Hao's current physique, he secretly estimated that if he had time, he could raise the power of the Heaven-shattering Handprint to the realm of the first-level Martial Emperor!

All of this is brought about by the supreme body, and the endurance is beyond human imagination!

After everyone saw him killing a fierce beast in the realm of Martial King with the handprint of the sky, they couldn't help but think of what he said before...

If he can delay time, even Liu Canyan, he has a chance to defeat!

Now that I think about it, that is really not a big empty talk, and what he relied on should be this magical secret skill!

Can the power be increased infinitely? !

Just thinking about it, everyone could not help but take a breath.

this is too scary!

Feng Hao's physique is strong, they have seen it for a long time, so, this magical secret skill is in his hands, I am afraid the power will be extremely scary!

Of course, fortunately, this secret skill has a disadvantage, that is, it takes time. If it is in the battle, the opponent will never give him enough time to condense the power, otherwise, it will be terrible!

But now, they are all overjoyed, finally being able to easily deal with these beasts of the Martial King realm!

Under the guidance of Xiaoqiuqiu, although everyone took a lot of detours, on the second day, they were already close to the entry position of the inner tomb...

In the distance, everyone stopped, dumbfounded, speechless.


The purple pupil lit up, and Feng Hao couldn't help but take a breath, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

In that darkness,

A pair of faint eyes appeared, and after Feng Hao's glance, he found that there were fierce beasts in the area in front of him, and there were at least thousands of them!

Moreover, there are still many beasts in the realm of Martial Kings. Just a cursory glance, Feng Hao saw that there were dozens of them. If he rushed in, there would definitely be a dead end!

Therefore, around them, in the dark, there are still many people who are holding their breath and lurking quietly.

Although the outer tomb is very large, it is already quite familiar to those who have been searching in the outer tomb for several years, and now, this is the last place that has not been searched. .

Facing the sea of ​​beasts in front of them, these geniuses from all races stopped and felt quite sad, and now, they have been stagnant here, and the longest has been more than a year.

This last step is hard to come by!

"There are seventy-six fierce beasts in the realm of Martial Kings, and there are more than four thousand normally."

Xue Mo reported a set of data with an ugly face, making everyone's heart sink directly to the bottom of the sea, and finally, all eyes were on Feng Hao.

Although the strength of everyone is not weak, and the tacit understanding of cooperation is also very high, it is almost impossible to pass through this vast sea of ​​beasts!

"Is there another place that leads to the inner tomb?"

Feng Hao frowned into the word 'a few' and glanced at it for a long time, but there was no result. He reached out and pulled out the small ball hidden in his arms, and asked in a deep voice.


Xiao Qiuqiu glanced around, wrinkled his nose, and finally shook his head, and pointed to the stone door behind the herd.

That is the only door leading to the inner tomb. If you want to go to the inner tomb, you must pass through this sea of ​​beasts!

It is strange to say that over the years, many people have not tried to slowly clear the herd, but the strange thing is that even if it is gradually killed, the number will be replenished again in a blink of an eye. It seems that this The vicious beasts in the tomb are really endless, so so far, only a few people from the Feiyu clan have broken through the sea of ​​beasts and entered the inner tomb.

"Then what do we do now? Rush in?"

Long Yueguan asked Feng Hao, and there was no sign of retreating in his eyes. On the contrary, he was a little fanatical and eager to try.


Feng Hao sighed softly in his heart, and then put his eyes on Xue Mo, who was standing aside. After hesitating for a while, he asked, "Brother Xue, may you see an easy route to break through?"


Xue Mo shook his head with a wry smile, "If you must break through, then walking along the wall will reduce the danger by half... However, if you want to successfully break through this sea of ​​beasts, the chances of success are not high. Big."

Saying this, it made everyone's heart sink, and Feng Hao's face was also very ugly.

He is different from those who value the treasures in the tomb. Now that people from the Feiyu clan have entered the tomb, he must go in and stop it!

To tell the truth, now it's not Xie Yandong and the others, it's Feng Hao himself, looking at this sea of ​​beasts, his heart is full of shock, and he also understands that it is extremely difficult to break through!


"Brother Feng, if you want to leave us again, then you don't need to say anymore!"

Feng Hao spoke, Xie Yandong interrupted him, although Qiong Ling'er and the three daughters did not speak, the resolute meaning in their eyes was telling Feng Hao that if he rushed into the sea of ​​beasts, they would also Will follow without hesitation.

Since they chose to follow Feng Hao, they have already made up their minds, and it is absolutely impossible to give up halfway!


Seeing everyone like this, Feng Hao couldn't help sighing, feeling embarrassed in his heart, and at the same time, his heart was a little touched.

"Then take a gamble!"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Feng Hao slammed his heart, and his eyes became firm, "Go, get closer to the wall and think of a way!"

As he said that, he led the crowd towards the wall from a distance.

At the position close to the wall, he stopped, and a sharp cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Damn it, it's from the Wu Ling family!"

Long Yueguan stretched out one hand and held the jet-black giant axe in his hand. If Feng Hao hadn't stopped him, he would have rushed forward.

He is a straight-hearted person, and it is his character to seek vengeance, and he does not know what is called forbearance.

In front of him, there were more than 30 people gathered near the wall. Without exception, they were all members of the Wu Ling family. This made Feng Hao and the others all vigilant, and each slowly condensed.

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