Martial Inverse

Chapter 1296: The Wei Family

Chapter 1296 Wei Family

Pulling the two middle-aged men back from the death line, the villagers of this village looked at Feng Hao differently, they were all full of respect, especially those middle-aged men who had a bad attitude towards Feng Hao before, even more so. They all looked ashamed.

Under Quan Yong's order, the villagers dispersed, and the main task was to bury the two dead.

"This time, thank you Master for your rescue."

Quan Yong cupped his fists to thank Feng Hao, and even changed his title.

He knew very well that the young man in front of him was definitely a big shot, but for some unknown reason, he was severely injured and appeared in the stream.

"It's just a little effort."

Feng Hao returned the gift with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Based on his observation, he can find that this Quan Yong is definitely not a villager.


While speaking, he popped out a liquid-like medicine again and entered Quan Yong's body. It was rare to see that Quan Yong's pale face turned rosy, and a very strong momentum also gushed out from his body. The surrounding space was filled with bursts of sonic booms.

This is still the realm of Wu Zong, but he has already reached the realm of King Wu.

However, Feng Hao did not show any surprise, and the corner of his mouth still had an unfathomable arc.

A strong man at the peak of King Wu was severely injured, his level dropped to the level of Wu Zong, and he hid in a small village. This shows that he must have offended some people who could not afford to offend.

"Thank you, Master, for your kindness."

The hidden disease in his body was healed unexpectedly, Quan Yong's body trembled a little with excitement, and he was shocked from the heart, tears flooded in his eyes.

He never thought that there would be a day when his strength would recover.

"That's not necessary. Besides, you should have saved the boy's life. What's the point of such a trivial matter?"

Feng Hao was calm, and doubts flashed in his eyes, but he quickly returned to normal.

He didn't understand what happened after he passed out, why he appeared in this small village, and where the woman in white went.

"Actually, we didn't do anything..."

Hearing his words, Quan Yongcai suppressed all the emotions in his heart, and the smile on his face became more intense.

Indeed, the wounds on Feng Hao's body could not be healed by the ordinary herbs he took.

The two exchanged a few words of courtesy, and walked all the way towards Quan Yong's wooden house, while Quan Rongrong followed Quan Yong, with a pair of big watery eyes, and looked at Feng Hao curiously.

In her mind, Feng Hao is an out-and-out weirdo. He didn't know how to wake up when his injuries healed, but now he wakes up and can save the dead. It's just too strange.

After coming to the wooden house together, Feng Hao knew that he was living in Quan Yong's room, and immediately felt more grateful to this middle-aged man.

He could see that these villagers were led by Quan Yong, that is to say, Quan Yong should be the one who decided to save himself.

"Brother Quan, I think the wounds on the four brothers' bodies should not be caused by wild animals, but by human beings."

After sitting down, Feng Hao asked aloud.

Because when he walked out, he found that the atmosphere on the scene was not right. The faces of the middle-aged men were full of indignation. Moreover, when he was treating them, he also observed the wounds on the four of them. It should be caused by some kind of martial arts injury, so the degree of trauma is also different.

Therefore, he concluded that these villagers must have encountered some trouble.

Originally, he wanted to return to Xuanmingtian to find the trace of the woman in white, but at this time, he had received the grace of saving his life, if it was some trivial matter, he still wanted to settle it before leaving.


As soon as this was mentioned, Quan Yong let out a long sigh, and a look of indignation flashed in his eyes.

It turned out that today they entered the depths of the mountain by accident, and found a rare elixir. However, when they picked it up and were about to leave, a young man and a heroic foursome came down out of thin air. a guard.

The young man was only about ten years old, but his cultivation level was no lower than Quan Yong's, and the four guards had a wave that Quan Yong didn't even have the strength to resist.

In order to save his life, Quan Yong quickly made a decision and handed over the elixir. However, the young man thought that the way they picked it was wrong, saying that it had weakened the potency of the elixir, so he shot suddenly and injured Quan Yong, some middle-aged adults were not angry and rushed forward. If Quan Yong hadn't tried hard to stop them, they might not be able to come back.

"He said that he is from the Wei family in Lanjiang City..."

Quan Yong shook his head, his eyes full of sadness.

He who used to live in Lanjiang City, how could he not know the power of the Wei family in Lanjiang City.

The Wei family, one of the two major powers in Lanjiang City, can sit on an equal footing with the city lord's mansion. According to rumors, the Wei family has a strong man who has reached the peak of the Martial Emperor. How about his Wei family?

Therefore, even if someone snatches your elixir by force, kills you, and tells you your name, there is nothing you can do about it.

This breath, if you don't swallow it, you have to swallow it, otherwise, it will lead to death.

It's not that they are afraid of death, but if they die, what will the old, young and women in the village do?

"Lanjiang City, Wei Family."

A flash of sharpness flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, which made Quan Yong's heart skip a beat.

This is really not an ordinary person.

"Hehe, Brother Quan will take me to Lanjiang City tomorrow. I also want to see the majesty of the Wei family."

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth curved slightly, although he looked like he was smiling, but it was icy cold.


Hearing this, Quan Yong frowned.

After all, Feng Hao is really too young, even if he is extraordinary, how can he be able to fight against the strong man in the peak world of the Martial Emperor hiding behind the Wei family when he is only in his twenties.

At that time, no one would care about his status as a pharmacist, and would still kill him.

So, he hesitated.

"Brother Quan, don't worry, the Wei family can't do anything to me."

Feng Hao's eyes are full of confidence.

Not to mention a person in the peak realm of the Martial Emperor, even if he is in the realm of a mortal saint, as long as he is given time, it will not be a problem.

Now he has fully opened the nine orifices of the "Tao Core", as long as he understands the Dao of Heaven and Earth, he can be promoted to the holy rank at any time.

"It's... alright."

Quan Yong hesitated a little, but still agreed, and a look of hope flashed in his eyes at the same time.

[Fifth update, I wish you all a happy new year and a successful new year in your career,]

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