Martial Inverse

Chapter 1298 Inexplicable Meaning

Chapter 1298 Inexplicable Meaning

Although Xiao Qiuqiu has been pretending to be innocent, Feng Hao knows that this guy definitely knows what happened after he passed out, but he couldn't communicate with it, and after struggling with it for a while, he had no choice but to give up .

In the middle of the night, the sky is like a bright mirror, on which are dotted with bright stars, the night is beautiful, but also very desolate.

The atmosphere in the small village was a little sad and faint. There were always crying sounds. It was not until late at night that the village gradually quieted down. Only some patrolling villagers were still walking around in the village.

At night, Quan Yong prepared a sumptuous meal, and the two chatted casually about trivial matters. Feng Hao returned to the room and sat cross-legged on the bed.

Surprisingly, Xiao Qiuqiu didn't get into his arms, but crawled aside, his jewel-like eyes were still sweeping around Feng Hao's body like a thief, as if he wanted to find something. what.

The eight orifices are the orifices of the sky, and even the sky is jealous, so it will send down the punishment of the sky.

So, what about the nine orifices, and what does the nine orifices bring.

It really wants to know, and at this moment, it is also extremely excited, but no matter how weird its ability is, it can't penetrate the nothingness in Feng Hao's body.

After all, the nine orifices are also located on the 'Tao Core' in the brain, which cannot be detected at all.

"Linger, Xiner, Qinger, how are you all?"

Feng Hao sighed slightly, he had been missing for so long, according to his understanding of Qiong Ling'er and the three daughters, they should have messed up, but luckily Haotian was there, he believed that with Haotian's identity, the three daughters should not How big of a problem would that be.


Exhaling a long breath of white air, Feng Hao suppressed all kinds of things in his heart, settled his mind down, and then began to observe some changes in his body.

The first thing to watch is naturally the brain domain.

The brain region is the core of every living being, and it is also a person's thinking, the seat of the soul, which is extremely important. If the brain region is broken, then that person will not be able to survive.

Just like Fen Lao, although his physical body has long since decayed, with the help of the Lingzhu, he has preserved his mind.

In fact, what was preserved was his 'Dao core'.


Relying on the 'Dao Core', as long as he can provide him with enough energy, he will be able to exert amazing power. This is why he needed a lot of martial crystals every time he made a move.

Because, by virtue of the 'Tao Core', although the 'Tao' he had comprehended still survived, he had no way to gather the spiritual power that existed in the world.

The 'Tao core' is the core of a person's soul, which can comprehend a deeper 'Tao'. However, a person's body is the body that carries the spiritual power of heaven and earth. The two complement each other and are indispensable.

This is also the reason why everyone must first improve their physique to improve their cultivation.

At this time, in Feng Hao's mind, there is a mist, very misty, vast, and no limit can be seen, but in this empty world, there is a special voice faintly resounding...

Following this very special voice, Feng Hao saw the 'Tao Nucleus' at the center of the brain.

These voices came from the 'Dao Core'.

At this time, the 'Dao Core' is no longer what it used to be...

If the 'Dao Core' used to be like a bright moon, crystal clear and shiny, then the current 'Dao Core' is a scorching sun, shining brightly.


From the nine opened apertures, there are always some inexplicable sounds faintly coming out, like the sound of wind, like the sound of rain, like thunder... converging into an inexplicable symphony, it seems to blend with the heaven and the earth, and merge into one body.

Feng Hao concentrated his mind and wanted to understand what was contained in this sound, but a strange thing happened. It seemed that... this sound did not exist at all, and there was silence without any sound.


In such a situation, Feng Hao was taken aback, and immediately relaxed his mind, but strange things happened again.

This inexplicable sound appeared again, and it didn't seem to stop at all.

"what happened."

Feng Hao opened his eyes, and there was a look of astonishment in his eyes.

He couldn't understand why this happened to his 'Dao Core', and he couldn't even judge whether it was good or bad.

"Why is this happening?"

Tried several times again, still the same, the puzzled expression on Feng Hao's face became stronger.

In the past, when the upper orifice of the 'Tao Nucleus' was not fully opened, this situation would never happen, but now these inexplicable sounds should be the sound of the orifice being fully opened.

"What does this sound represent?"

Feng Hao muttered to himself, inadvertently, he caught a glimpse of a certain little beast that was still looking at him with a thief, his face turned dark immediately, he stretched out his hand, and grabbed it, his eyes fixed on it with a gloomy look Looking at it, "Say, do you know something."

"Yeah, yip."

Little Ball shook her head like a rattle.

In this regard, it is indeed very wronged, and it also wants to know what kind of changes have taken place in Feng Hao because of the nine orifices.

After torture and torture to no avail, Feng Hao had no choice but to give up.

Looking at the brain area again, Feng Hao still found that after opening the nine orifices, apart from the existence of this inexplicable sound, and the change of the "Tao Core" from a full moon to a scorching sun, there seemed to be no other changes.

Afterwards, he scanned his whole body, inspecting the supreme physical body, he felt a qualitative improvement in all aspects, and the power of imaginary force seemed to have also increased, but if he wanted to break through the space, there should still be some some distance.

For this reason, Feng Hao used the power of virtual force to condense a small blade, and cut across the void, which further proved that it is indeed impossible to break through the space.

"Holy rank, what kind of power is it controlling?"

Feng Hao was a little curious, but also full of anticipation, he breathed a sigh of relief, and felt relieved.

The realm of the Martial Emperor is the realm of the Martial Emperor. No matter how much you improve, you can't break through the space. Only by advancing to the holy rank and controlling an unknown energy can you do things that the Martial Emperor's realm can never do.

"No matter what, the nine orifices have been opened, so I should be able to advance to the holy rank as long as I understand the Dao of Heaven and Earth. At that time, the difference between the nine orifices should be revealed..."

Feng Hao remembered that in the main hall of the Tomb Mansion World, Fen Lao once said that at his peak back then, he was evenly matched with a person with eight orifices.

This is enough to show that people with eight orifices are extraordinary,

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