Martial Inverse

Chapter 1300 The Wu Family Dilemma

Chapter 1300

"Ha ha……"

After listening, Feng Hao laughed, but Quan Yong looked embarrassed.

"I didn't expect Big Brother Quan to have such ability to trick his own lady into his hands. I feel inferior to such a method, boy."

Feng Hao teased, and cupped his hands towards Quan Yong, which made him turn even redder and speechless.

In fact, it was also because of Quan Yong's repeated sacrifices that Quan Rongrong had a good impression of this big brother-like guard, so the two began a relationship.

"Don't worry, this matter is covered by the boy, and I guarantee that the whole eldest brother will have a happy family, haha,..."

Feng Hao patted Quan Yong's shoulder again, and led him to rush towards Lanjiang City.

Lanjiang City is just a small city, so the Wei family, who has a strong Martial Emperor realm, can dominate this Lanjiang City.

Although the city is small, it is almost comparable to Yulan City where Feng Hao was located at the beginning, but the highest powerhouse in it has reached the peak of Martial Emperor, the gap between the two is like a world of difference.

Not far from the gate of the city, the two landed. Looking at the familiar scene in front of them, Quan Yong was a little excited, but more apprehensive.

This is not because of worrying about his own safety, but because of his wife's situation.

"Hey, in order to let their Wu family accept Big Brother Quan willingly, then let's not go to Wu's house first, and go to the City Lord's Mansion first. I believe that Big Brother Quan should know how to get there."

Feng Hao chuckled, with a slight arc on the corner of his mouth, and said to Quan Yong, which made the latter wake up from his contemplation, and then looked at him in surprise.

"Go to the City Lord's Mansion."

He really didn't understand Feng Hao's intentions, because the city lord of every city was arranged by Shengtian Academy. If the city suffered an irresistible and devastating blow, the city owner was qualified to ask for help from Shengtian Academy.

Therefore, the position of the city lord is unshakable in every city. Even if you are stronger than the city lord, no one dares to move, because the city lord's backstage is the highest institution of human race.

"Have you not……"

Quan Yong stared at Feng Hao in a daze, a little speechless.

Unless Feng Hao has connections with other big city lords, otherwise, even if he is strong, the lord of Lanjiang City will never wait to see him.

At this time, Feng Hao is so confident, I believe, I am afraid that his background is not small.


With an unfathomable smile, Feng Hao walked towards the gate of the city with his steps under his astonished and shocked eyes.

Also because the two people I saw were extraordinary, the guards at the gate of the city did not dare to stop them. After passing through the gate of Shen Hou, which was more than ten meters long, after entering the city, Feng Hao keenly discovered that the inside of the city There seems to be something wrong with the atmosphere...

On the main street in the city, most of the shops are closed. For the shops that are open, the plaques are almost the same, with a word 'Wei' inlaid with gold.

But at this time, there were not many people walking on the wide street, and there was no expected noisy scene, and the atmosphere was dead, and the atmosphere was very depressing, just like a harbinger before a storm came.

"Could it be...the Wu family has collapsed."

Feng Hao frowned, and the smile on the corner of his mouth also restrained.

If the Wu family has been annexed by the Wei family, then things will be a little troublesome.

"By the way, the Wei family proposed a marriage proposal to the Wu family. Tell me, will the Wu family agree this time?"

Behind them, the guards standing at the gate of the city began to discuss, which stopped the two people who were about to leave.

"This time, the Wu family has to agree even if they don't agree. I heard that not long ago, the third master of the Wei family broke through the seven orifices and was promoted to the peak of the Martial Emperor..."

A middle-aged guard with a vicissitudes of life said with a deep expression.

"Hiss... Could this be true? If so, wouldn't the Wei family have two strong men at the peak of the Martial Emperor?"

The other three guards couldn't help but gasped lightly, and exclaimed with shock on their faces.

"If not, how dare the Wei family persecute the Wu family like this."

The vicissitudes of the middle-aged guard glanced at these young guards lightly, and explained in a flat tone.

"Strange, then why did the Wei family choose to marry the one from the Wu family? I heard that that one eloped with a guard of the Wu family and gave birth to a son. Why, in the past ten years, the Wei family He proposed marriage to the Wu family many times..."

After these words were uttered by a young guard, Quan Yong, who was standing beside Feng Hao, was not calm. If Feng Hao hadn't held him back, he might have rushed directly into Wei's house to fight for his life.

"Brother Quan, don't worry, no one can take my sister-in-law away."

Feng Hao's palm was pressed on Quan Yong's shoulder like a mountain, making him unable to move at all, but those plain words seemed to have some kind of magical power, which made him sink slowly.


Quan Yong sighed, his eyes glowed with water, his fists were also tightened by him, and his veins suddenly appeared.

Feng Hao knew that no matter what happened, it was absolutely impossible for Quan Yong to watch Wu Rongrong being forcibly married into the Wei family.


Hearing a few young guards talking about some gossip that was no longer a secret, the vicissitudes of the middle-aged guard snorted coldly, and then asked, "Do you think that the Wei family really values ​​the beauty of the daughter of the Wu family?"

"That's why."

Several young guards were not familiar with the world, so they all looked at him blankly.

I think of Quan Rongrong back then, but the number one beauty in Lanjiang City, although more than ten years have passed, the title of the number one beauty in Lanjiang City has never changed hands.

Therefore, many people couldn't figure out why Wu Rongrong eloped with one of her family's guards back then.

"What the Wei family wants is not Wu Rongrong, but...the entire Wu family."

The vicissitudes of the middle-aged guard lowered his voice and spoke in a low voice.

In their words, Feng Hao also understood the reason.

Because of the checks and balances of the city lord, even if the Wei family has been able to overwhelm the Wu family, they cannot annex the Wu family in an open and honest manner. That's why they thought of this bad strategy.

Although the head of the Wu family does not only have a daughter like Wu Rongrong, the Wei family definitely has the means to promote Wu Rongrong as the head of the Wu family.

"Let's go, go to the City Lord's Mansion first."

A cold light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, he said something in a low voice, pulled Quan Yong, and the two of them walked straight towards the City Lord's Mansion.

"The three-day deadline has already passed, and there are still two days left. Maybe... in the future, only the Wei family will be left in Lanjiang City..."

From behind, the sigh of the vicissitudes of the middle-aged guard was faintly heard.

In the past, the Wu family used to check and balance the Wei family. If this happens, then, in Lanjiang City, the Wei family will no longer have to worry about anything.

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