Martial Inverse

Chapter 1303: Wu Xiangyun's Shock

Chapter 1303 Wu Xiangyun's Shock

Seeing Gan Taiwen standing in the middle, Wu Xiangyun had no choice but to lose his momentum. At the same time, he also looked at Gan Taiwen in surprise.

The Wu family was in a difficult situation. When Gan Taiwen came over, he said that he wanted to discuss with him about the Wei family. Although he wondered why the city lord's mansion, which had always been neutral, would choose to unite with him, but he couldn't wish for it. So, he followed Followed Gan Taiwen to the City Lord's Mansion.

However, he did not expect that in the city lord's mansion, he would meet the person he least wanted to see.

Quan Yong was once one of his most valued young guards, otherwise, he would not have made him responsible for his daughter's safety.

However, he did not expect that the young guard he trusted the most would steal his daughter's heart.

This is what angers him the most. The most important thing is that he feels that he has been deceived and betrayed, so he tries his best to prevent the two from being together.

More than ten years have passed, and since then Quan Rongrong has never said a word to him about his father, nor has he ever gone out. He has been crying all day long, and he sees it in his eyes, and his heart is throbbing. Everything is blamed on Quan Yong. He believes that if Quan Yong can stick to his duty, none of this will happen.

So, he lost his composure and was furious.

"That's a friend of your lord's."

Although Gan Taiwen didn't understand the reason, but out of kindness, he reminded him in a low voice, and at the same time, worried about Wu Xiangyun.

If this guy offends the lord in front of him, the Wu family will come to an end.

To be honest, he and Wu Xiangyun have a pretty good relationship, and they appreciate each other, that's why they did this.

"My lord's friend."

Wu Xiangyun looked at him in astonishment, and at the same time, he also noticed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the hall.

grown ups,.

His heart trembled.

Those who can be called adults by Gan Taiwen can be small.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Feng Hao.

With just one glance, the hairs all over his body stood on end.


Although the young man in front of him looked very young, the invisible breath of aura gave him a creepy illusion, as if he was being targeted by some ferocious beast. Able to tear itself to shreds directly.

"Where is the strong man?"

A look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and he lowered his head.

In fact, he was more surprised at how Quan Yong, who was driven away by him back then, got in touch with this kind of person.


Seeing Wu Xiangyun walking in, Quan Yong couldn't sit still, stood up and saluted him respectfully.

At the beginning, Wu Xiangyun was really kind to him. In fact, he felt quite guilty when something like this happened, but when love came, he couldn't control it.


Although Wu Xiangyun didn't do anything directly, he snorted coldly and turned his head away, ignoring him.


A look of sadness flashed across Quan Yong's face, and then he cupped his hands to Feng Hao and said, "Master, the Patriarch is also in a hurry, please don't blame him."

What kind of identity is Feng Hao, not to mention the sky-level pharmacist, and his identity can still be called an adult by the city owner. If he gets angry, even the Wu family will not be able to save it.

As soon as these words came out, the hall fell silent, and the three of them were all waiting for Feng Hao's judgment.

"Ha ha……"

After a while, Feng Hao put down the teacup in his hand, and chuckled softly, with no emotional ups and downs. In the hall, only his laughter echoed, and an invisible pressure enveloped several people. On the spot, Wu Xiangyun's forehead was also covered with sweat.

"For Big Brother Quan's face this time, I don't care about it."

As soon as this sentence came out, the three of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, especially Wu Xiangyun, breathing heavily as if he was escaping from a tiger's mouth.

Give Big Brother Quan face.

His heart trembled again, with a hot and sour taste.

Unexpectedly, if he wanted to survive, he would rely on the guard of this former family.

Things are unpredictable.

Everyone has their own opportunities, and so does Quan Yong.

He thought of his ancestral teachings.

Didn't my ancestors have the current Wu family because of a chance?

"Thank you, Master."

Seeing Feng Hao with a slight smile, Quan Yong was so grateful that he didn't know what to say.

He knew that everything Feng Hao did now was for himself, for the Wu family to accept him.

"My lord, it's really different..."

A strange color also flashed in Gan Taiwen's eyes.

But all this kind of genius children are arrogant and arrogant. How can they be as humble as they are now? If someone collides with them, they will definitely be killed directly. How can there be any explanation.

"Patriarch Wu, do you know why I came here?"

Feng Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and a ray of coercion was released, and he asked Wu Xiangyun indifferently.

"I...don't know."

The aura as vast as a mountain, as vast as a vast sea, made Wu Xiangyun's heart tremble, and he didn't dare to be disrespectful at all. He lowered his head, not daring to look directly into those eyes.

In fact, he already knew very well that all of this must be because of Quan Yong, but he still couldn't accept it for a while.

"I don't know, then I'll tell you clearly."

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth slightly curved, and he said lightly, "This is what Big Brother Quan meant, otherwise, your Wu family's life and death have nothing to do with me."

His words were merciless, and he put all the credit on Quan Yong. For a moment, Wu Xiangyun felt all kinds of feelings in his heart, and his mood was extremely complicated.

"Brother Wu, my lord is here to help your Wu family, why don't you hurry up and thank you."

Seeing that he was silent for a long time, Gan Taiwen seemed to have understood something, so he persuaded Wu Xiangyun.

The guard who eloped with the daughter of the Wu family back then seemed to be called Quan Yong.

At that time, the city was full of storms, but he didn't pay attention to it. Looking at it now, it seems that this lord was actually invited by that guard.

Such an opportunity made him very jealous.

"Thank you, my lord."

Wu Xiangyun suppressed all kinds of thoughts in his heart, and bowed his hands respectfully to Feng Hao to thank him.

No matter what, he couldn't take his family as a joke.

"You don't need to thank me. This time I saved my life because of Big Brother Quan's rescue. So, if you want to thank, then thank Big Brother Quan."

Feng Hao didn't put any pressure on him, instead he winked at Quan Yong, signaling that his chance to perform has come.

Although such an old and stubborn person is not bad, it is not so easy to change his mind. However, Feng Hao still has a way to deal with this kind of person.

It is impossible to use force, so we can only be soft,

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