Martial Inverse

Chapter 1307 Insufficient Greed

Chapter 1307 Greedy Insufficiency

The secluded valley is lush and lush, surrounded by old trees, standing there like giants, covering the sky and the sun.

The flowing of the stream brings more vitality to the mountains and forests, and the play of birds and beasts brings more vitality to the mountains and forests. All kinds of exotic flowers and plants grow luxuriantly, creating a scene of primitive forests.

At this time, a young man was sitting on the branch of a big tree. At this moment, he was looking forward to something and anxiously waiting for something, his eyes were not calm.

A refreshing fragrance spread, attracting some animals in the jungle, even birds and insects, to watch. However, because there was a terrifying coercion spreading in this area, they did not move. He just watched from a distance, his eyes locked on a small pink flower in the young man's hand.

However, this little flower was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, it disappeared out of thin air, leaving nothing behind.


Feng Hao took a long breath, glanced at the animals and birds that were receding, and sat there quietly, waiting for Fen Lao to recover.

I don't know how long it took, but on his forehead, a layer of shining light spread out, and gradually, it condensed into an old figure.


Seeing that Fen Lao was intact as before, Feng Hao was also completely relieved, his eyes flashed with excitement, but deep down, there was a nervous look.


Fen Lao nodded, a look of responsibility flashed in his eyes, and then he asked, "Have the nine orifices on your 'Dao Core' been opened?"


Feng Hao replied without reservation.

"Oh, is there any difference?"

Hearing this, Fen Lao's eyes revealed a look of curiosity.

People, for unknown things, always have a psychology of wanting to find out.

After all, even he has never heard of the theory of nine orifices. If this person was not Feng Hao, he would never have believed such a theory.

"It seems... there is nothing particularly different,

It's just that there seem to be some inexplicable voices, but it seems that they don't exist..."

Feng Hao told everything he had experienced, with a deep blank look in his eyes.

"This..." Hearing what he said, Fen Lao was also stunned. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, and didn't know what to say, so he comforted him, "It's okay, as far as I know, the advantage of the eight orifices , and it will only be revealed after being promoted to the holy rank. At that time, with the help of the heavenly orifice, the cultivation of the 'Tao' will make a huge difference..."

He was a little tongue-tied, he once met a person with eight orifices, fought with him, and finally became a close friend, so he knew some advantages of eight orifices.

"The man with eight orifices I knew back then, after being promoted to the realm of the mortal saint, he broke through to the realm of the great saint within ten years..."

Speaking of which, Fen Lao was also full of emotion.

Thinking of him as the Master of Void Martial Arts, it took him nearly 50 years to be promoted from the first rank of mortal saint to the great saint. Such a five-fold gap made him very envious and a little jealous.

These eight orifices are indeed the heavenly orifices bestowed by the heavens. It is much faster to realize the Tao than ordinary people, so it is no wonder that they are envied by the heavens.

"I was promoted to the Great Sage in ten years."

Feng Hao couldn't help trembling, excited, and his heart was ups and downs.

The eight orifices are already like this, so what about the nine orifices.

Moreover, there is also a place of enlightenment in Shengtian Academy, so, doesn't it mean that if one can stay in the place of enlightenment for ten days, one can be promoted to a great saint?

"Boy, don't have those sweet dreams."

Seeing his expression that was about to bleed, Fen Lao couldn't help scolding him angrily.

He naturally knew what this kid was thinking.

"In the Land of Dao Enlightenment, the various 'Dao patterns' are much clearer. One day is equivalent to one year's work in the outside world. However, if you want to advance to one level in a day, it is purely a dream."

The human race has a place of enlightenment, and those races that are more tyrannical than the human race have a worse foundation than the human race.

Moreover, it took Fen Lao nearly 50 years to be promoted to the Great Sage at the beginning, it was also because of the existence of the Land of Enlightenment, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to be promoted to the Great Sage in fifty years.

"Master, what do you mean, if I want to be promoted to the great sage, even in the place of enlightenment, it will take ten years."

Hearing what he said, Feng Hao's complexion collapsed, he asked questions with interest, and frowned.


Old Fen was so angry that he vomited blood, his old face flushed red.

This damn guy, what is ten years.

If this word spreads, it is guaranteed that people from all over the continent will hunt down and kill this dissatisfied guy.

Because, at this moment, Fen Lao had the urge to strangle him to death.

Ten years, for those who have been promoted to the holy rank, it is just a blink of an eye, and some people even enter the samadhi once for a hundred years, but it may not be able to be promoted.

After all, when reaching the holy rank, it is no longer enough to rely solely on energy accumulation, the most important thing is a person's understanding.

'Tao' exists between heaven and earth, invisible and colorless, and if a person of the holy rank wants to break through, he needs to realize that opportunity, and then he can break through directly.

This "enlightenment" does not mean that you can break through when you sit still. Some people even break through when they suddenly have a flash of inspiration while walking.

Holy rank, that's it, it's a completely different concept from below the holy rank.

"So, even if they are people with the same eight orifices, it doesn't mean that everyone can break through to the Supreme Saint Realm within ten years."

Fen Lao glared at him resentfully, and said every word.

This guy has hated ten years for too long, isn't he scolding himself for being too stupid in disguise?

Back then, it took him fifty years.

"I see. "

Hearing Fen Lao's explanation, Feng Hao nodded in surprise, but there was still a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

It would be great if he could really break through to the Great Sage Realm within ten days.


Fen Lao just turned his head away and simply ignored him.


Seeing him like this, Feng Hao was taken aback, and then smiled embarrassingly.

It is true that many people can't get a breakthrough even if they try their best. He is indeed a little greedy.

However, ten years is a dream for ordinary people, but he really thinks... It's too long.

After a while, the smile on Feng Hao's face faded away, and he asked very seriously, "Master, what happened after I passed out after I crossed the nine orifices and passed out."

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