Martial Inverse

Chapter 1313: Dao Seal

Chapter 1313 Dao Seal

This is the first time Feng Hao has entered the 'Dao Core', and this is something that can only be done after being promoted to the holy rank.

After entering this small space, what appeared in front of Feng Hao was the imprint that was somewhat similar to the heterogeneous nucleus that he had condensed when refining the heterogeneous crystal.

"See, that seal is the sign of your promotion to the holy rank, and it is also the proof of your enlightenment. It is called the 'Dao seal'."

Fen Lao's voice came, waking Feng Hao awake.

"I see."

Feng Hao nodded, and also looked at this odd-shaped Dao seal with somewhat surprised eyes.

This Dao Seal is in the shape of a diamond, and it is as solid as it is, but there is a faint thunderous sound, giving people a feeling of being in a thunderstorm.

Looking at the so-called Dao seal in front of him, Feng Hao seemed to understand something.

"There will be a Dao pattern on the Dao seal. If it is the first level of the ordinary saint, there will be a 'Dao pattern' on the Dao seal. If it is the second level, there will be two lines. If it is the ninth level, it will be nine. Nine is the ultimate, derived At the time of the Nine Dao Marks, if you want to go further, you have to face the punishment of heaven, and you can be promoted to the level of the Great Sage."

Knowing that Feng Hao didn't know anything about these common senses, Fen Lao instructed him step by step, and explained in detail the changes of Fan Sheng's nine realms.

His master is absolutely qualified.

"Tao pattern."

Hearing what he said, Feng Hao's heart moved, and he carefully looked at the Dao seal in front of him.

Sure enough, on this Dao seal, there is indeed a line that appears, winding and winding around the Dao core. Although the line of the line is not very clear, and it seems to be absent, but , but it is flashing from time to time, it is a real existence.

"Sure enough, there is a pattern."

Feng Hao's eyes lit up, but he could understand this ambiguity, because, after all, he had just entered the holy rank, and he hadn't completely stabilized it. more and more profound.

"Work hard, and strive for you to be promoted to the realm of the Great Saint within ten years."

Fen Lao felt that he had nothing to say, so he left these words and fell silent.

He's just giving some common sense.

He still wants Feng Hao to explore the specific changes by himself, so that he can be more impressed.

"I will."

Feng Hao responded firmly and confidently.

In ten years, to be promoted to the Great Saint, this is his next goal, and it is a goal that must be achieved.

This sounds unbelievable to ordinary people. The words and goals are like a fairy tale, but between the master and the apprentice, they are like talking about family affairs. If people hear them, they will definitely think they are crazy.

Not to mention ten years, even if it is a thousand years, as long as one can advance to the realm of the great sage, then at least one thousand years more lifespan can be obtained.

Moreover, the most important thing is that if you want to be promoted to the great sage, you will face the punishment of heaven.

On this Hundred Clan Continent, even if it is the elites of various clans who have reached the peak of mortal saints, among a thousand people, at most, only one person can successfully survive the punishment of heaven.

In other words, even if it is an elite genius, the chance is one in a thousand.

Therefore, regardless of the fact that there are many people in the realm of ordinary saints, it can be said that most people with the ultimate body can achieve it, but those in the realm of great saints are extremely rare and rare.

However, Feng Hao has absolute confidence in going through the natural punishment that ordinary people see as death.

Only by reaching the realm of the great sage can one have the capital to gain a foothold on this Hundred Clan Continent.


Feng Hao let out a long breath, and his mood immediately became much more comfortable. Just when he wanted to exit the 'Dao Core' space, with a casual glance, he saw the existence on the 'Dao Wall'. those textures.

There are too many of these lines, and the walls in the 'Tao Core' are all covered. Although it seems that there is no clue at all, there is no clue, just like a 'ghost scratching', messy, but , but it gave Feng Hao a pleasing feeling, as if seeing some peerless beauty.

Indeed, in Feng Hao's perception at this time, although these lines have no clue at all, but for a moment, he felt as if he was looking at a beautiful landscape painting, and he was alone in that paradise.

There are mountains, water, grass, trees, and the setting sun...

Feng Hao just stared blankly, immersed in it, and his mind was greatly relaxed at this moment, just like soaking in a hot spring.


Just when he was immersed in this feeling, the dao seal suspended in the middle shook slightly, making a sound like thunder, as if a storm was about to come.

In addition, there is an inexplicable 'dao pattern' on the seal, but it is also strangely shining with an inexplicable luster. With the flickering of this luster, this streak road, It just became a lot more obvious, like a knife, slowly carving on it, deepening continuously...

However, the sudden vibration woke Feng Hao up from that inexplicable state of mind.

And as he woke up, the shaking of the Dao seal also stopped, and the luster on the lines also dimmed.

"What are these lines and why are they like this."

Looking around, Feng Hao was puzzled.

Just now, Fen Lao didn't introduce that there will be lines on the wall, and, moreover, there is such a wonderful feeling, as if letting him be in another world like a paradise.

"Could it be that everyone's 'Tao Core' is like this."

There was a thoughtful flash in Feng Hao's eyes, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, these lines look very deep, far surpassing the 'Dao pattern' on the Dao seal that was condensed just now, and he has just been promoted to the holy rank, so how could there be lines derived from it.

Therefore, he speculates that this should be naturally formed in the 'Tao Core', and it is born with it. Otherwise, there is no way to explain its origin.

"It seems that there may still be many unknown things in this 'Tao Core'."

Feng Hao exhaled, glanced at the Dao seal floating there again, and said with some doubts, "Just now, why did the Dao seal shake by itself."

Vaguely, he seemed to have heard a sound of thunder, so he was awakened from that artistic conception. However, looking at it now, it seemed that there was no change, which made him feel a little dazed and confused. unknown.

"Does it feel wrong?"

Feng Hao shook his head, and just exited the 'Dao Core' without thinking deeply.

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