Martial Inverse

Chapter 1316 There Are Many

Chapter 1316 There are many

"It's a weirdo named Huang Tianyun..."

Thinking of that slovenly figure, Feng Hao's eyes also had some hidden worries.

It had been several months since Huang Tian went to Yunli, and there was no news, which made him a little worried.

Although Huang Tianyun looks sloppy, his strength is unambiguous at all. Although he has never seen him show his power, from the bottom of his heart, he feels that this person is not simple, and it is very likely that he is at least the peak of the holy rank existence of the stage.

It would take such a long time for such a tyrannical person to hunt down and kill a person. It can be seen that it is not easy for the person being hunted down.

Even if it was Feng Hao, he felt that it was impossible for him to escape or avoid it.

However, the Holy Son of the Bright Temple who was possessed by a monster did it. Strictly speaking, it was the monster who did it.

He was very worried, if that monster grew up, who would be able to restrain it.

That's why Feng Hao is so eager to improve his strength quickly, so that he can deal with that monster in the future.

"Huang Tianyun."

A hint of doubt flashed in Fen Lao's eyes, and the light in his eyes became slightly concentrated.

He also couldn't figure out why such a strange person suddenly appeared, and why he took such care and protection of Feng Hao.

However, according to what Feng Hao said, then this weird person really has no ill intentions towards Feng Hao, he should have come to help him, otherwise, with his means, it would be too easy to pinch Feng Hao to death, why bother? Such trouble, but also taught Feng Hao so much common sense.

"Master, you know him."

Feng Hao looked at him expectantly.

Because he suspected that this Huang Tianyun should be related to his vain martial body, then, did Fen Lao meet Huang Tianyun before?

"do not know."

Fen Lao shook his head, and said somewhat uncertainly, "Maybe, he is from the Human Emperor's Mansion."

After all, the Void Martial Body is of great special significance to the lineage of the Human Emperor's Palace, and it is also the highest divine body in the lineage of the Human Emperor's Palace.

Therefore, if the Human Emperor's Mansion sent such a person to protect Feng Hao's safety, it would be reasonable.

"A person from the Emperor's Mansion?"

Feng Hao also had doubts like this. After all, Huang Tianyun told him about Shengtian Academy, and he only knew about it. Moreover, he specifically asked him to choose Tianji Academy, but in the end he chose a beautiful tutor with eccentricities.

Therefore, Huang Tianyun definitely has a certain connection with the Emperor's Mansion.

"By the way, if you understand the way of reincarnation, you will definitely suffer the punishment of heaven. At that time, how did you resist the punishment of heaven?"

Fen Lao looked at him again with the eyes of a monster, and asked suspiciously.

According to his calculations, even if the Martial Emperor's One Aperture Realm is facing heaven's punishment, then the degree of heaven's punishment will definitely reach the level of the power of a mortal saint.

He is the one who is in the realm of the Emperor Wu, and how did he resist the punishment of heaven at that time.

"It was Huang Tianyun who made the move. However, he seems to be the only one with that kind of thing. It was at that time that I obtained the energy of Heaven's Punishment..."

Feng Hao roughly explained the situation at that time.

"There are such strange things in this world."

Fen Lao was stunned. At this time, he seemed to have become the person who lacked knowledge, because he felt extremely unfamiliar with all that Feng Hao said, and the most important thing was that these things were too far-fetched. Appalling.

There are really gods in this world that can protect people from the punishment of heaven.

Although he doesn't want to believe it, Feng Hao is still alive, isn't this the best proof.

"Comprehended the way of the cycle of heaven and earth, and then mastered the energy of heaven's punishment..."

Fen Lao murmured, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching. After a long time, he digested the news, his eyes gathered again, looked at Feng Hao, and said in a cautious voice, "Maybe, it's Because of your nine orifices."

Only in this way can the past be explained.

After all, these nine orifices were something that had never been seen before before, so it brought about this series of unimaginable changes.

However, all in all, this is only good for Feng Hao, and this is enough.

"Since you have comprehended the way of the cycle of heaven and earth, then, you should take a closer look to see if there is a texture on the inner wall of your 'Tao Core'."

Fen Lao was still not sure, so he asked Feng Hao to confirm.

"The inner wall of the 'Dao Core'."

Feng Hao was stunned, and the dense texture appeared in his mind.

"Why, isn't it?"

Seeing him like this, Fen Lao frowned.

The power that this way of circulation can exert is not comparable to that of a single way. Although there is not much difference in the early stage, the subtleties of it will be revealed in the later stage.

The single way is just a single use, but the way of circulation pays attention to circulation. It is combined with the avenue between heaven and earth and circulates with each other. There is a big difference between the degree of fit and the ability to recover.

Fen Lao, who had once comprehended the way of metallic circulation, had a deep understanding of this point.

However, it is precisely because he has already comprehended the way of metallic circulation, so he cannot enter that kind of epiphany again.


Feng Hao shook his head and said, "It's just that it doesn't seem to be a single texture, but... there are many textures."

There are indeed too many lines on the wall inside his 'Tao Core', even he can't count them, so it can only be described as a lot.

"a lot of,."

Hearing this, Mr. Fen looked at him in astonishment, not understanding how much it was, so he asked suspiciously, "What do you mean by that?"

The dao pattern of the way of reincarnation will not appear on the single-path dao seal.

The "Tao Core" in the human brain is equivalent to a person's soul core. Although this seal exists in the core of the soul, in general, the "Tao Core" is the true center of the soul. On the wall of the 'Tao Core', this is equivalent to engraving yourself on the soul.

Moreover, the difference is that the way of circulation will not increase the number of dao patterns like the single way, but the lines on it will be more profound despite the understanding of circulation. According to legend, if this cycle of dao patterns If it can also appear outside the 'core of the Dao', it means that the person has been able to completely integrate with the Dao of Heaven and Earth, that is to say, he can achieve that kind of eternal existence.

However, no one can do this step, perhaps, only those legendary gods can do it.

[Fifth update,]

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