Martial Inverse

Chapter 1318 Progress

Chapter 1318 Progress

In short, in the past six months, whether it is Qiong Ling'er, Wan Xin, Yan Qing, Xie Yandong, Ge Hong, Long Yueguan, or Xue Mo, they have all improved a lot.

After all, they dare not disobey the task assigned by that tigress Liu Canyan, otherwise, this tigress will do what she says.

In the past few months, Liu Canyan will train them once a month.

That's miserable.

Although they have already cooperated vigorously, they have no effect on Liu Canyan. No matter how they resist, how they use various schemes and tricks, under Liu Canyan's strong suppression, they are all the same. Fiction is simply vulnerable, and every time they end up being beaten up.

Once, they also thought that it would be the same if they were going to be beaten anyway, whether they resisted or not, but in the end...

That time, even at Longyue Pass, it took half a month without getting out of bed.

After that, none of them dared to neglect the slightest.

Although they were all beaten up like sandbags in the end, if they were serious and made fewer mistakes, Liu Canyan's attack strength would be greatly reduced.

But, on the contrary, if there is any mistake, Liu Canyan's fist will be aggravated, so what they have to do now is not to hit Liu Canyan, but to reduce the mistakes in the coordination as much as possible.

Among them, Xue Mo suffered the most. In the past, it took him more than a month to get rid of the panda eyes with the size of two fists. After that time, he never dared to pose in front of Liu Canyan again. That noble look.


"Bang bang bang..."

As Liu Canyan's pair of jade hands pushed forward, a huge and unparalleled force rippled out a wave visible to the naked eye, and Yan Qing, Xie Yandong and Long Yue who rushed towards him were not surprised at all, including The three of them, as well as Ge Hong and others who were standing in various places behind, were all thrown out, flung around, and hit the wall, grinning their teeth in pain.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

However, when they were about to fall, they didn't stop in the slightest. Even Qiong Ling'er and the three daughters didn't cry out in pain, but they all jumped up, with a clear division of labor, Yan Qing, Xie Yandong, and Long Yueguan. The three rushed towards Liu Canyan in three directions again.

Between these actions,

There is no lag at all, as if it has been predicted and rehearsed thousands of times, it is very skillful.

Ge Hong, on the other hand, quickly sacrificed the soil of Gen Mountain in the Qingming Dynasty, and chanted a mantra, and light yellow water curtains fell on top of each person's head.

He has also made a lot of progress, he has been able to divide the defense of Gen Mountain and Earth in Qingming Dynasty, this way, the flexibility of everyone has been increased, and there is no need to stay in one place and wait for death.

As for Qiong Ling'er, she tried her best to mobilize the power of the heaven and earth primordial spirit to increase the strength of everyone. Everyone was covered with a thin layer of halo, which greatly increased their momentum, and at the same time gave Liu Canyan Applying pressure, the ripples visible to the naked eye kept falling from the void, falling on Liu Canyan's body.

Wan Xin, who was standing in a corner, covered the area of ​​Liu Canyan, and there were ice flowers floating away all the time. The cold temperature could freeze the blood of the human body. Moreover, the ground where Liu Canyan was standing There is also a thick layer of frost on the ground, which is so crystal clear and very slippery. If someone walks up, if he is not careful, he will fall or lose control of his figure.

These are their progress.

Xue Mo, on the other hand, was also constantly walking around, with a scene of stars in his eyes. At the same time, he continued to transmit voices to everyone, pointing them to the direction of moving forward and attacking.

Proud, self-reliant.

In front of Liu Canyan, there is no pride, the more you are proud of her, it will only make yourself more unlucky.

He will never forget the pair of panda eyes that he has not faded for more than a month. With those pair of panda eyes, he still has no face to speak of.

Therefore, under Liu Canyan's teaching, this proud Master Xiangtian finally brought out his role to the fullest.

Thunder, sea of ​​flames, and strong wind with black light, whistling, swept towards Liu Canyan from three different directions, and all of them hit the vital parts, head, heart, and spine.

The orientation is very in place, but also extremely tricky.


Liu Canyan's peerless and beautiful face did not have the same charming smile as she did when she was outside, but was replaced by a series of icy coldness, a cold snort came out of her mouth, and she scoffed disdainfully, "No Nothing new, could it be that you haven't made any progress in a month?"

Although the cooperation between Qiong Ling'er and the others is considered perfect in the eyes of outsiders, but in her mouth, it is not worth mentioning, and it is even full of loopholes.

While speaking, a huge aura erupted from her body, and it was as if a calm sea suddenly raised a stormy wave. The surrounding snowflakes and the frost on the ground were all shattered and smashed into nothingness. Even the pressure of the power of the heaven and earth primordial spirit led by Qiong Ling'er was crushed.

Then, she stretched out a hand and directly crushed the Thunder Cone that Yan Qing had displayed, causing electric arcs to rage all over the sky, but they were all directly scattered by the invisible aura on her body.

Then, with a light slap of her delicate and snow-white hands, Xie Yandong's sea of ​​flames erupting like a volcano was instantly annihilated.

Then, she turned around and held the ax that fell from Longyueguan with one hand. With just a slight flick, Longyueguan was thrown away without the slightest ability to resist. The light yellow water curtain on her body All were broken.

"It's now. "

When Liu Canyan turned to face Longyue Pass, Xue Mo, Ge Hong, all burst into a flash of divine light in their eyes.

"Heavenly Phenomenon Binding God Formation."

Xue Mo swiped her hands together, and a big formation formed by the condensed stars surrounded Liu Canyan's head in amazement.

This large formation is very wonderful, if it is a vortex, but in this vortex, there are seven bright stars in seven different directions, rippling a majestic rhyme, giving people a kind of It's like the feeling that the universe and the starry sky have been crushed down.

It seems that he really wants to use the power of the starry sky to restrain the gods.

"Double Dragons Holding Pillars."

On the side, following Ge Hong's low shout, at Liu Canyan's feet, two earth dragons climbed up, tightly entwining her legs.

At the same time, Yan Qing and Xie Yandong, who were still slightly saddened just now, moved together,

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