Martial Inverse

Chapter 1324: Ancient Formation Destroyed

Chapter 1324 The Ancient Formation Has Been Destroyed

The ancient teleportation array is definitely the core of a city. If it is hit, first, it can be quickly and thoroughly with the help of the teleportation array, and second, reinforcements can also arrive immediately.

Therefore, basically every city's city lord's mansion is not far from the ancient formation, and the city lord guards the formation directly.


When Feng Hao approached, two imposing guards stopped in front of him and stopped him in a cold voice.

Feng Hao frowned, and had a bad premonition in his heart. Although he was separated from the army, he could see that there seemed to be something wrong in the direction of the ancient formation.

"Leave quickly."

Seeing that he was not moving, several guards pointed Sen Leng's spears directly at him. It seemed that as long as Feng Hao made the slightest movement, he would launch a fierce attack.

"I just want to use the ancient teleportation array to go to a place."

Feng Hao glanced at them lightly, and said without any anger.

Although the cultivation bases of these guards in front of him are all in the realm of Wuwang, and there are even people in the realm of Wuhuang mixed in, but they are no longer in his eyes.

"The ancient teleportation array is now suspended."

The guard standing at the front, who was obviously at the peak of the Martial Emperor, said coldly, his aura slowly gathered, and he seemed to have the intention of making a move at any time.

Hearing this, Feng Hao frowned and asked, "What happened there?"

"This is not something you can ask, leave quickly."

The guard at the peak of the Martial Emperor's tone was very cold, and a fierce aura spread out, as if he wanted to force Feng Hao back.


Feng Hao glanced at him unexpectedly.

Although he didn't spread his aura, there was absolutely no way for him to detect his own cultivation base. He didn't have the slightest intention of shrinking back from someone who was stronger than him. Just based on this, he could prove that he was A very qualified soldier.

Carry out the task unconditionally, even if you know it is death, you will stick to it.


A coercion spread out from Feng Hao's body. Immediately, an old man on the ancient teleportation formation turned around, looked at Feng Hao who smiled at him, hesitated a little, and walked over .

"Who are you?"

Seeing that Feng Hao is so young, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the old man.

"Boy Fenghao."

With a slight smile on the corner of Feng Hao's mouth, he cupped his hands towards him.

From this old man, he felt a strong coercion. If he guessed correctly, then the old man in front of him might be the city lord of Fengming City.

As he said that, Feng Hao directly handed his identity jade pendant of Shengtian Academy to the old man.

"Oh, it turned out to be a student from Shengfu."

A flash of surprise flashed in the old man's eyes, and he suddenly understood.

It seems that it is not impossible to be so young, and to be promoted to the holy rank and enter the Shengtian Academy.

Hearing his words, all the surrounding guards' eyes were full of fanaticism.

Shengtian Academy, the undoubted patron of the human race, also has the existence of Shengtian Academy, so that all races dare not move around, and the human race can be stable.

There is no doubt that those who can enter Shengtian Academy are strong.

"follow me."

After the old man returned the jade pendant to Feng Hao, he led him towards the City Lord's Mansion beside him.

"Old man Yan Hetai, speaking of it, they actually came from the Human Emperor's Mansion, but their qualifications are limited, and they can only guard a small city."

After the two sat down, Yan Hetai spoke in a slightly calm tone, with some sadness in his eyes.

The Great Sage and the Fan Sheng are two classes of existence. If you cannot be promoted to the Great Sage, then you are doomed to have a low status.

"It turned out to be Senior Brother Yan."

Feng Hao saluted again, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became much stronger.

After all, they all come from the Emperor's Mansion, and outside, they are all one.

"Hehe, what's the matter, little brother?"

Seeing that he was so polite, Yan Hetai also asked kindly with a smile.

"To tell the truth, Senior Brother Yan, the boy was also attracted by the Xuan Mingtian incident. Now, the new competition will start in one month, so the boy wants to use the ancient teleportation formation to return to the academy."

Feng Hao said half-truth and half-falsely.

"The new big competition."

Hearing this, the smile on Yan Hetai's face also froze, then he shook his head and said, "If you want to go back to participate in the new competition, Junior Brother, it should be too late."


The bad premonition in Feng Hao's heart was even more imminent. Thinking of the strange situation at the ancient teleportation formation, he blurted out and asked, "Brother Yan, could it be that something happened to the ancient teleportation formation?"


A flash of indignation flashed in Yan Hetai's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "A few days ago, it was destroyed by a great sage from the Wuling clan."

"What, the ancient teleportation formation has been destroyed."

After confirming the guess in his heart, Feng Hao's face turned ashen immediately.

"Witch Spirit Race."

There was a sharp flash in his eyes.

It is conceivable that the reason why the Wuling tribe is like this should be because they beheaded Wu Neng.

"Now, if you want to repair the ancient teleportation array, you still need to wait for people from the Holy Mansion to come. Such a round trip may take several months, and it needs to be repaired, and it may not be able to operate within a few years. It's..."

Speaking of it, this is also his negligence, but how can a sage like him be able to stop a strong man in the realm of the great sage.

If it wasn't for the great sage of the human race staying in Fengming City at that time, I'm afraid the entire Fengming City would have been destroyed by him.

"Several months..."

Hearing this, Feng Hao frowned tightly.

There is still one month left for the newly promoted Dabi to start. After a few months, the day lily will be cold, so what's the use of going back by yourself.

"Senior Brother Yan, how long will it take to go from here to the nearest city with the ancient teleportation formation?"

he asked hopefully.


Seeing Feng Hao's anxious look, Yan Hetai sighed softly, "I sealed the city of the underworld, but it is actually located in a very remote place. It was also established because of the existence of Xuanmingtian. I will rush there with my feet, at least a month or so away." Left and's already too late."

What he said directly cut off Feng Hao's last ray of hope.

He is powerless.

"Little brother, if you don't dislike it, then you can stay here with senior brother. The rest of the year will pass soon."

Yan Hetai comforted him.

In his opinion, Feng Hao is nothing more than a first-rank mortal saint with the attribute of Lei Ji. Although Feng Hao's age has reached this level, it is already very extraordinary, but, above the new competition, he has also played a very important role. It doesn't do much,

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