Martial Inverse

Chapter 1329: Tianwu Field

Chapter 1329 Tianwu Field

According to the situation on the surface, Feng Hao is really too ordinary, he is definitely the kind of person who is not qualified to enter Shengtian Academy.

However, he came in, and he dared to face the five of them.

This made the hearts of the five students from Jiuyou Mansion even more beating.

However, now they have no way out.

The challenge was initiated by themselves. Can they refuse in the face of other people's conditions?

If they refuse, there is no doubt that they will definitely become the biggest laughing stock.

This is something they cannot tolerate.

Therefore, even if they don't want to accept it at this time, they have to accept it.

It's just that one hundred credits per person is so easy to get.

"You don't even have a hundred credits, do you?"

Just when they were in a hurry, a joking voice fell into their ears, and immediately, the expressions of the five of them immediately became ugly.

As the saying goes, you don't slap someone in the face when you hit someone, so why does this guy slap his face specially.

One hundred credits is an astronomical amount for a new student who has not been promoted for a year. How can they get it? With their strength, even if they do tasks, they will not earn many credits.

"Ha ha,……"

Standing at the entrance of Shengwu Hall, Xie Yandong and Long Yueguan laughed heartlessly and wildly, the laughter was full of sarcasm, making the five people wish they could tear these two guys apart on the spot.

"Hey, it turns out that he is someone who can't even make a bet..."

"Heh, I still thought of them as characters, so it turns out, hehe..."

"Tsk tsk, it turns out that this is the new elite of Jiuyou Mansion. I don't think it's that good..."

All kinds of taunting voices came from all directions, making the five students of Jiuyou Mansion look green and pale at times, wanting to vomit blood aggrieved.

"Boy, can't you just take out a hundred credits?"

The skinny man couldn't bear it,

Gritting his teeth, he yelled at Feng Hao, bloodshot eyes appeared in his pupils.

It was so aggrieved that he was so depressed that he wanted to commit suicide. While speaking, his body was trembling with anger.


Feng Hao snorted disdainfully, curled his lips, and said lightly, "You can't do it, but it doesn't mean others can't do it either."

While speaking, he flipped his hands, and the identity jade pendant was held in his hand. Inside the jade pendant, like stars, twinkled intricately and densely.

"Two hundred and one credits."

Beside him, someone screamed out, and his eyes were full of inconceivable expressions.

After all, only a small number of people knew about what happened in Shengwu Hall last time. Although some people knew that a student in Liu Canyan defeated Sheng Yangwen, they didn't know that it was the young man in front of him who did it. .

Therefore, seeing a new student with more than 200 credits at this time made many people gasp.

"He is the one who defeated Sheng Yangwen."

A voice cleared everyone's confusion, and immediately, many exclamations were made.

It turned out that this person was the number one new student in the Emperor's Mansion.

"It seems that this guy is not simple..."

The expressions of resentment in many people's eyes have subsided.

After all, Sheng Yangwen was indeed one of the strongest among them. A freshman, being able to defeat him within the same rank was enough to prove how extraordinary this new student was.

Although the five students from Jiuyou Mansion didn't know who this Sheng Yangwen was, they knew that they had encountered a hard idea this time just because Feng Hao was able to get 200 credits.

However, they didn't have the heart to shrink back, but they felt even more angry.

If it wasn't for the presence of an adult among the newly promoted students this time, this number one must have been one of the five of them.

Therefore, when the people around them talked about Feng Hao's status as the number one in the Emperor's Mansion, their hearts were still filled with disdain.

It can only be said that this person's Imperial Palace is getting more and more lonely, and even this kind of person can become the number one.

"How, have you seen it clearly?"

Feng Hao deliberately put the jade pendant in his hand in front of their eyes, and the corner of his mouth raised a high arc.

It's actually a good thing to see people deflated.


The skinny man vomited blood angrily, his face turned purple, and white air was spouting from his nostrils. The other four people also stared at Feng Hao in an extremely unfriendly manner, wanting to tear him into pieces. impulse.

"Give me your points first."

The bald man quickly suppressed the anger in his heart, and yelled at the four of them in a low voice.

This time, they lost all face.

After some patchwork, finally, the bald man's jade pendant has one hundred and four credits.

"It's only a hundred credits. Could it be that you alone are qualified to challenge me?"

However, when they finally breathed a sigh of relief, Feng Hao curled his lips in disdain, and that voice directly made the five of them furious.

"Forget it, it seems that you can't take it out, so go in."

As if he didn't see the raging anger in their eyes, Feng Hao waved his hand casually, then took Qiong Ling'er's soft and boneless little hand, and walked towards the Shengwu Hall, the corner of his mouth hung even more. With a strange arc.

"Hey, boy Feng."

Long Yueguan greeted him directly, but Feng Hao stared at him fiercely, so he could only stand there scratching his head and smiling embarrassingly.

He didn't forget that this guy ruined his good deed just now.

"It's really time to come back."

Xie Yandong stepped forward and gave Feng Hao a hammer, the original worries disappeared.

"Eight orifices...why, the celestial phenomenon still leans toward Shura Mansion."

Standing in the last snow desert, the stars in his eyes dimmed, and he murmured softly.

He had just calculated the result of this new promotion, but found that the celestial phenomena still hadn't changed at all, that is to say, in the Shura mansion, there was still a person who could overwhelm the Supreme Pluto Body and Eight Apertures. human existence.

"and many more."

When Feng Hao and his group were about to enter the Shengwu Hall, the bald man stopped him.

"Why, you dare not."

Feng Hao was slightly taken aback, then turned around with a mocking arc, and looked at him jokingly.

Fighting at the same level, he is confident, unless it is an old monster level, otherwise, he is confident that he can handle it.


The bald man snorted unhappily, and said, "We're comparing overall strength, so naturally we can't go to Shengwutang... See you in Tianwuchang."

After all, the five of them gave Feng Hao a hard look, then turned around and fled towards the distance,

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