Martial Inverse

Chapter 1337 The first person under the Great Sage

Chapter 1337 The First Person Under the Great Sage

"good very good."

Leng Huan's face was covered with a thin layer of frost, and his eyes were as deep as the Nine Nether Purgatory, so cold that it could freeze a person's soul.

He never imagined that this newcomer would dare to give himself such a note of Ma Wei.

If you are at the same level, I will defeat you with one move.

At this moment, no matter whether he accepts the challenge or not, he has already lost face. Moreover, even if he wins, as an old student, he wins a new student, which seems to be nothing to brag about.


Xie Yandong, Long Yueguan and others, after a short period of surprise, also reacted, and then, a creepy and strange laughter came out of their mouths.

In the world of the tomb mansion, Feng Hao, with the same level of cultivation, overwhelmed the three members of the "immortal" organization without the strength to fight back. This Leng Huan is nothing.

It can be said that in the entire Jiuyou Mansion, the only thing that can compare with Feng Hao is the Supreme Pluto Body.

Therefore, they knew that someone was going to be in bad luck, while Leng Heng and the others stood there dumbfounded, they didn't even know how to express their anger, looking at Feng Hao was like looking at a monster.

Those two students from the Imperial Palace who treated Feng Hao seemed to want to persuade him, after looking at each other, they walked over and stood beside Feng Hao silently.

For a while, because of Feng Hao's words, the scene was in a tense situation, and the students of Renhuangfu and Jiuyoufu were all hostile in retrospect.

At this time, it is no longer the glory of the two of them, but the majesty of the two mansions.

"Why, don't you...don't you dare?"

Facing the furious Leng Huan, Feng Hao didn't feel nervous at all. He looked at him coldly with red eyes, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and he said in an indifferent tone, like a strong man who despises his opponent.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

There were streaks of red blood in Leng Huan's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, with that expression, it seemed that he wanted to tear Feng Hao apart on the spot.

He never thought that the freshman in front of him would directly challenge him.

"It's fine if you dare... But,

I don't want to fight in vain. "

After he agreed, the corners of Feng Hao's mouth raised even higher, and he said in a contemptuous tone, "A game with a thousand credits, do you dare?"


As soon as this sentence came out, the people around couldn't help but gasped.

A thousand credits, standing in this hall, how many people can come up with such a huge amount of credits.

Credits are definitely consumables, and few people can accumulate credits to four digits before using them.

"Good guy."

Xie Yandong and the others couldn't help but their eyelids twitched and their hearts twitched.

This slaughter is really not fierce.

They are fortunate that they are friends with Feng Hao, otherwise, if there is such an enemy, they will have trouble sleeping and eating.


Leng Huan's eyes widened, his body trembled in anger, and he was a little speechless.

Just now, he only lost 500 credits, how can he still spend 1,000 credits now.

"You can't even get a thousand credits, can you?"

Feng Hao flipped his hands over, took out his jade pendant, dangled it in his hand, his eyes were full of teasing expressions, he laughed and said, "Could it be that this is the elite of Jiuyou Mansion,'s too much for me Disappointed, even a rookie like me."


Seeing Leng Huan's embarrassment, boos resounded around him, which directly turned his face into a purple sauce color.

"Leng Huan."

A cold voice sounded, icy cold, like a gust of cold wind blowing, directly suppressed the boos of the audience, and made everyone look sideways.

When Feng Hao raised his eyebrows, he saw a man in his thirties with a cold breath, walking down from a ring not far away. His steps seemed to be slow, but they were very fast. It's only three steps, and it's just appearing in front of Leng Huan. It's very ghostly, making people feel unreal.

"Take out the jade pendant."

The visitor squinted, indifferent to everything, glanced at Feng Hao slightly, and then spoke to Leng Huan indifferently, as if Feng Hao was just an ant under his feet and could not stand his attention at all.


Leng Huan seemed to be very afraid of this man, he lowered his head, not even daring to look at him, turned his hand, and handed his jade pendant to the visitor.

After he took out his jade pendant, looking at the dense and endless light spots, the eyes of the people around were all shocked, but after thinking about the identity of this person, they were all relieved .

"The number one person under the Great Sage of Jiuyou Mansion, cold and solemn."

While the veteran students on the side were discussing softly, Feng Hao learned the identity of the visitor.

"However, in just one hundred and thirty years, Leng Jun has crossed from the peak of the Martial Emperor to the peak of the mortal saint. Such a speed is really terrifying, and the future is limitless."

Many people are sighing, the words are full of envy and jealousy.

This kind of talent and aptitude, in the entire Shengtian Academy, there are few people who can compare with him. He can become the number one person under the great sage of Jiuyoufu. What he possesses is not only speed.

"It's good to do it for yourself."

After drawing a thousand credits, Leng Jun threw the jade pendant to Leng Huan, left a word without the slightest warmth, and walked straight to the outside of the hall without stopping at all, as if all of this had nothing to do with him.

"Is the first person under the Great Sage?"

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth curved slightly, but he didn't say anything.

He could feel the deep purgatory-like energy in Leng Jun's body, but he was not afraid.

"Let's go."

Feng Hao glanced at the gloomy dripping Leng Huan, then took Qiong Ling'er's little hand and walked towards the outside of the hall.

The arena in the Tianwu Field does not have the function of restricting realms, so we can only go to the Shengwu Hall.

The corners of Leng Huan's mouth opened slightly, but he didn't say anything. He glared fiercely at the skinny men and the others beside him, flicked his sleeves angrily, and then followed.

Leng Heng and the others looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

They also did not expect that Feng Hao would be so courageous that he dared to directly provoke Leng Huan, who was already a sixth-level mortal.

Even at the same level, Leng Huan's advantage still exists when he can't use the source energy. How can he be so confident in defeating Leng Huan?

"Let's go..."

Immediately after they walked out, a large group of people followed, including people from the three prefectures, making the originally noisy hall suddenly feel much more empty.

"It seems that this time, the Human Emperor's Mansion also produced a powerful little guy..."

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