Martial Inverse

Chapter 1342: The Sky Has Not Changed

Chapter 1342

"Old Wan, that's not what we mean, what we mean is that we train your students for you..."

"Yes, yes, we are also thinking about you, and we are helping you solve problems."

"Our Human Emperor's Palace is originally one, regardless of you and me..."

The three old men all kept their faces straight and spoke a lot of good words, and they all took out a jade box and put it on Wan Hongwen's desk.

They knew that if they wanted this old fox to let him go, it would definitely not be so easy, and some blood would be inevitable.

"What do you mean by that?"

The corners of Wan Hongwen's mouth curled indistinctly, but his eyes were rounded on the surface, and he asked inexplicably, just like an ignorant boy.

"It really looks like it."

The three old men cursed secretly in their hearts, but they didn't show it on the surface.

"That new student named Xie Yandong belongs to my Diji Academy, and the contents of that box are yours."

The old man in brown was smiling on the surface, but in fact, he was bleeding from his heart.

"Yan Qing returns to my Xuanjiyuan, that thing is yours too."

"Qiong Ling'er, return to Huangjiyuan..."

The other two old men also expressed their opinions one after another.


Wan Hongwen glanced at the jade box on the table, did not reach out to take it, but showed a look of embarrassment, and said in his mouth, "It's not that I am unwilling to agree, you also know the rules of our Emperor's Mansion, Students can choose a teacher by themselves, and after choosing a teacher, everything about the student will be taken care of by the instructor... If their instructor doesn't agree, what can I do if I agree."

"It's easy to handle, as long as you, Lao Wan, agree, we will go to the instructor and ask her to transfer the students to us..."

Hearing what he said, the faces of the three old men showed delighted smiles.

Although the items in this jade box are extremely precious, if it can be exchanged for such a top student, it is definitely worth it.


They could already foresee that the old fox would vomit blood regretting his current decision in the future.

Now, the talent shown by Feng Hao is indeed extremely strong and weird, even capable of defeating the Nine Nether Divine Body, but who can predict how far he can go in the future.

As for Xie Yandong, Yan Qing, and Qiong Ling'er, this is different. It can be said that with their own physiques, they already have the qualifications to hit the peak, and they can at best guide them and avoid detours.

Thinking that if these people join his compound, why worry about not being famous when they are big.

"You mean, as long as I agree, these are mine."

Wan Hongwen pointed to the three jade boxes on the table, and asked with a very uncertain expression.

"Of course, as long as you Lao Wan agrees, it's yours."

After thinking about those things clearly, the three old men agreed very happily, and, I'm afraid Wan Hongwen would go back on his word.

"If I agree, but you can't handle their mentor, what should you do?"

Wan Hongwen rolled his eyes and asked calmly.

"Don't worry about this, as long as you promise to let people go."

The three old men are all the deans of the other three academies, they don't believe it, and there are mentors who dare to refute their intentions.

"Okay, I agree."

Wan Hongwen also acted extremely happily, and he agreed immediately, and, with lightning speed, he immediately put away the three jade boxes on the table, causing the three old men to twitch fiercely. pumped.

"Thank you very much."

After he bowed his hands to the three of them happily, he picked up the ancient book on the desk and read it again, concentrating on it, keeping his ears to nothing outside the window, as if the three of them didn't exist.

"Cough cough, Lao Wan, then should you take us to meet that mentor Liu Canyan?"

The old man in brown clothes gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to slap him to death, coughed a few times, and reminded him word by word.

This old fox is really at ease when he puts away his things.


Wan Hongwen raised his head to look at him in surprise, and said, "Why should I take you there? Didn't you say that I just agreed?"


The brown-clothed old man vomited blood angrily, and almost made a move, but he was dissuaded by the white-clothed old man.

"Don't hurt your peace, both of you."

The old man in white motioned him not to be too impulsive, lest all his previous efforts would be wasted, and then he said to Wan Hongwen, "Old Wan, indeed, as long as you say yes, you should tell us where the residence of Teacher Liu Canyan is." Bar."

"That's all."

The corner of Wan Hongwen's mouth curled into a strange arc, and he generously told Liu Canyan's residence.


The three old men were not angry with him either, so they all left the study directly.

"Xiao Li, I have something to go out, if someone comes to see me, you can say that I went to retreat..."

As soon as they left, Wan Hongwen disappeared without a trace. Only these words were still echoing in the yard.


After defeating Leng Huan, Feng Hao and his party returned to their courtyard. They were all beaming, and the previous haze disappeared.

It seems that they all believe that as long as Feng Hao is there, there is nothing impossible.

Back in the courtyard, Feng Hao naturally would not waste time on Xie Yandong and the others, but went directly to his small courtyard with Qiong Ling'er and the three daughters. After some tenderness, he didn't leave the courtyard for two days, and he didn't even open the door .

On the third day, a group of people gathered in the hall. Of course, Qiong Ling'er and the three daughters were absent.

"At the end of the sky, there is still a mass of red light. If my prediction is correct, it should still be Shura Mansion..."

The stars in Xue Mo's eyes dissipated, his complexion turned pale, and he murmured.


Longyueguan was the first to retort with rounded eyes, "Even the members of the 'Xian' organization are no match for Boy Feng. Could it be that there is someone in the little Shura Mansion who can hold Boy Feng down?"


Xue Mo didn't know how to answer, shook his head, and said in a guessing tone, "Brother Feng's current combat power, within the same rank, is unrivaled in the world, but now, Brother Feng is only at the first rank of Fansheng That's all... If there is a third-rank or fourth-rank mortal in the Asura Mansion, it will be the Supreme Pluto Physique of Jiuyou Mansion, and it will undoubtedly be defeated."

Those who are above the third rank of Fan Sheng can use holy skills, the power of holy skills is no small matter, coupled with the advantages in realm, even if Feng Hao is powerful, he has no chance of winning.

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