Martial Inverse

Chapter 1346: Little Green Dream

Chapter 1346 Little Green Dream

This person has blood-red hair, each one of which is really like if it is formed by the congealing of blood beads, it is very strange, his eyes are also red, if it is like two seas of blood, people will take a look, You will also be unable to extricate yourself from sinking in, and your mind will be silent.

Around his body, there was a layer of blood mist faintly permeating him, and he was so angry that he had the potential to kill gods and saints. He really existed like a Shura, a world-destroying demon god.

Feng Hao and Yan Qing looked at each other, they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Because, this person is the afterimage known as the blood demon who appeared at the ancient tomb of Zhantian before.

"Unexpectedly, he also appeared in the Shura Mansion. It seems that it is not easy..."

Feng Hao couldn't break through his realm, but he could sense that there was an energy in his body that was so powerful that it made his heart palpitate.

This kind of energy fluctuation even faintly surpassed the previous Leng Yusen.

"Could it be that he is the trump card of the Asura Mansion."

Feng Hao's heart moved, and the purple glow in his eyes flickered, as if it were the same color as amethyst.

After just one glance, he withdrew his gaze, panting slightly, with sweat stains on his forehead, and a panic in his eyes.

Inside the purple pupils, this person no longer exists, instead there is a sea of ​​blood. On top of this sea of ​​blood, he saw a pair of evil eyes staring at him, as if they were holding hooks, trying to shake his mind. They were all pulled into the sea of ​​blood and slept forever.

At this time, not only Feng Hao, but also many people around and in the distance were pale.

Obviously, they all saw that kind of abnormality.

"That's the Asura Divine Body."

In Feng Hao's mind, Fen Lao's voice resounded, filled with incomparable shock.

"Sure enough, it's the Divine Body of Shura."

Fen Lao's reminder confirmed Feng Hao's guess in his heart, his heart was tumbling violently, and there was a trace of fighting intent in his eyes.

Such an opponent is what he really needs.

"Master, how many layers of power has he already controlled, has he been promoted to the third rank of mortal saint?"

"It's hard to say,

However, it should not be much different from the Supreme Pluto Physique, it seems that it is about 30% to 40% of the state, the realm, the second-order peak of the mortal saint, is in a state of breaking through..."

There was emotion in Fen Lao's voice, "It seems that this Asura divine body has got a lot of opportunities..."


Hearing this, Feng Hao probably had a bottom line in his heart.

"It seems that there will be a grand war."

Fen Lao's voice was also a little excited.

It's a pity that he has the body of Void Martial Arts, but he didn't meet someone with the Supreme Pluto Body and the Asura Divine Body.

Leng Yusen and After Shadow, the two of them faintly felt each other's existence, but neither of them looked sideways, but their expressions became much more serious.

And because of the appearance of the two of them, they immediately attracted everyone's attention, but on the Human Emperor's Palace, few people paid attention, as if they had been forgotten.

"Although the Human Emperor's Mansion has produced many extraordinary people this time, I'm afraid they will be at the bottom again..."

"This time, Ruoren's Imperial Mansion lost again to Nandou Mansion, Poison God Mansion, and Killing God Mansion. Does he still have the face to occupy the position of the three giants of the human race?"

"Alas... the prosperous age of virtual martial arts is no longer..."

Among the crowd, there was a lot of discussion, which made the students of the Emperor's Mansion look sour.

It was under this strange atmosphere that the sky, which was already a bit light blue, appeared a little white. After a while, half a scorching sun jumped out of the horizon, sprinkled the bright light on the entire world, and dispelled the darkness and cold. , bringing light and warmth.


With the sound of thunder rolling, the originally closed gate of Shengtian Academy slowly opened, and a vicissitudes of life spread out, sweeping thousands of miles away, shocking everyone.

Then, two men in their fifties or sixties, and an old man with white hair and childlike face, walked out slowly from the inside side by side.

The three of them are different, one is full of evil spirits, the other is as cold as ice, and the other has no waves in the ancient well.

And that old man with white hair and childlike face is exactly the Zuo Guardian who was assessed in the Primordial Realm.

Behind them, there were many people who seemed to be not young and full of vitality. The four deans of the Human Emperor's Mansion all followed behind this white-haired and childlike old man.

It's just that among the four of them, three of them looked a little bit wrong. They seemed to be gnashing their teeth quietly, as if they wanted to shoot someone who was indifferent to him to death.

This damned guy just took his own benefits, and even sent himself into the fire pit, is this still a human being?

He did it on purpose.

Damn old fox.

Therefore, even in this kind of scene, when they saw this guy standing in front of them blatantly, they still couldn't suppress the anger that was churning in their hearts.


And just after the three of them walked out, the sky on the square was abruptly cut open in three places. People from the three mansions of the Poison God Mansion, Nandou Mansion, and Killing God Mansion, who are now famous in the Hundred Clans Continent, came from the inside. After walking out, they didn't go up to the high platform, but stopped beside the three pillars.

But with a slight glance, Feng Hao saw many acquaintances...

Among them, what made people excited was the little girl standing in the camp of the Poison God Mansion and being held by a charming woman.

Although she has changed a lot and grown a lot taller, Feng Hao still recognized her at a glance.

Xiao Qingmeng.

Now Xiao Qingmeng is over seven years old, and she can be regarded as a little girl. She is wearing a lavender dress, her pair of jet-black eyes are very lively, her skin is pink and jade-carved, and she is like a girl from childhood. Like a little princess who came out of a fairy tale.

And it was Qingwu who was holding her hand.

She is still wearing a light blue dress, and the years have polished her pretty face to be more charming. Her jade hands are like catkins, her skin is like creamy fat, her head is crescent, and there is a faint smile in her smile. Dechen is delicate, with a seemingly soft smile, but reveals a kind of indifference that rejects people thousands of miles away.

Feng Hao, who was originally excited, soon became gloomy.

Because, at this time, Qingwu was walking very close to a young man, and the young man was also quite attentive, and he also made Xiao Qingmeng giggly. Just like a family.

This made Feng Hao frowned immediately, and he felt that something happened to Qingwu and Xiao Qingmeng that he didn't know about, otherwise, neither of them should be intimate with outsiders.

[Fifth update,]

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