Martial Inverse

Chapter 1349: Fiancee

Chapter 1349 Fiancee


When these two words were uttered from Feng Hao's mouth, the surrounding people all stared in astonishment, those from the Poison God Mansion were even more so, Xie Yandong and his group in the distance were even more stunned.

"My darling, did I hear you right, Daddy, could it be that the little girl is the daughter of the wind boy, and that beauty is the wife of the wind boy."

Long Yue was muttering in the mouth, and there was an almost dull look in his eyes.

Is there still a life for this? No matter how you see a beautiful woman, you will have something to do with that kid. This one is even better, and even gave birth to a daughter for him.

"Something is wrong, it seems that those two people don't know Brother Feng at all..."

Xie Yandong's eyes narrowed, he put away the playful look on his face, and said lightly.

Xueyan, who was talking with Xue Mo, also turned her head and saw Samsara with livid complexion, she couldn't help but glared at him angrily, and then looked at Feng Hao. After a while, her eyes revealed Out of the sky filled with stars, trajectories passed by one after another, forming a pair of mysterious pictures of celestial phenomena.

"Strange, their relationship should be very close. How could they not know each other?"

After a long time, the stars all over the sky dimmed, she murmured, and there was also a puzzled look in her eyes.

After that, Xue Mo did the same.

"Who are you, why are you talking nonsense here."

The rather handsome man standing next to Qingwu, after hearing this address, quickly reacted, stood in front of Qingwu, separated the two, and asked Feng Hao unkindly , as if treating each other as enemies.

"Who are you?"

Seeing that he has such a close relationship with Qingwu, Feng Hao's eyes suddenly froze, then became cold, and his evil spirit spread, forcing him towards this man.

Although he didn't know what happened to make Qingwu's mother and daughter forget about themselves, but he saw this person wanting to play with Qingwu, and he absolutely couldn't tolerate it.

If it wasn't for the wrong scene, he really wanted to kill him on the spot.

"Who am I?"

The handsome man's mouth curved into a mocking arc,

Said sarcastically, "What qualifications do you have to ask me? Is it because you are a student of the Emperor's Palace?"

"Ha ha……"

His words immediately aroused the laughter of some people around, among which the people in Nandou Mansion and Jiuyou Mansion were the most.

Indeed, because of the superiority of the Poison God's Palace, for several hundreds of years, the newly promoted Dabi, the Poison God's Palace has always surpassed the Human Emperor's Palace, that's why people sneered at it like this.

At this time, the change here also attracted the attention of many people, and even the three big men on the high platform also cast their gazes here.

The old man with white hair and childlike face in Human Emperor's Mansion frowned slightly. Although he didn't say anything, he seemed to be puzzled by Feng Hao's behavior.

During the assessment in the Hongmeng Realm, amidst the discussions among the crowd, he knew the origin of Feng Hao, so he also wondered whether Feng Hao had made a mistake.


The corners of the mouth of the middle-aged man who was full of icy cold breath slightly curved, and he let out a playful laugh, the sound was not loud, but everyone on the high platform could hear it. Not good looking.

"Strange, could it be that he really knows this woman."

Wan Hongwen stood behind the old man, also showing puzzled eyes.

At this moment, only he truly understands how terrifying Feng Hao is. This young man's future achievements will definitely shock everyone.

He even looked forward to what these people's faces would look like on the day Feng Hao's identity was revealed.


Feng Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, murderous intent surged.

"Sister Qingwu, don't you know Brother Hao? Brother Hao has been looking for you, but he just couldn't find you. Please don't blame Brother Hao anymore, do you know how much Brother Hao has worked hard to find you? He's tired, he's really tired, please don't torture Brother Hao, please."

On the side, Wan Xin was persuading Qing Wu, her eyes were red and her voice was a little choked up.

As the people around Feng Hao, they can clearly see some thoughts and worries hidden deep in their pupils by Feng Haoxue, but they didn't say it out.

And this Qingwu mother and daughter are definitely put first by Feng Hao, but there has been no clue.

Think about it, when Feng's family was on the verge of collapse and Qingwu's mother and daughter were picked up again, how desperate and sad Feng Hao must have been at that time.

Just thinking about it makes them feel heartbroken, so they have always been obedient to Feng Hao.

Because they understand how difficult it is for them and others to come together, and they don't want Feng Hao to worry about themselves.

"I don't know what you're talking about at all, and I'm not called Qingwu."

Hearing these words, Qingwu's heart trembled slightly, but his complexion turned cold because of this affectionate address, he glanced at Feng Hao, and said indifferently, "For a playful person like him, don't say I didn't know him at first, and even if I knew him, I wouldn't be able to be with him."

After all, she didn't even look at Feng Hao, she just dragged Xiao Qingmeng to the side, when Feng Hao wanted to catch up, those disciples from the Poison God's Mansion all surrounded him, they were not kind look at him.

Especially that handsome young man, after hearing Wan Xin's words, his eyes trembled unnaturally, as if he remembered something.

"Wu'er, did something happen? Why don't you know me anymore, why doesn't Xiao Qingmeng know me anymore? Tell me, what did they do to you?"

Feng Hao looked at the slender figure blankly with grief on his face, a sense of frustration rose in his heart, and his words became a little hoarse. In the end, his eyes turned red, as if a sea of ​​blood was rolling, and he was filled with evil spirits. It rises up like a fierce god.

He was very suspicious that the Poison God's Mansion used some means, and suddenly, an uncontrollable anger rose in his heart, and he even had the idea of ​​killing all these people in front of him.

"Poison God Palace."

There was a lot of hatred in his heart, which made the thing in his arms tremble even more.

"You're so crazy."

That handsome young man stopped in front of him, a colorful light rose from his eyes, he was very handsome, but he carried a thousand murderous intentions, "There is no such thing as greenness like you said here, and there is no such thing as greenness." Meng, she is my fiancée Zi Yan."

"Retreat quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

His words were even colder. If it wasn't for the wrong situation, he would definitely have killed this ordinary guy in front of him with poison.

How could he not know the origin of Qingwu?

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