Martial Inverse

Chapter 1361 Itchy hands

Chapter 1361 Itchy hands

"One hundred desolate beasts have all been wiped out, and the contestants must return to the square within three minutes."

A mighty voice like a divine voice resounded in this space, spread to every corner, startled many surprised eyes, and then, many people's expressions changed, and then crushed the jade pendant, quickly Withdrawal, there are also some people who directly move towards the people around them to snatch the crystal cores. Of course, there are also some people who are very calm and discuss the distribution of crystal cores.

All of a sudden, in this world, all kinds of things came to life.

"In that case, let's make a decision."

Feng Hao held Wan Xin's little hand, patted it lightly, and said to everyone after silently comforting her.

The top ten are not so easy to get into.

Then, he distributed the crystal nucleus to everyone's hands, and together, they crushed the jade pendant and disappeared in place.

When Feng Hao and his group appeared below the vortex, they saw that there were already more than 80 people standing there waiting in the square. Almost all attracted the past.

"It's him, seven out of ten of them have crystal nuclei."

For a while, there were some exclamations resounding on the scene, and there was a look of surprise in those eyes.

Good guy, these ten people actually killed almost one-tenth of the wild beasts. This number is a bit scary.

Wanxin, Xueyan, Xuemo, after smiling, they retreated from the square and stood beside Liu Canyan and waited.

Seeing such a harmonious scene, some of the younger generation who had participated in the knockout round seemed to understand something, and there was a thoughtful look in their eyes.

Maybe, I was wrong.

From the ten of them, many people of the older generation saw more than the younger generation.

Feng Hao, without a doubt, absolutely possesses the ability to obtain crystal nuclei, but if ten of them are the same as Leng Yusen or After Shadow, then, in their team, can seven of them still be able to obtain crystal nuclei? .

In the same way, if Leng Yusen and the others are also thinking about their own power, they definitely have more than just the current number of people who have entered the top 100.

Counting at this time,

On the scene, the Emperor's Mansion had the most people passing through, which made people stunned.

Just talking about Feng Hao's group, there are six people, and then add four people with crystal cores in the other three courtyards, that is eleven people, accounting for more than one-tenth of the number.

On the other hand, Jiuyou Mansion and Shura Mansion only had seven people each, and eight people passed through. Therefore, in this round, if we talk about it, the average strength of Human Emperor's Mansion has surpassed the other two mansions.

What is surprising is that there are quite a few people in Nandou Mansion, and eight people have obtained crystal cores.

You know, there were only 20 of them in total, and nearly half of them got crystal cores. This is enough to show that Nandoufu is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

And the rest is allocated to the younger generation from various forces.

Of course, this is not to say that their strength must surpass the students from other provinces, but, in that world, not all strength has the final say.

Not long after, the people inside came out one after another, and many of them were covered with blood. After going in and out like this, at least dozens of hundreds of people were missing.

"Next, enter the top 100 competition."

After glancing at the audience, the person in charge of the Asura Mansion took a step forward, the words resounded resoundingly in his mouth, and he directly announced the start of the top 100 contest without sloppy words.


Following the sound of humming, the maelstrom in the sky immediately split into ten arenas formed by condensed fluorescent light, hanging above the square.

"Ten arenas, if you defend one arena, you can enter the top ten finals."

As soon as he finished speaking, many people in the square couldn't bear it anymore and jumped up one by one. In just a few breaths, the ten arenas were occupied, and the people inside were fighting in full swing.

They knew very well that this arena didn't belong to them. At this moment, they just wanted to show off.

But at this time, no matter whether it was Feng Hao and the others, Leng Yusen, or After Shadow, none of them moved at all. They stood in place and watched the battle in the ten arenas with cold eyes.

People who can reach this stage, no matter what means they use to obtain qualifications, generally speaking, their strength is extraordinary. Therefore, the fight between the two sides can be regarded as wonderful, and the crowd in the distance can't stop exclaiming , remembered their names.

Standing on this arena, one can become famous all over the world.

This is what they are after.

"Wow, wait, my old dragon will go first."

Watching others fight, Long Yueguan felt itchy all over his body and couldn't bear it at all. After one person was defeated, he quickly jumped into the ring.

"Haha, give me a punch from Grandpa Long."

He was covered in black light, like a vajra, mighty and mighty, like a ferocious wild beast, raised his casserole-sized fist, and smashed it towards his opponent, opening and closing, A pair of fists, like divine weapons, smashed into the sky and shattered the space. His opponent was even more busy dealing with it, retreating again and again, his face livid.

Facing such a lunatic like a beast, if he doesn't have absolute strength to suppress him, he will suffer a lot.

"This guy has gone crazy again."

Next, Xie Yandong shook his head, not optimistic about this guy.

Although, in the training these days, Long Yueguan has been greatly improved, but if he offends some people, he will definitely lose.

"Hehe, let him go."

Feng Hao glanced at Xiao Qingmeng who was playing with Liu Canyan and giggling harmoniously, the corner of his mouth curled into a shallow arc, sweeping the audience, he probably had a bottom line in his heart.

In the current Longyue Pass, with its superior physique, even Xie Yandong with a Vulcan physique can still compete. Here, there are not many people who can beat him.

But at this time, the opponent with extraordinary strength in front of him had almost no room for a backhand under the offensive of his heavy punches. He retreated all the way, and finally hit the barrier of the ring. After hitting the barrier with a mouthful of blood, the whole person passed out, and the resisting arm almost exploded, dripping with blood.

"Haha,... who else dares to fight me."

After defeating one person, Long Yueguan was even more confident. He shouted loudly and recklessly provoked all the strong players in the audience. Xie Yandong and others shook their heads, knowing that this guy would suffer a loss today.

"I'll meet you."

With a cold shout, a figure jumped up and entered the ring.

It turned out to be that skinny man from Jiuyou Mansion,

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