Martial Inverse

Chapter 1370: Enemy?

Chapter 1370 Old Enemy.

Before the newly promoted Grand Competition, who would have expected that the Human Emperor's Mansion, which was originally in a trough, would have such an astonishing performance.

The body of the eight orifices, the body of the nine heavens and the mysterious spirit, the body of the sky thunder, the body of the god of fire, and the soil of Genshan Mountain in Qingming.

Everything made people exclaim and deeply moved, especially after someone guessed that Yan Qing might be Tianlei Body, she was free.

Just kidding, the Tianlei body is the body of the strongest among the twelve gods. Even if it is a person like Nandou Tianshen, if he meets him, he will stay away. Anyone else, who dares to provoke him.

Moreover, there are even more rumors that this day the thunder body has reached the extreme level, and it can destroy everything...

The few people who were defeated by Yan Qing just now have already explained everything.

However, how could the Jiuyou Mansion and Shura Mansion allow the Imperial Mansion to monopolize the five rings.

Then, Leng Yusen and afterimage made a move to challenge Xie Yandong and Ge Hong. There was almost no suspense. Qingming Genshan soil defense was broken, and Ge Hong was defeated and retired from the ring.

But Xie Yandong was fighting bitterly with Leng Yusen.

In fact, he knew very well that he could never be the opponent of the Supreme Pluto at this time, but he was trying his best to force Leng Yusen to use more cards.

"Damn guy."

Leng Yusen naturally understood his intentions, his teeth itched with hatred in his heart, and he was full of anger.

This guy ruined his good deeds again and again. That time, in that ancient tomb, he even took advantage of the time when he was trapped by the formation to steal the Lingzhu, and finally chased and killed him thousands of miles angrily, and even broke into the tomb. Entering the Tianwu Continent...

"It seems that you really want to know my cards."

Looking at Xie Yandong who was in the middle of the magma, Leng Yusen's eyes became cold and silent, as if it was a prison on both sides, imprisoning people's hearts and making people lose their minds.


Xie Yandong remained silent, but grinned, but he became very cautious, chanting an ancient incantation, and the magma around him boiled and rolled endlessly, like a huge fire demon roaring in the sky, The heat wave was roiling, and the space was burned like plastic. The dark openings were very frightening. When people saw it, they had the urge to flee far away.


Always an ant. "

Leng Yusen's cold eyes did not move at all, and he spit out the cold words without the slightest emotion. In an instant, his eyes turned into a strange blue color, which is breathtaking and can freeze people's souls .

Moreover, around him, there is also a layer of eerie dark blue energy ups and downs, which directly freezes the space around him, like Ruruo ice crystals, shining brightly, and there is actually the same existence as Ruruo.

Moreover, he stretched out one hand, facing Xie Yandong, and spit out a cold mantra, ancient, dull, like a burning sound, "Pluto Heavenly Prison."

"Chi Chi,..."

A huge aura spread out and rolled towards Xie Yandong. Along the way, although the space didn't shatter, it was all frozen strangely, like a mirror, showing a faint blue color. From a distance, It is really like a hell, the huge fire demon is directly suppressed, as long as this strange mirror surface spreads, everything will be frozen, and the terrifying magma will also condense into ice in an instant. Shuang Mantian, the fire demon who was originally active and capable of burning the sky and the earth, lost his agility, and was trapped in the hell, waiting to die.

"The sky and the earth are silent, but my divine fire is not extinguished."

Seeing this, Xie Yandong's complexion changed dramatically, without hesitation, he just sat down cross-legged, chanting a mantra in his mouth, and the sound was loud, a ray of flame ignited on his chest, bursting out with astonishing temperature, covering him within two meters around him. Shrouded, the space burns out large holes like the ones that appear when plastic burns, and at the same time, it also prevents the hell like a mirror from approaching, presenting a stalemate.

"The Vulcan body is really extraordinary."

In the distance, in the arena, Feng Hao couldn't help secretly praising Xie Yandong's performance. At the same time, he also had a little idea of ​​the power of this Leng Yusen. After the cold energy spread out, within his body, the virtual The martial vortex is surging, like the undulations of the vast sea, and the stormy waves, it seems that it wants to fight with it.

"What's going on, why is there such a change."

Feng Hao was puzzled, he couldn't figure out Xu Wu's agitation at all, he didn't understand why he would appear in such a strange state as soon as he sensed the existence of this energy.

At Zhantian ancient tomb, when Leng Yusen used the Pluto's divine power, the Xuwu vortex was agitated. At that time, he did not control Xuwu, which almost caused him to be injured on the spot.

And it was the same at this time, the restless Xuwu whirlpool told Feng Hao that there seemed to be a natural hostility towards the master of this kind of energy.

This confuses Feng Hao.

The God of Void and the Nine Nether Hades are the three major divine masters of the human race, and they worked together to create a world for the human race. Why are there hostility between the two?

He shook his head, didn't think too much about it, secretly suppressed the agitation of the Xuwu vortex, and set his eyes on Xie Yandong's arena, with some dignified meaning.

At this time, even if Xie Yandong tried his best to resist with the true meaning of fire, the hell-like mirror space was still slowly approaching him. It may be extinguished at any time, and the color on it has also dimmed a lot, not as bright as before.

After a while, the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, and the cracked spaces burned by the astonishing temperature closed as before, and the cold air spread, slowly approaching, trying to extinguish the last fire.

Xie Yandong was still entrenched there, his eyes were closed, his face was a little pale, and he was still reciting ancient mantras in his mouth. He was like a mortal struggling in the darkness and cold, all his energy and energy were protecting him, and the flames were constantly burning in front of him. off.

"Oh, I still have to lose."

Feng Hao sighed softly, although he was still holding on, it was only a matter of time.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, this hell-like space approached in front of Xie Yandong, but within a few centimeters, it almost invaded his surface and froze him.

"Are you going to lose?"

As if he had already sensed it, Xie Yandong revealed a bitter smile, opened his eyes, and saw the flame flickering on his chest, which was about to go out in the next second...

Suddenly, the light in his eyes trembled, and in those eyes, there was only this small flame, and he remained motionless, as if he had forgotten where he was.

Under this kind of oppression, he seemed to have entered a strange situation, and slowly, a scorching temperature spread from his body.

[Fifth update,]

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